Blogs and Blog Comments Relationship in NoSQL - mongodb

Going off an example in the accepted answer here:
Mongo DB relations between objects
For a blogging system, "Posts should be a collection. post author might be a separate collection, or simply a field within posts if only an email address. comments should be embedded objects within a post for performance."
If this is the case, does that mean that every time my app displays a blog post, I'm loading every single comment that was ever made on that post? What if there are 3,729 comments? Wouldn't this brutalize the database connection, SQL or NoSQL? Also there's the obvious scenario in which when I load a blog post, I want to show only the first 10 comments initially.

Document databases are not relational databases. You CANNOT first build the database model and then later on decide on various interesting ways of querying it. Instead, you should first determine what access patterns you want to support, and then design the document schemas accordingly.
So in order to answer your question, what we really need to know is how you intend to use the data. Displaying comments associated with a post is a distinctly different scenario than displaying all comments from a particular author. Each one of those requirements will dictate a different design, as will supporting them both.
This in itself may be useful information to you (?), but I suspect you want more concrete answers :) So please add some additional details on your intended usage.
Adding more info:
There are a few "do" and "don'ts" when deciding on a strategy:
DO: Optimize for the common use-cases. There is often a 20/80 breakdown where 20% of the UX drives 80% of the load - the homepage/landing page is a classic example. First priority is to make sure that these are as efficient as possible. Make sure that your data model allows either A) loading those in either a single IO request or B) is cache-friendly
DONT: don't fall into the dreaded "N+1" trap. This pattern occurs when you data model forces you to make N calls in order to load N entities, often preceded by an additional call to get the list of the N IDs. This is a killer, especially together with #3...
DO: Always cap (via the UX) the amount of data which you are willing to fetch. If the user has 3729 comments you obviously aren't going to fetch them all at once. Even it it was feasible from a database perspective, the user experience would be horrible. Thats why search engines use the "next 20 results" paradigm. So you can (for example) align the database structure to the UX and save the comments in blocks of 20. Then each page refresh involves a single DB get.
DO: Balance the Read and Write requirements. Some types of systems are read-heavy and you can assume that for each write there will be many reads (StackOverflow is a good example). So there it makes sense to make writes more expensive in order to gain benefits in read performance. For example, data denormalization and duplication. Other systems are evenly balanced or even write heavy and require other approaches
DO: Use the dimension of TIME to your advantage. Twitter is a classic example: 99.99% of tweets will never be accessed after the first hour/day/week/whatever. That opens all kinds of interesting optimization possibilities in the your data schema.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. I suggest reading up a little on column-based NoSQL systems (such as Cassandra)

Not sure if this answers you question, but anyhow you can throttle the amount of blog comments in two ways:
Load only the last 10 , or range of blog comments using $slice operator
db.blogs.find( {_id : someValue}, { comments: { $slice: -10 } } )
will return last 10 comments
db.blogs.find( {_id : someValue}, { comments: { $slice: [-10, 10] } } )
will return next 10 comments
Use capped array to save only the last n blog posts using capped arrays


