Copy e paste multiple rectangular nodes with the right order - anylogic

In this example I select two rectangular nodes in order to copy and paste it.When i do it, the order of the nodes is not correct (see figure).How do i put them sequentially and automatically(node1,node2,node3,mode4)? thanks

If you want to have a sequential list of any object, you put them into a LinkedList.
In your case, have a LinkedList<Node> or use an AnyLogic "Collection" element, set it to LinkedList and the object type to Node.
Then, check how they work, it is standard Java stuff (independent of AnyLogic). QUite useful data type :)


Use of collections to describe pedestrians location at PedSource

Benjamin, thanks for your reply. I really appreciate your answer because you know how desperate one gets when one has no idea what to try.
I did it using the suggestion to select the nodes and right-click, create collection. I must be forgetting something because it didn't work for me.
Let's see if I'm understanding, in the Anylogic example, they use it to create pedestrians on the train platform, at the 32 doors.
I want to use that tool to avoid having to make a programming line for each room (cr) to evacuate pedestrians to a safe point.
I include the screenshot of the PedSource. I'm looking at what the light bulb has... so I should start with self or ped. But, the Anylogic model has no self and no ped. Any additional ideas?
New PedSource
I have been studying several of Anylogic's examples. In this case, the "Subway Platform".
Anylogic uses a collection of doors to simulate the train doors where pedestrians will appear, using target lines. In the PedSource, they describe it as Target Line: doors1.get(index)
I want to achieve the same thing using nodes. My collection is called cr_Ele and I have written in the Ped Source > Node: cr_Ele.get(index).
Running it gives me the following error, "index cannot be resolved to a variable". Does anyone have any idea what might be causing the error?
This is my first question on this platform, I hope I did it right!
great question, well done :)
The problem is that your collection is defined as a group of Object elements, see your "Element class" entry. Compare to what AnyLogic did: Their element class is set to "Other" specifying the actual type:
You can do the same thing. Easiest is to select several of your nodes, right-click, select "Create collection". This will give you this collection:
Alternatively, you can use code-complete and learn the object types from the API.
Now, you can access individual PolygonalNode elements from your collection using `myCollection.get(0)ยด (or any other index)

Apache Spark - Implementing a distributed QuadTree

I am really, really, new to Apache Spark.
I am working on implementing Approximate LOCI (or ALOCI), an anomaly detection algorithm, on a distributed way over Spark. This algorithm is based on storing points in a QuadTree that is used to find a point's number of neighbors.
I know exactly how QuadTrees work. In fact, I have implemented such a structure in Java recently. But I am completely lost as far as it concerns the way that such a structure can work in a distributed way over Spark.
Something similar to what I need can be found in Geospark.
GeoSpark uses in many cases a PointRDD class, that extends a SpatialRDD class which I can see that uses the QuadTree that can be found in the link above to partition the Spatial objects. That is what I understood, at least, in theory.
In practice, I still cannot figure this out. Let's say for example that I have millions of records in a csv and I want to read and load them in a QuadTree.
I could read a csv to an RDD, but then what? How does this RDD logically connects to the QuadTree I am trying to build?
Of course, I don't expect a working solution here. I just need the logic here to fill the gap in my mind. How do I implement a distributed QuadTree and how do I use it?
Ok, sadly there are no answers to this, but here I am two weeks later with a working solution. Not 100% sure if it is the right approach here, though.
I created a class named Element and turned each line of my csv to an RDD[Element]. I then created a serializable class named QuadNode which has a List[Elements] and an Array[String] of size 4. On adding elements to a node, these elements are added in the node's List. If the list get more than X elements (20 in my case), the node breaks into 4 children and the elements are sent to the children. Finally, I created a class QuadTree which has an RDD[QuadNodes] among its rest properties. Every time a node breaks to children then these children-nodes are added in the tree's RDD.
In a non-functional language, each node would have 4 pointers, one for each child. Since, we are in a distributed environment this approach could not work. So, I gave each node a unique Id. Root node has an id = "0". Root's nodes have ids "00", "01", "02" and "03". Node-"00" children have ids "000","001","002","003". In this way if we want to find all the descendants of a node, we filter our tree's RDD[QuadNode] by checking if nodes' ids startWith out node id. Reversing this logic helps us to find a node's parent node.
This is how I implemented my QuadTree, at least for now. If someone knows a better way of implementing this I would love to hear his/her opinion.

