Powershell number format - powershell

I am creating a script converting a csv file in an another format.
To do so, i need my numbers to have a fixed format to respect column size : 00000000000000000,00 (20 characters, 2 digits after comma)
I have tried to format the number with -f and the method $value.toString("#################.##") without success
Here is an example Input :
Any hints are welcome :)
Thank you !

Use 0 instead of # in the format string:
PS> $value = 128586256.9; $value.ToString('00000000000000000000.00')
Alternatively, you could construct the format string as an expression:
$value.ToString('0' * 20 + '.00')
The resulting string reflects the current culture with respect to the decimal mark; e.g., with fr-FR (French) in effect, , rather than . would be used; you can pass a specific [cultureinfo] object as the second argument to control what culture is used for formatting; see the docs.
As in your question, I'm assuming that $value already contains a number, which implies that you've already converted the CSV column values - which are invariably strings - to numbers.
To convert a string culture-sensitively to a number, use [double]::Parse('1,2'), for instance (this method too has an overload that allows specifying what culture to use).
Caveat: By contrast, a PowerShell cast (e.g. [double] '1.2') is by design always culture-invariant and only recognizes . as the decimal mark, irrespective of the culture currently in effect.
zerocukor287 has provided the crucial pointer:
To unconditionally represent a digit in a formatted string and default to 0 in the absence of an available digit, use 0, the zero placeholder in a .NET custom numeric format string
By contrast, #, the digit placeholder, represents only digits actually present in the input number.
To illustrate the difference:
PS> (9.1).ToString('.##')
9.1 # only 1 decimal place available, nothing is output for the missing 2nd
PS> (9.1).ToString('.00')
9.10 # only 1 decimal place available, 0 is output for the missing 2nd

Since your input uses commas as decimal point, you can split on the comma and format the whole number and the decimal part separately.
Something like this:
$csv = #'
'# | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ';'
foreach ($item in $csv) {
$num,$dec = $item.Price -split ','
$item.Price = '{0:D20},{1:D2}' -f [int64]$num, [int]$dec
# show on screen
# output to (new) csv file
$csv | Export-Csv -Path 'D:\Test\formatted.csv' -Delimiter ';'
Output in screen:
Item Price
---- -----
Item1 00000000000004000000,00
Item2 00000000000000045817,43
Item3 00000000000000400000,00
Item4 00000000000000570425,02
Item5 00000000000015864155,69
Item6 00000000000001068635,69
Item7 00000000000128586256,09
Item8 00000000000008901900,04
Item9 00000000000000029393,88
Item10 00000000000126858346,88
Item11 00000000000001190011,46
Item12 00000000000002358411,95
Item13 00000000000000139594,82
Item14 00000000000000013929,74
Item15 00000000000000011516,85
Item16 00000000000000055742,78
Item17 00000000000000096722,57
Item18 00000000000000021408,86
Item19 00000000000000000717,01
Item20 00000000000000054930,49
Item21 00000000000000000391,13
Item22 00000000000000002118,64

I do things like this all the time, usually for generating computernames. That custom numeric format string reference will come in handy. If you want a literal period, you have to backslash it.
1..5 | % tostring 00000000000000000000.00
Adding commas to long numbers:
psdrive c | % free | % tostring '0,0' # or '#,#'
"Per mille" character ‰ :
.00354 | % tostring '#0.##‰'


Trying to convert the number numeric value in this string to a percent. Is there any easy way to do this in powershell?

Trying to convert the number numeric value in this string to a percent. Is there any easy way to do this in powershell?
"Percentage of records ","0.02"
So, the output would look like :
Percentage of records , 2%
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can provide.
Yes, you can convert the string to a float data type (single, double, decimal), and then convert it back using a format string, like so:
"Percentage of records ", ([double]'0.02').ToString('P0')
And if you want it to output in a single line, you could use:
"Percentage of records: $(([double]'0.02').ToString('P0'))"
Convert your string to a float datatype: [double]'0.02'
Convert that float back into a string: .ToString()
But we want to format it as a percentage, so we supply P0 as a parameter.
i. P - means to format the value as a percentage, this performs the N * 100 operation for you and then adds on the percent sign
ii. 0 - controls the number of decimal places to show. In your case, you want to show zero decimal places.
Note: The percentage format string will round your value to the nearest decimal that you specify.
# returns 2%
# returns 3%
As #mklement0 pointed out in the comments. I hadn't considered that your sample may be a single string, like:
'"Percentage of records ","0.02"'
I assumed it was two strings, which you separated with a comma.
In the event it is a single string, then you need to extract the number to use it. Once you have isolated the number, then you can use my advice above:
$yourString = '"Percentage of records ","0.02"'
# probably the more "proper" way
$pctValue = ($yourString -split ',' -replace '"')[1]
# or
# a hacky way I just thought of that happens to work in this scenario
$pctValue = (iex $yourString)[1]
Explanation of first example:
-split ',' - Take the string, and break it out into multiple strings, separating them by comma
-replace '"','' - Replace all instances of " with blank. The second parameter is optional since you are removing. Could be written as -replace '"'
(...)[1] - This is saying to take the SECOND string that it returned (starts at zero). In this case it would be your 0.02 value.
Explanation of second example (this is a bit of a hack, but thought it would be fun to include anyway):
iex - alias for Invoke-Expression - it's telling powershell to run whatever is inside of the string verbatim. So it's the equivalent of typing "Percentage of records ","0.02" into powershell and hitting enter. Which in PowerShell terms, that is the equivalent of passing it a list of strings.
Use -f (format operator) in powerhsell for build your string :
"Percentage of records, {0:0%} " -f 0.02
or in percentage :
"Percentage of records, {0:P0} " -f 0.02

