How to upload multiple summaries to a release stage in Azure DevOps Server 2020? - azure-devops

I am used to run the uploadsummary logging command to add custom information to my builds.
However, I noticed that whereas it is OK to upload multiple summaries for a build (they will be displayed one after another), only the first one sticks to a release stage.
##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.uploadsummary]D:\_wf\06\233\s\
##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.uploadsummary]D:\_wf\06\233\s\
2021-09-13T16:30:14.4533447Z ##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.uploadsummary]D:\_wf\02\r1\a\source\
2021-09-13T16:30:14.4536640Z ##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.uploadsummary]D:\_wf\02\r1\a\source\
Is there something I am doing wrong? Or is it a bug in Azure DevOps Server 2020?

How to upload multiple summaries to a release stage in Azure DevOps Server 2020?
I could reproduce this issue with Azure DevOps Server 2020 and Azure DevOps Services.
It seems that multiple summaries in one task of the release pipeline are not parsed into multiple summaries, but are overwritten. This may be an unexpected issue, but at least it needs to be confirmed with the product team.
To resolve this issue, you could try to use two task to upload the and
I test it and it works fine on my side:


Azure DevOps build pipelines fail when another build is already running

When using Azure DevOps I notice that occasionally my pull request builds will fail. After some tracking down I noticed that this is only happening when another build is already running.
It seems that the reason is that the files in the output for the build (exe, dll, note_modules, etc.) will be locked so when another build is started the new build will fail until the currently running one is finished, then I will have to manually re-queue the build again.
I am not very familiar with Azure DevOps pipelines since we recently migrated to this platform and also not sure of the best way to fix this issue. The sln's being built include .NET Framework, .NET Core, TypeScript, and Node.js if that helps at all.
I would love to post the logs and current configuration, but due to company policy I'm not allowed to... :(
Azure DevOps build pipelines fail when another build is already running
You could try to use/add a Capability, like Agent.Name to that two specific build agents then in the build definition you put that capability as a Demands.
As stated here:
How to send TFS build to a specific agent or server
The Capabilities of the agent:
Project Settings->Agent pools->Your agent pool-> Agents->Agent->Capabilities
The Demands of the build pipeline:
Options-> Demands:
In this case, when a pipeline is running in this particular agent, another new build will be in pending state until the current build is completed.

Azure DevOps 2020 - how do I select which artifacts to download for a release pipline (18.170.30525.1 (Azure DevOps Server 2020))

I have a build pipeline with 2 publish artifacts.
In my release pipeline i want to download just the first artifact.
I know that it should be possible as I have read here
In Azure Pipelines, you can, however, select which artifacts you want to download to the agent for a specific job and stage of the deployment. Typically, you will do this to improve the efficiency of the deployment pipeline when the tasks in that job do not require all or any of the artifacts, or if you implement custom code in a task to download the artifacts you require.
but I cant find it...
This is how the release job details look like:
as you can see the artifact selection is missing.
here is how I configured the artifact in the release pipe:
apparently there is an issue with on premiss none NTLM agents.
Partial artifacts feature isn't enabled by default in Azure DevOps Server 2019. We have an issue with "Download Build artifacts" not working with NTLM based proxy hence we couldn't roll out this feature to OnPremise customers.

AzureDevops build step passed even when Octopus build failed due to space issue on server

We are using AzureDevops integrated with Octopus Deploy. Currently, Create octopus release step in AzureDevops showed as passed even when it failed in Octopus due to space issue on server. Any idea how to force AzureDevops to show this as failed step as well.
I think the issue here is that Azure DevOps pushes the packages to Octopus, and you've created the release but not asked it to check in on the status of the deployment.
I have an Azure pipeline building, packaging and pushing to Octopus and it looks like the below:
Azure DevOps Pipeline
I have it create an Azure Release which deals with Creating the Release, Deploying to Dev, Test and lastly Production as below:
Azure DevOps Release Pipeline
I'd recommend in your Create Release and Deploy step to "Show Deployment Process" as this will pipe the logs from Octopus to Azure DevOps and mark the Azure DevOps job appropriately. Box below:
Azure DevOps Show Deployment Process button
Please let me know how you get on.

Azure Release Pipeline - Dedup size does not match the downloaded size. DedupId:

I am trying to run a release pipeline which contains different stages for different sections of the website. However one of the stages throws an error when downloading the artifact. The other stages work as expected.
##[error]One or more errors occurred. (Dedup size does not match the downloaded size.
I cannot find anything only that explains to me what Dedup is with regards to Azure Pipelines
This issue seems relevant with the recently event on Azure Devops. In addition, this issue is more for agent.
If this issue occurred on what you are using is Hosted agent, just change to using your private agent to finish the release pipeline. Besides, if you are using private agent, please ensure the version of agent you are using is the latest one: 2.155.1.

Azure devops pipeline get work items between builds

I'm looking for a pre-made option to take 2 builds, and compare the work items or PRs completed between them. i know there are REST API options in order to find out this information ( ) , but i would rather not build my own app for this if one already exists. Is there something built into azure devops that shows this information, preferably in an exportable format? Is there possibly an existing devops extension in the store? Any searching i do just brings up the REST API call and nothing else unfortunately.
They seem to have changed it in Azure DevOps. We are using Azure DevOps Server (on-prem). In it, the old TFS-like work items comparison between the builds is possible when you actually deploy (execute a release) in a stage:
(in the screenshot below the right popup pane is showing the work item "diff" between the build currently deployed in TEST and the one which is about to be deployed now)
If you are open to it being generated at build time, you could look at using the Generate Release Notes Build Task from the marketplace.