How to add negative values to JavaFx Area Chart? - charts

I'd like to draw a difference (area) chart, something like this:
How would d3.js difference chart example work with json data?
where my chart is centered around horizontal (y=0) axis.
JavaFx's Area chart seems to know how to fill only the area below the line!?
Example "Adding negative value" (Fig 33-7) seems to be what I'm looking for (March series) BUT it does not work/render as shown!
Instead of:
it renders:


Echarts : Heatmap tiles cut on edges

Echarts version : 4.8
I'm using scatter and heatmap series on the same map.
The problem is that on the right border the heatmap are cut until the last point.
How can I display the full heatmap tiles ? what am I missing here ?
It is difficult to determine the problem from your picture, it would be easier with the configuration code, but I will try.
Try to add to the chart config the grid option. With grid you will can control padding of the visual chart part against outside space.
You need to change left, right, bottom and top options to move the edges.

pie chart but in another shape

I just wanna ask if it is possible to make a pie chart but in another shape.
An example would be say there were two candidates who ran for governor in a state. I would want to show the results in a chart. I want the shape of the chart to resemble the shape of the geographical location of the state.
I did some digging and this is the only one that showed up which may help me(but not really)
As your adobe thread implies there are (at least) three issues to consider:
1) you want to show the votes each candidate received as a portion of the area of the state. If your state is nearly square, you could overlay a grid and assign each candidate a number of grid cells according to the votes they received. If the grid cells are county or precinct outlines that works even better, but this isn't a pie chart because a pie chart uses a polar coordinate system.
2) if you really must have a pie chart which is polar, consider that the average viewer may not be able to visually integrate the areas to get meaningful results. Further you will have to integrate the area swept out by the sectors of the pie like a radar screen, and this contour integration is made more difficult by the fact that you must do it numerically. This means you must sample the boundary distance as a function of angular displacement from some center of gravity you have chosen, like the state capitol. But depending on the location of the state capitol, your visual could become even more distorted. Idaho comes to mind.
3) a good compromise might be just to overlay a pie chart on top of a silhouette or map outline of the state with appropriate drop shadows and emphasis to make the pie chart pop as well as the state outline. it would certainly be much quicker as well as much more readable.

jfreechart pie chart fixed pie radius

I have dynamic pie set and if there are a lot of series then pie get small.
How to set fixed pie chart radius.
A PiePlot grows to fill the space available, so you'll need to give it room to grow. Some possible approaches:
Override getPreferredSize() and use a suitable layout, as shown here among other suggestions.
Display the legend items in an adjacent component, as shown here, leaving the chart alone to fill it's container.
Reposition the legend within the chart, as shown here for the default RectangleEdge.BOTTOM.

Round y-axis values: Dojo Chart vs Chart.js

I am using Dojo Charts to create some line graphs, and this is how the chart looks,
this id chartData: 0,0,0,0,65,223
And when I create the graph using Chart.js, this is how it is rendered
Ignore the x-axis and other things, If we look at the y-axis, the values are rounded in chart.js, looks much nicer when compared to dojo charts.
Is there an option to achieve the same in dojo charts?
Try adjusting majorTickStep, or optionally also set minorTickMarks to true and adjust minorTickStep as well.
See and "Axis Stepping" two sections later.

is it possible to create dojo chart without axis?

I'm using a dojo chart to display data in a bubble chart. However, I don't need the axis but if I remove the axis, it screws up the display of the data. I can fudge axis not being there by hiding labels and coloring the lines white but then there's still this large margin on the left and bottom of the chart. How do you make a dojo chart without the axis while still having the min/max set correctly?
chart1.addAxis("x",{ type : 'Invisible' /*, .... */ });
Matthew, if you are still looking to tweak the margins, the solution here:
dojox charting: remove the padding around the chart
worked for me.