Is it possible to draw min / max lines on Chart JS - charts

I would like to draw vertical lines with Chart.js like those on the linked image : "Less Satisfied" and "Most Satisfied". Is it possible, and if it is how should I proceed ?
Chart example with lines

It can be done with the annotations plugin, thanks to Jesper for the tip !


echarts: How to get outward facing labels with polar bar\scatter chart

I want to have a circular chart, either bar or scatter, similar to this one in the examples ..
but I want the labels (ie. the 10p, 11p, 12p) to be pointing outwards similar to how it is on this tree chart, also from the examples,
does anyone know how to do this? thanks v much in advance for any help.

Duration in Google charts vertical column labels

I read article:
Showing duration in Google charts vertical axis
AND it helped me A LOT!
It is possible to add to this example annotation of columns? Like in ?
Thank you for help!

Remove the extra horizontal line in Chart.js

I am using Chart.js, tried to remove the extra horizontal lines . But I am not able to remove the horizontal grid lines. Has anyone come across a situation like this? Help much appreciated.

turn off point values in radar chart

I'm using Chart-Js and am trying to create a radar chart. How do you remove the point values in the image below?
I'm needing to remove the numbers from the dots in the graph. I'm using the default implementation of ng2-charts which is an Angular plugin for Chart.js. I solved the problem by adding this: = 0;
This is probably not the best solution, but it got me past this hump.

How to add negative values to JavaFx Area Chart?

I'd like to draw a difference (area) chart, something like this:
How would d3.js difference chart example work with json data?
where my chart is centered around horizontal (y=0) axis.
JavaFx's Area chart seems to know how to fill only the area below the line!?
Example "Adding negative value" (Fig 33-7) seems to be what I'm looking for (March series) BUT it does not work/render as shown!
Instead of:
it renders: