Pad IP addresses with leading 0's - powershell - powershell

I'm looking to pad IP addresses with 0's
example -> ->
Tried this:
[string]$paddedIP = $IPvariable
[string]$paddedIP.PadLeft(3, '0')
Also tried split as well, but I'm new to powershell...

You can use a combination of .Split() and -join.
(''.Split('.') |
ForEach-Object {$_.PadLeft(3,'0')}) -join '.'
With this approach, you are working with strings the entire time. Split('.') creates an array element at every . character. .PadLeft(3,'0') ensures 3 characters with leading zeroes if necessary. -join '.' combines the array into a single string with each element separated by a ..
You can take a similar approach with the format operator -f.
"{0:d3}.{1:d3}.{2:d3}.{3:d3}" -f (''.Split('.') |
Foreach-Object { [int]$_ } )
The :dN format string enables N (number of digits) padding with leading zeroes.
This approach creates a string array like in the first solution. Then each element is pipelined and converted to an [int]. Lastly, the formatting is applied to each element.

To complement AdminOfThings' helpful answer with a more concise alternative using the -replace operator with a script block ({ ... }), which requires PowerShell Core (v6.1+):
PSCore> '' -replace '\d+', { '{0:D3}' -f [int] $_.Value }
The script block is called for every match of regex \d+ (one or more digits), and $_ inside the script block refers to a System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match instance that represents the match at hand; its .Value property contains the matched text (string).


Powershell - Need to recognize if there is more than one result (regex)

I am using this to find if file name contains exactly 7 digits
if ($file.Name -match '\D(\d{7})(?:\D|$)') {
$result = $matches[1]
The problem is when there is a file name that contains 2 groups of 7 digits
for an example:
patch-8.6.22 (1329214-1396826-Increase
In this case the result will be the first one (1329214).
For most cases there is only one number so the regex is working but I must to recognize if there is more than 1 group and integrated into the if ()
The -match operator only ever looks for one match.
To get multiple ones, you must currently use the underlying .NET APIs directly, specifically [regex]::Matches():
Note: There's a green-lighted proposal to implement a -matchall operator, but as of PowerShell 7.3.0 it hasn't been implemented yet - see GitHub issue #7867.
# Sample input.
$file = [pscustomobject] #{ Name = 'patch-8.6.22 (1329214-1396826-Increase' }
# Note:
# * If *nothing* matches, $result will contain $null
# * If *one* substring matches, return will be a single string.
# * If *two or more* substrings match, return will be an *array* of strings.
$result = ([regex]::Matches($file.Name, '(?<=\D)\d{7}(?=\D|$)')).Value
.Value uses member-access enumeration to extract matching substrings, if any, from the elements of the collection returned by [regex]::Matches().
I've tweaked the regex to use lookaround assertions ((?<=/...) and (?=...)) so that only the substrings of interest are captured.
See this page for an explanation of the regex and the ability to experiment with it.

Returning the whole string when no match in a Powershell Substring(0, IndexOf)

I have some Powershell that works with mail from Outlook folders. There is a footer on most emails starting with text "------". I want to dump all text after this string.
I have added an expression to Select-Object as follows:
$cleanser = {($_.Body).Substring(0, ($_.Body).IndexOf("------"))}
$someObj | Select-Object -Property #{ Name = 'Body'; Expression = $cleanser}
This works when the IndexOf() returns a match... but when there is no match my Select-Object outputs null.
How can I update my expression to return the original string when IndexOf returns null?
PetSerAl, as countless times before, has provided the crucial pointer in a comment on the question:
Use PowerShell's -replace operator, which implements regex-based string replacement that returns the input string as-is if the regex doesn't match:
# The script block to use in a calculated property with Select-Object later.
$cleanser = { $_.Body -replace '(?s)------.*' }
If you want to ensure that ------ only matches at the start of a line, use (?sm)^------.*; if you also want to remove the preceding newline, use (?s)\r?\n------.*
(?s) is an inline regex option that makes . match newlines too, so that .* effectively matches all remaining text, across lines.
By not specifying a replacement operand, '' (the empty string) is implied, which effectively removes the matching part from the input string (technically, a copy of the original string with the matching part removed is returned).
If regex '(?s)------.*' does not match, $_.Body is returned as-is (technically, it is the input string itself that is returned, not a copy).
The net effect is that anything starting with ------ is removed, if present.
I agree with #mklement0 and #PetSerAl Regular Expressions give the best answer. Yay! Regular Expressions to the rescue!
Fixing my original post.
Going with #Adam's ideas of using a script block in the expression, you simply need to add more logic to the script block to check the index first before using it:
$cleanser = {
$index = ($_.Body).IndexOf("------");
if($index -eq -1){
$index = $_.Body.Length
($_.Body).Substring(0, $index)
$someObj | Select-Object -Property #{ Name = 'Body'; Expression = $cleanser}

