magneto 2 migration tool installation error - soap

time of installing migration tool in magento2.2.7 getting error "vertex/sdk 1.0.0 requires ext-soap * -> the requested PHP extension soap is missing from your system". But soap is already installed and enabled.

Check in your php.ini file. under your lampp folder
Search like php_soap.dll, each dll extension
removing the first ; character,  like this
Now restart the apache server


Running an Erlang Application in Eclipse is throwing an exception

I have installed Erlang OTP 25.0, erlide 0.56.0, Eclipse 2022-09 & Java 18. I have created a new Erlang project and module. I am facing 2 issues.
Issue #1:
Getting an error when I tried to launch the Eclipse after creating the Erlang project.
Issue #2:
When I tried to run the application, I am getting an exception "Launching App1 has encountered a problem. An internal error occurred during launching App1. Expected the service OtpNodeProxy 5756dc#null FAILED to be running, but the service has FAILED" as shown in the screenshot ErlangRunConfigException. Please help me in resolving the issue.
I have followed the procedure given below.
Installed Eclipse and Erlide plugin
Installed Erlang OTP 25.0 from
Updated the environment PATH to refer to the Erlang installation path. I cross-checked this setting by typing "werl".
In Eclipse, Erlang InstalledRuntimes is automatically updated with the Erlang version 25.0. Refer to the screenshot ErlangInstalledRuntime
Created a Erlang project and module.
Edited the Hello.erl with HelloWorld code.
In Eclipse->RunConfguration, created an ErlangApplication (refer to the screenshot RunConfig-ErlangApp-Erlang). I set RunTime and Node name as shown in the screenshot RunConfig-ErlangApp-Runtime. Selected the Windows PATH as shown in the screenshot RunConfig-ErlangApp-Environment.
hello_world() -> io:fwrite("hello, world\n").
werl output
Project structure
Eclipse Launching Error
Unfortunately, Erlang 25 doesn't load beam files older than v21, and the files included in erlide are that old. I am not really maintaining the project anymore, I can try to rebuild with v25, but can make no promises. Even then, the debugger will no longer work, it can be good to note.
The reported issue is seen with the latest Erlang version 25.0 and the older versions I have checked till 23.0. As a workaround, I have migrated to IntelliJ IDE.

keycloak 8.0.1 , example app-authz-photoz failing on "import a resource server configuration"

I am using keycloak 8.0.1, and trying one of the examples. While following the README for the steps in
This step:
import a resource server configuration. Now select the file that is located at:
results in:
ERROR [] (default task-16) Uncaught server error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while importing policy [Only Owner and Administrators Policy].
at org.keycloak.models.utils.RepresentationToModel.importPolicies(
at org.keycloak.models.utils.RepresentationToModel.toModel(
at org.keycloak.authorization.admin.ResourceServerService.importSettings(
Additionally, the steps say:
Now click Upload and the resource server will be updated accordingly.
There is not an Upload button, and there is an additional error:
RuntimeException: Script upload is disabled
at org.keycloak.authorization.policy.provider.js.JSPolicyProviderFactory.updatePolicy(
This makes me think something in the configuration is not enabling this "upload button", so it isn't rendered, and the "import" button performs an script that tries to do an "upload"
Versions I am using:
VERSION is "18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
openjdk version "1.8.0_242"
The reason is JavascriptPolicies are no longer enabled by default in Keycloak for security reasons. You have two options on how to solve this. Either you can enable UPLOAD_SCRIPTS feature with (-Dkeycloak.profile.feature.upload_scripts=enabled), or you can use a new Javascript provider. The later is preferred and more secure.
edit: In the latest version of the quickstart repository, this issue should be fixed (upload script JS policies are replaced with deployed policies).

memcached not getting loaded for php7

I am using Easyphp-DevServer-17 and PHP7 ,I want to use "memcached" with PHP-7.1 , I downloaded memcached dll files from the following link
php 7 memcahced
I tried adding dll files to ext folder in php 7 but phpinfo file
doesn't reflect it
and i tried following code
$servers = array(array('localserver', 11212));
$memcacheD = new Memcached;
but it throws following error "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Memcached' not found"
Please help me on this issue as i am new to php and struggling to load memcached extension
First of all ensure you have the correct version of memcacheD. Most of the versions for Windows out there are memcache, without the D at the end, even the name of the libraries are called memcacheD. It's very misleading but I have added the link to the correct version below. To clarify, memcache and memcacheD are not the same and cannot be interchanged.
Run phpinfo() and make notations of Compiler, Architecture, Thread Safety, you will need this to get the correct version of the DLL.
Download the correct memcacheD version from There are 2 files, the php extension DLL and the lib DLL. You need both.
Save the php extension DLL in your easyPHP folder, in my case was \eds-binaries\php\php713vc14x86x220414190951\ext.
Enable the extension in php.ini, I renamed the DLL so in my case I had to add the line extension=php_memcached.dll
Save libmemcached.dll in C:\windows
Reload Apache to ensure the config is refreshed.
And that's it. Now run phpinfo() again and should show there. If it's not working check Apache error log, it will tell you if the DLL failed to load. If you get the "not a Win32 application" message it means you didn't download the correct DLL.
Remember you also have to have the service running, memcached.exe -d start from cmd should do.

Error on installing ASP.NET Identity 2 Samples

I'm trying to install ASP.NET Identity 2 samples project. I open Visual Studio 2013, create an empty ASP.NET project, open Package Manager Console and type:
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Samples -Pre
After some time of installing it returns an error:
Unable to uninstall 'jQuery 1.10.2' because 'bootstrap 3.0.0' depends on it.
Ok, I type the installation command again. This time the error is:
Failed to add reference to 'System.Net.Http'. Please make sure that it is in the Global Assembly Cache.
All subsequent attempts to install finish up with the same error.
UPD: I have installed the samples successfully using "Manage NuGet Packages" UI. Still interested why it have not worked in console? Have I done something wrong?

error while installing extension

there is a error called Error! Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package.while installing the module in joomla1.5. there is the xml file but the version notified in the xml file is 1.6. Is it becoz of that.How can i solve the problem.the module that i downloaded is from
Since there is only one 1.6 native extension on that page I will assume you are installing Simple Select Box. There are versions depending on which version of Joomla you are using. The correct download for J!1.5 is here -