Error on installing ASP.NET Identity 2 Samples - nuget

I'm trying to install ASP.NET Identity 2 samples project. I open Visual Studio 2013, create an empty ASP.NET project, open Package Manager Console and type:
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Samples -Pre
After some time of installing it returns an error:
Unable to uninstall 'jQuery 1.10.2' because 'bootstrap 3.0.0' depends on it.
Ok, I type the installation command again. This time the error is:
Failed to add reference to 'System.Net.Http'. Please make sure that it is in the Global Assembly Cache.
All subsequent attempts to install finish up with the same error.
UPD: I have installed the samples successfully using "Manage NuGet Packages" UI. Still interested why it have not worked in console? Have I done something wrong?


Error when installed Xamarin.CommunityToolkit: "The target platform must be set to Windows"

I'm trying to install Xamarin.CommunityToolkit(ver. 2.0.5) from Nuget Packages,
but I get this error message:
So I installed Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData with version, as it says
then I tried to install CommunityToolkit again, and again I've got the same message but with different compliant.
This time it wants me to install Xamarin.Google.Android.Materia(1.6.0).
I repeated the process a couple of times, and finally I was able to install CommunityToolkit successfully,
but then, when I build the project I get this:
I don't know what should I change to get rid of this error, it was working all fine before I installed this CommunityToolkit package
Here's my .csproj file:
I did try to add "net6.0-windows" to tag with various combinations, but with no effect.
Problem repeats on a newly created project aswell.
I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) Version 17.3.4
For MAUI use CommunityToolkit.Maui package instead of Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.
Official repo
Official docs

How to install and Implement the HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp in Azure Webapp (api)

Our development team implemented Pdfsharp in order to generate the pdf at website
they installed the pdfsharp package in a local environment with using this command at VisualStudio "Install-Package HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp -Version" it working fine
comes to production environment code is deployed through Azure DevOps CI/CD
when the build process creation we are implemented Nuget, NPM, and other steps.
now we added same line command in with .Net-CLI " add package HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp --version"-----> when I doing like it through the error message
Error: The process 'C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe' failed with exit code 1
Dotnet command failed with non-zero exit code on the following projects :
I tried to install a pdfsharp package directly in webapp (API) using PowerShell
but I don't have an idea about installing the pdfshap in backend server level is it the right way or not is still ??
Please see the overview on how to use packages.
In short, you only install/add the package to the project once. This modifies the project, and you save the modified csproj into source control. Then on the CI machine, you run dotnet restore on your solution (if your solution contains only SDK style projects, nuget restore otherwise).
And for future reference, telling us that dotnet.exe returned exit code 1 is insufficient to understand the problem. dotnet.exe's output will contain additional error information about why it failed.

AppVeyor with Devexpress in C#

i'm trying to setup appveyor with my .net project which is using devepxress the 3rd party library. unfortunately, i got this error message when i click build button.
Properties\licenses.licx(1): error LC0003: Unable to resolve type 'DevExpress.XtraCharts.ChartControl, DevExpress.XtraCharts.v16.1.UI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a' [C:\projects\pda-2000\MotionFake\MotionFake\MotionRealFake.csproj]
Command exited with code 1
I guess this is caused from no existence of devexpress dll file. how can i add/upload theses dll files to appveyor?
I believe this is nuget package. If yes, please run nuget restore at install or before_build stage.

TFSBranchToolVsExtension Exection of Action ConnectSourceControl Fails

I downloaded the TFSBranchTool VS Extension Project.
Rebuilt and Installed, but when I try to apply Initial Structure I get the following Error:
Exection Error:
Exection of Action 'ConnectSourceControl' Failed. Details: Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.AlLMRangers.BranchTool.SourceControlWrapper......
Any idea what might be causing the problem ? I tried on 2 different Servers! , I got the latest Update of VS2012.
I got VS2012 SDK installed and Vs2012 ObjectModel too, not sure what I'm missing!
We have posted an update to the sample code on, which addresses this bug.
The issue was that Microsoft.ALMRangers.BranchTool.SourceControlWrapper.dll was missed in VSIX package. As action execution engine using MEF to load actions, it has no direct references to actions implementation assembly.
Vladimir from the team fixed the issue by specifying assembly as the MEF asset in the VS extension’s manifest file. Now it’s redistributed inside the extension package.
Can you verify that you have the file Microsoft.ALMRangers.BranchTool.SourceControlWrapper.dll
in the following folder:
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\Extensions\Microsoft. ALM Rangers\TfsBranchToolVSExtension\1.0
If its not there - try deleting the TfsBranchToolVSExtension and re-install the VSIX.

Nuget 1.5 -> 16 install issue

I am running VS2010 Ultimate, I used to have VS Web Dev 2010 Express with Nuget before: I uninstalled it before installing Ultimate.
In admin mode I uninstalled Nuget 1.5 from vs, restarted vs in admin mode, installed 1.6, and then restarted vs. Nuget worked for several days.
The next day, the package manager wont come up - it doesnt give me an error, it just wont load. If I try to uninstall it, the uninstall button is greyed out (which I assume means that the addin is in use). If I restart vs, then I can uninstall.
I have tried uninstalling Nuget and reinstalling it several times (no error messages generated)
Trying to load Package Manager Console and the Package Manager Settings, dont launch anything.
Is there a way to install version 1.5? I've looked for a link but cannot find one.
Is there a log file I can check to see what is wrong?
This has been an extremely frustrating issue for me.
I used devenv /log, tried to open the package console.
Here's part of the log file:
225 Leaving function LoadDTETypeLib VisualStudio 2011/12/30 21:54:45.181
226 ERROR SetSite failed for package [NuGet.Tools.NuGetPackage, NuGet.Tools, Version=1.6.21215.9133, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a] {5FCC8577-4FEB-4D04-AD72-D6C629B083CC} 80131509 VisualStudio 2011/12/30 21:54:45.196
227 ERROR End package load [NuGet.Tools.NuGetPackage, NuGet.Tools, Version=1.6.21215.9133, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a] {5FCC8577-4FEB-4D04-AD72-D6C629B083CC} 80131509 VisualStudio 2011/12/30 21:54:45.227
228 Warning Package failed to load; error message suppressed by skip flag {5FCC8577-4FEB-4D04-AD72-D6C629B083CC} VisualStudio 2011/12/30 21:54:49.486
229 Entering function CVsPackageInfo::HrInstantiatePackage
Finally got it working: had to delete c:\User Data\\AppData\Roaming\NuGet\NuGet.Config (which was empty) and now it can load.
I had the same problem, nuget worked yesterday but not today with "SetSite failed for package [NuGet.Tools.NuGetPackage" in the VS log.
After a lot of trying and failing I found this page, and then the discussion at
I followed the advice from bsparkinson there :
Unistalled Nuget.
Searched for nuget in %appdata% and deleted everything
Reinstalled Nuget.
And now it works.
You mentioned:
If I try to uninstall it, the uninstall button is greyed out (which I
assume means that the addin is in use).
Is it greyed out even when you run VS as an admin? The button should only be greyed out if you're not running as admin.
The other thing you should do is try running the following command. You'll need to use the devenv command prompt.
vsixinstaller.exe /uninstall:NuPackToolsVsix.Microsoft.67e54e40-0ae3-42c5-a949-fddf5739e7a5
That should uninstall the NuGet VSIX. After doing that, the following directory should be gone or empty: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft Corporation\NuGet Package Manager\\