Extracting substring from a string

Struggling to extract value within square brackets from below strings using PowerShell
in relation to any Facility C Loan [?10%?] per cent. per annum;
"Facility A Commitments" means the aggregate of the Facility A Commitments, being [????????10 million?????] at the date of this Agreement.
Output required:
10 million
With a single, multiline string in memory (PSv4+):
$str = #'
in relation to any Facility C Loan [?10%?] per cent. per annum;
"Facility A Commitments" means the aggregate of the Facility A Commitments, being [????????10 million?????] at the date of this Agreement.
[regex]::matches($str,'\[\?+([^?]+)\?+\]').ForEach({ $_.Groups[1].Value })
Using the pipeline with Get-Content and Select-String for line-by-line processing (PSv3+):
$lines = #'
in relation to any Facility C Loan [?10%?] per cent. per annum;
"Facility A Commitments" means the aggregate of the Facility A Commitments, being [????????10 million?????] at the date of this Agreement.
'# -split '\r?\n'
# Substitute your `Get-Content someFile.txt` call for $lines
$lines |
Select-String '\[\?+([^?]+)\?+\]' |
ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
Explanation of regex \[\?+([^?]+)\?+\]:
\[ matches a literal [
\?+ matches one or more (+) literal ?
([^?]+) is a capture group ((...)) that matches one or more (+) characters from the set of characters ([...]) that are not (^) part of the set, i.e., any character that is not the ? character - this is the value of interest to extract.
\?+ matches one or more literal ?
\] matches a literal ]
[regex]::Matches() and the .Matches property on the objects that Select-String emits is a collection of [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match] objects, whose .Groups property contains both the full match (index 0) and what each capture group captured (1 containing the 1st capture group's value, ...).
This is your regex for both cases:
You can play with it at
But this does not support non-fixed width look behinds (the first plus). It should work in .NET/PowerShell though.
This will be good for you:
For the first one run:
$message -match '\[\?(\d*%)\?\]'
echo $Matches[1]
For the second one:
\[\?*(\d* million)\?*\]
echo $Matches[1]
In each iteration you can simple as if $message -match '...' returns $True, than check the values inside $Matches variable (this is a system variable to hold the result of the regex.

How to add multiple values to case sensitive powershell hashtable?

I need a (key,value) hashtable of alphabet to convert letters and numbers to codes in PowerShell, i did it like this:
$symbols = #{"A"="0x41"; "B"="0x42"; "C"="0x43"; "D"="0x44"; "E"="0x45"; "F"="0x46"; "G"="0x47"; "H"="0x48"; "I"="0x49"; ....}
But then i noticed that hashtables are case insensitive by default, and i need case sensitivity. I found that i can create case sensitive hashtable with:
$symbols = New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable
and then add values:
But that will take 52 lines of code, is there any way to add multiple values to CASE SENSITIVE hashtable in one line?
Because if i try to combine two hashtables or add values in one line, it becomes case INsensitive and throws error about duplicate values.
I think this potentially does what you're after:
$symbols = New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable
((65..90) + (97..122)) | ForEach-Object {
$symbols.Add([char]$_,"$(if ($_ -lt 97) {'shift+'})0x{0:x}" -f $( if ($_ -lt 97) { $_ } Else { $_ -32 }))
$symbols.GetEnumerator() | sort name
This assumes that you're converting the character to hex code.
((65..90) + (97..122)) creates an array of two ranges of numbers, which are the decimal codes for A..Z and a..z.
Converts the decimal code to it's corresponding character letter with [Char]
If the code is less than 97 add the text Shift+ to the start of the value.
Uses "0x{0:x}" -f <number> to convert the number to its hex equivalent, changing the range back to the lower case range for the uppercase characters by subtracting 32.

String.Trim() not removing characters in a string

I need to create a String from double the use String.Trim() to remove the full stop, but it doesn't remove it. I think there is also a way to do this numerically but I'd like to do it with the string. Is there a reason it won't remove it? The output from the code is 5.5
$MyDouble = 5.5
[String]$MyDouble2 = $MyDouble
String.Trim() only trims from the beginning and end of strings, so it has no effect in your command, because the . only occurs inside your input string.
If you truly want to remove just the . and keep the post-decimal-point digits, use the -replace operator:
$MyDouble2 -replace '\.' # -> '55'
* -replace takes a regex (regular expression) as the search operand, hence the need to escape regex metacharacter . as \.
* The above is short for $MyDouble2 -replace '\.', ''. Since the replacement string is the empty string in this case, it can be omitted.
If you only want to extract the integer portion, use either 4c74356b41's .Split()-based answer, or adapt the regex passed to -replace to match everything from the . through the end of the string.
$MyDouble2 -replace '\..*' # -> '5'
#Matt mentions the following alternatives:
For removing the . only: Using String.Replace() to perform literal substring replacement (note how . therefore does not need \-escaping, as it did with -replace, and that specifying the replacement string is mandatory):
$MyDouble2.Replace('.', '') # -> '55'
For removing the fractional part of the number (extracting the integer part only), using a numerical operation directly on $MyDouble (as opposed to via the string representation stored in $MyDouble2), via Math.Floor():
[math]::Floor($MyDouble) # -> 5 (still a [double])
Looking at some documentation for .Trim([char[]]) you will see that
Removes all leading and trailing occurrences of a set of characters specified in an array from the current String object.
That does not cover the middle of strings, so using the .Replace() method would accomplish that.
I think there is also a way to do this numerically but I'd like to do it with the string.
Just wanted to mention that converting numbers to strings to then drop decimals via string manipulation is a poor approach. Assuming your example is what you are actually trying to do, I suggest using a static method from the [math] class instead.
$MyDouble = 5.5
$MyDouble = 5.5
[String]$MyDouble2 = $MyDouble
$MyDouble2.Replace(".", "")
Well, why would it trim not the last (or first) character? It wouldn't, what you need (probably) is:
$MyDouble = 5.5
[String]$MyDouble2 = $MyDouble
$MyDouble = 5.5
[String]$MyDouble2 = $MyDouble
$res=$MyDouble2 -split "\."
$res[0..($res.Count-1)] -join ""