Binding Text Blocks in a Master to Shape Data on the Master

I'm returning to Visio after being a power user in the 2000's. A lot of what I'd do back in the day was create custom masters and associate data with the shape with individual labels etc. on those masters. Sort of a multi-part shape bound to the shape data on a given master, with fine-tuned arrangement.
The shapesheet seems entirely gone in 2016 Pro and now we have the data graphic features, which are nice and interesting, but they don't give you the same degree of fine-tuning and baked-in support that my old approach of building custom masters did.
How would I go about taking a text block on a master and binding it inside that master to the master's shape data for a given property? I'm betting it's a custom expression, but I'm not sure what the syntax would be.
Oh, my overall use case here: I want to have a shape with fine-tuned fields that are always visible, but appear in different compartments on the shape. I want to link external data into the shape and have the text blocks pull the value out of the shape data and render it for the area in question. I may use Data Graphics for ancillary things on a case by case basis, but at a core, I know I want certain features to always be present in a master and styled in certain ways.
to display the property of another shape you need to reference it in the form:
N being the ID of the other shape, in your case the parent.
Store this value in a intermediate field, the use insert/field.
Here's a tool to do this automatically:
To handle input options to custom properties I recommend the following
1) set up a custom property of the page as semi-colon separated list for holding the desired values. eg: prop.myOption = "A;B;C"
2) in the shape needing this option, set up am according field as fixed list. In the format cell write: thePage!prop.options.
That's it. This way you can edit the list in one central place and have all the shapes updated.

Having trouble representing and understanding sets

Specifically, the concept of set referred to here:
I understand how the data structures work and how to traverse through them, but the use of it is tougher to conceptualize.
Would someone mind explaining it in different words, perhaps that might help it click. Thanks so much.
If you have a set (a b c), then trying to insert a into it will result in the same set (a b c). It is just a collection that has the constraint/guarantee that no value will be duplicate.
Example use: You want to find all words used in a text, but their frequencies are irrelevant. If you have a set, then the algorithm is just: go through all words and add each into the set. Since the set automatically throws away all duplicates, it is the correct result when you finish.

Why no immutable double linked list in Scala collections?

Looking at this question, where the questioner is interested in the first and last instances of some element in a List, it seems a more efficient solution would be to use a DoubleLinkedList that could search backwards from the end of the list. However there is only one implementation in the collections API and it's mutable.
Why is there no immutable version?
Because you would have to copy the whole list each time you want to make a change. With a normal linked list, you can at least prepend to the list without having to copy everything. And if you do want to copy everything on every change, you don't need a linked list for that. You can just use an immutable array.
There are many impediments to such a structure, but one is very pressing: a doubly linked list cannot be persistent.
The logic behind this is pretty simple: from any node on the list, you can reach any other node. So, if I added an element X to this list DL, and tried to use a part of DL, I'd face this contradiction: from the node pointing to X one can reach every element in part(DL), but, by the properties of the doubly linked list, that means from any element of part(DL) I can reach the node pointing to X. Since part(DL) is supposed to be immutable and part of DL, and since DL did not include the node pointing to X, that just cannot be.
Non-persistent immutable data structures might have some uses, but they are generally bad for most operations, since they need to be recreated whenever a derivative is produced.
Now, there's the minor matter of creating mutually referencing strict objects, but this is surmountable. One can use by-name parameters and lazy vals, or one can do like Scala's List: actually create a mutable collection, and then "freeze" it in immutable state (see ListBuffer and it's toList method).
Because it is logically impossible to create a mutually (circular) referential data-structure with strict immutability.
You cannot create two nodes that point to each other due to simple existential ordering priority, in that at least one of the nodes will not exist when the other is created.
It is possible to get this circularity with tricks involving laziness (which is implemented with mutation), but the real question then becomes why you would want this thing in the first place?
As others have noted, there is no persistent implementation of a double-linked list. You will need some kind of tree to get close to the characteristics you want.
In particular, you may want to look at finger trees, which provide O(1) access to the front and back, amortized O(1) insertion to the front and back, and O(log n) insertion elsewhere. (That's in contrast to most other commonly-used trees which have O(log n) access and insertion everywhere.)
See also:
video explanation of finger trees (by the implementor of finger trees in clojure.contrib)
finger tree implementation in Scala (I haven't used it personally, but it's the top google hit)
As a supplemental to the answer of #KimStebel I like to add:
If you are searching for a data structure suitable for the question that motivated you to ask this question, then you might have a look at Extreme Cleverness: Functional Data Structures in Scala by #DanielSpiewak.