Why is the Azure DevOps Build Pipeline fails to download the source code with an error? - azure-devops

I am using Azure DevOps Server 2020 and the TFVC repo.
I have a build pipeline and it is currently failing at the Get Sources task while downloading the code. It download half and fails with the error "_Proc should be null. (Parameter '_proc)" (screenshot below for reference)
Can anyone help me on how to resolve this issue?


How to upload an artifact to an Azure DevOps build using the API

Can anyone shed some light on how to use the ADO API to upload an artifact to a build. I can't find an example that shows how to do this.
I know there is the vso task: ##vso[artifact.upload]local file path
But, I need to do this from another script and the vso task isn't available.

nuget pack task in Azure Dev ops pipeline gives error

Hi i'm a newbie to azure devops CID and pipelining.
the azure devops is on premise, my pipeline looks as below however it fails at nuget pack command (2nd from bottom)
the error i get is ##[error]The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(Error NU5012: Unable to find 'C:\AzureDevOpsAgents\Agent#1_work\4\s\Code\MyCompany.Core\bin\release\net472\MyCompany.Core.dll'. Make sure the project has been built.
I went into the azure agents directory and the dll is located C:\AzureDevOpsAgents\Agent#1_work\4\s\Code\MyCompany.Core\bin\x64\Release\net472\MyCompany.Core.dll
the difference being the x64, so how i can i get nuget pack to take into consideration the architecture as part of the pack path
ok i as usual every time i post a question on here, despite struggling for hours i manage to solve it.
I've added $(BuildPlatform)\ in front of the default $(BuildConfiguration) for the configuration to package and i can see a package in the location

How to upload multiple summaries to a release stage in Azure DevOps Server 2020?

I am used to run the uploadsummary logging command to add custom information to my builds.
However, I noticed that whereas it is OK to upload multiple summaries for a build (they will be displayed one after another), only the first one sticks to a release stage.
##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.uploadsummary]D:\_wf\06\233\s\Summary1.md
##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.uploadsummary]D:\_wf\06\233\s\Summary2.md
2021-09-13T16:30:14.4533447Z ##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.uploadsummary]D:\_wf\02\r1\a\source\Summary1.md
2021-09-13T16:30:14.4536640Z ##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.uploadsummary]D:\_wf\02\r1\a\source\Summary2.md
Is there something I am doing wrong? Or is it a bug in Azure DevOps Server 2020?
How to upload multiple summaries to a release stage in Azure DevOps Server 2020?
I could reproduce this issue with Azure DevOps Server 2020 and Azure DevOps Services.
It seems that multiple summaries in one task of the release pipeline are not parsed into multiple summaries, but are overwritten. This may be an unexpected issue, but at least it needs to be confirmed with the product team.
To resolve this issue, you could try to use two task to upload the Summary1.md and Summary2.md.
I test it and it works fine on my side:

How to change the custom release name format in Azure DevOps?

I'm trying to change the release name format like V.1.0.0 in Azure DevOps release pipeline by following Version number counter for Azure DevOps documentation. But the version number counter task is giving the following error:
##[error]The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
Note: The same task I have used in Build pipeline there it is working as expected.
So, please suggest me how to solve this problem.

JFrog CLI is giving me a "Wrong number of arguments" error using the Artifactory Maven build step in Azure DevOps (VSTS)

I'm new to Azure DevOps (VSTS) and I'm attempting to set up a new Pipeline build using the Artifactory Maven build step. When running the build I get the following error:
2018-09-12T20:59:02.0861829Z ##[error]Error: Command failed: D:\a_jfrog\1.19.1\jfrog.exe rt mvn "install -f D:\a\1\s\pom.xml" D:\a\1\s\config --build-name="SomeProject-Maven-CI" --build-number="20180912.6"
2018-09-12T20:59:02.0988256Z [Error] Wrong number of arguments. You can read the documentation at https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/CLI/JFrog+CLI
I found this info on GitHub: https://github.com/jfrog/jfrog-cli-go/issues/165
Its a similar error but not quite the same. I'm not sure how to edit the command that Azure Pipeline is running or even if I can.
I figured out my issue. I had a space included in my build name and it apparently the JFrog Cli didn't like that. When I removed the space the error went away. Other errors came up but that's off-topic from this question.
Can you please report the errors your encountered in Artifactory VSTS extension's GitHub repository?
We'll really appreciate it.
Update: A pull request opened to target this issue. You can track it here.
Update 2: Fixed in latest release 1.4.0.