Pad IP addresses with leading 0's - powershell

I'm looking to pad IP addresses with 0's
example -> ->
Tried this:
[string]$paddedIP = $IPvariable
[string]$paddedIP.PadLeft(3, '0')
Also tried split as well, but I'm new to powershell...
You can use a combination of .Split() and -join.
(''.Split('.') |
ForEach-Object {$_.PadLeft(3,'0')}) -join '.'
With this approach, you are working with strings the entire time. Split('.') creates an array element at every . character. .PadLeft(3,'0') ensures 3 characters with leading zeroes if necessary. -join '.' combines the array into a single string with each element separated by a ..
You can take a similar approach with the format operator -f.
"{0:d3}.{1:d3}.{2:d3}.{3:d3}" -f (''.Split('.') |
Foreach-Object { [int]$_ } )
The :dN format string enables N (number of digits) padding with leading zeroes.
This approach creates a string array like in the first solution. Then each element is pipelined and converted to an [int]. Lastly, the formatting is applied to each element.
To complement AdminOfThings' helpful answer with a more concise alternative using the -replace operator with a script block ({ ... }), which requires PowerShell Core (v6.1+):
PSCore> '' -replace '\d+', { '{0:D3}' -f [int] $_.Value }
The script block is called for every match of regex \d+ (one or more digits), and $_ inside the script block refers to a System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match instance that represents the match at hand; its .Value property contains the matched text (string).

Extracting substring from a string

Struggling to extract value within square brackets from below strings using PowerShell
in relation to any Facility C Loan [?10%?] per cent. per annum;
"Facility A Commitments" means the aggregate of the Facility A Commitments, being [????????10 million?????] at the date of this Agreement.
Output required:
10 million
With a single, multiline string in memory (PSv4+):
$str = #'
in relation to any Facility C Loan [?10%?] per cent. per annum;
"Facility A Commitments" means the aggregate of the Facility A Commitments, being [????????10 million?????] at the date of this Agreement.
[regex]::matches($str,'\[\?+([^?]+)\?+\]').ForEach({ $_.Groups[1].Value })
Using the pipeline with Get-Content and Select-String for line-by-line processing (PSv3+):
$lines = #'
in relation to any Facility C Loan [?10%?] per cent. per annum;
"Facility A Commitments" means the aggregate of the Facility A Commitments, being [????????10 million?????] at the date of this Agreement.
'# -split '\r?\n'
# Substitute your `Get-Content someFile.txt` call for $lines
$lines |
Select-String '\[\?+([^?]+)\?+\]' |
ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
Explanation of regex \[\?+([^?]+)\?+\]:
\[ matches a literal [
\?+ matches one or more (+) literal ?
([^?]+) is a capture group ((...)) that matches one or more (+) characters from the set of characters ([...]) that are not (^) part of the set, i.e., any character that is not the ? character - this is the value of interest to extract.
\?+ matches one or more literal ?
\] matches a literal ]
[regex]::Matches() and the .Matches property on the objects that Select-String emits is a collection of [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match] objects, whose .Groups property contains both the full match (index 0) and what each capture group captured (1 containing the 1st capture group's value, ...).
This is your regex for both cases:
You can play with it at https://regex101.com
But this does not support non-fixed width look behinds (the first plus). It should work in .NET/PowerShell though.
This will be good for you:
For the first one run:
$message -match '\[\?(\d*%)\?\]'
echo $Matches[1]
For the second one:
\[\?*(\d* million)\?*\]
echo $Matches[1]
In each iteration you can simple as if $message -match '...' returns $True, than check the values inside $Matches variable (this is a system variable to hold the result of the regex.

PowerShell filter specific form from string

I have a long string which contains letters, numbers, and other symbols.
I need to filter everything that matches the form number.number.number. For example 1.0.90 should pass the filter (it's a version number).
Afterwards, I need to convert the number after the last period (in the above example - 90) to a number which I can manipulate.
I didn't find any good explanation out there.
Use a regular expression to match the version number and capture the revision number for extraction (via the automatic variable $matches):
... | Where-Object {
$_ -match '\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)'
} | ForEach-Object {
$revision = [int]$matches[1]

Powershell - remove currency formatting from a number

can you please tell me how to remove currency formatting from a variable (which is probably treated as a string).
How do I strip out currency formatting from a variable and convert it to a true number?
Thank you.
PS C:\Users\abc> $a=($464.00)
PS C:\Users\abc> "{0:N2}" -f $a
<- returns blank
PS C:\Users\abc> $a=-464
PS C:\Users\abc> "{0:C2}" -f $a
($464.00) <- this works
PowerShell, the programming language, does not "know" what money or currency is - everything PowerShell sees is a variable name ($464) and a property reference (.00) that doesn't exist, so $a ends up with no value.
If you have a string in the form: $00.00, what you can do programmatically is:
# Here is my currency amount
$mySalary = '$500.45'
# Remove anything that's not either a dot (`.`), a digit, or parentheses:
$mySalary = $mySalary -replace '[^\d\.\(\)]'
# Check if input string has parentheses around it
if($mySalary -match '^\(.*\)$')
# remove the parentheses and add a `-` instead
$mySalary = '-' + $mySalary.Trim('()')
So far so good, now we have the string 500.45 (or -500.45 if input was ($500.45)).
Now, there's a couple of things you can do to convert a string to a numerical type.
You could explicitly convert it to a [double] with the Parse() method:
$mySalaryNumber = [double]::Parse($mySalary)
Or you could rely on PowerShell performing an implicit conversion to an appropriate numerical type with a unary +:
$mySalaryNumber = +$mySalary