REST design principles: Referencing related objects vs Nesting objects

My team and I we are refactoring a REST-API and I have come to a question.
For terms of brevity, let us assume that we have an SQL database with 4 tables: Teachers, Students, Courses and Classrooms.
Right now all the relations between the items are represented in the REST-API through referencing the URL of the related item. For example for a course we could have the following
{ "id":"Course1", "teacher": "", ... }
In addition, if ask a list of courses thought a call GET call to /courses, I get a list of references as shown below:
... //pagination details
"items": [
{"href": ""},
{"href": ""}...
All this is nice and clean but if I want a list of all the courses titles with the teachers' names and I have 2000 courses and 500 teachers I have to do the following:
Approximately 2500 queries just to read the data.
Implement the join between the teachers and courses
Optimize with caching etc, so that I will do it as fast as possible.
My problem is that this method creates a lot of network traffic with thousands of REST-API calls and that I have to re-implement the natural join that the database would do way more efficiently.
Colleagues say that this is approach is the standard way of implementing a REST-API but then a relatively simple query becomes a big hassle.
My question therefore is:
1. Is it wrong if we we nest the teacher information in the courses.
2. Should the listing of items e.g. GET /courses return a list of references or a list of items?
Edit: After some research I would say the model I have in mind corresponds mainly to the one shown in Is this a good approach?
My problem is that this method creates a lot of network traffic with thousands of REST-API calls and that I have to re-implement the natural join that the database would do way more efficiently. Colleagues say that this is approach is the standard way of implementing a REST-API but then a relatively simple query becomes a big hassle.
Your colleagues have lost the plot.
Here's your heuristic - how would you support this use case on a web site?
You would probably do it by defining a new web page, that produces the report you need. You'd run the query, you the result set to generate a bunch of HTML, and ta-da! The client has the information that they need in a standardized representation.
A REST-API is the same thing, with more emphasis on machine readability. Create a new document, with a schema so that your clients can understand the semantics of the document you return to them, tell the clients how to find the target uri for the document, and voila.
Creating new resources to handle new use cases is the normal approach to REST.
Yes, I totally think you should design something similar to As a rule of thumb, I would say "prefer a solution that requires less network calls". It's especially true if amount of network calls will be less by order of magnitude.
Of course it doesn't eliminate the need to limit the request/response size if it becomes unreasonable.
Real life solutions must have a proper balance. Clean API is nice as long as it works.
So in your case I would so something like:
GET /courses?include=teachers
GET /courses?includeTeacher=true
GET /courses?includeTeacher=brief|full
In the last one the response can have only the teacher's id for brief and full teacher details for full.
My problem is that this method creates a lot of network traffic with thousands of REST-API calls and that I have to re-implement the natural join that the database would do way more efficiently. Colleagues say that this is approach is the standard way of implementing a REST-API but then a relatively simple query becomes a big hassle.
Have you actually measured the overhead generated by each request? If not, how do you know that the overhead will be too intense? From an object-oriented programmers perspective it may sound bad to perform each call on their own, your design, however, lacks one important asset which helped the Web to grew to its current size: caching.
Caching can occur on multiple levels. You can do it on the API level or the client might do something or an intermediary server might do it. Fielding even mad it a constraint of REST! So, if you want to comply to the REST architecture philosophy you should also support caching of responses. Caching helps to reduce the number of requests having to be calculated or even processed by a single server. With the help of stateless communication you might even introduce a multitude of servers that all perform calculations for billions of requests that act as one cohesive system to the client. An intermediary cache may further help to reduce the number of requests that actually reach the server significantly.
A URI as a whole (including any path, matrix or query parameters) is actually a key for a cache. Upon receiving a GET request, i.e., an application checks whether its current cache already contains a stored response for that URI and returns the stored response on behalf of the server directly to the client if the stored data is "fresh enough". If the stored data already exceeded the freshness threshold it will throw away the stored data and route the request to the next hop in line (might be the actual server, might be a further intermediary).
Spotting resources that are ideal for caching might not be easy at times, though the majority of data doesn't change that quickly to completely neglect caching at all. Thus, it should be, at least, of general interest to introduce caching, especially the more traffic your API produces.
While certain media-types such as HAL JSON, jsonapi, ... allow you to embed content gathered from related resources into the response, embedding content has some potential drawbacks such as:
Utilization of the cache might be low due to mixing data that changes quickly with data that is more static
Server might calculate data the client wont need
One server calculates the whole response
If related resources are only linked to instead of directly embedded, a client for sure has to fire off a further request to obtain that data, though it actually is more likely to get (partly) served by a cache which, as mentioned a couple times now throughout the post, reduces the workload on the server. Besides that, a positive side effect could be that you gain more insights into what the clients are actually interested in (if an intermediary cache is run by you i.e.).
Is it wrong if we we nest the teacher information in the courses.
It is not wrong, but it might not be ideal as explained above
Should the listing of items e.g. GET /courses return a list of references or a list of items?
It depends. There is no right or wrong.
As REST is just a generalization of the interaction model used in the Web, basically the same concepts apply to REST as well. Depending on the size of the "item" it might be beneficial to return a short summary of the items content and add a link to the item. Similar things are done in the Web as well. For a list of students enrolled in a course this might be the name and its matriculation number and the link further details of that student could be asked for accompanied by a link-relation name that give the actual link some semantical context which a client can use to decide whether invoking such URI makes sense or not.
Such link-relation names are either standardized by IANA, common approaches such as Dublin Core or or custom extensions as defined in RFC 8288 (Web Linking). For the above mentioned list of students enrolled in a course you could i.e. make use of the about relation name to hint a client that further information on the current item can be found by following the link. If you want to enable pagination the usage of first, next, prev and last can and probably should be used as well and so forth.
This is actually what HATEOAS is all about. Linking data together and giving them meaningful relation names to span a kind of semantic net between resources. By simply embedding things into a response such semantic graphs might be harder to build and maintain.
In the end it basically boils down to implementation choice whether you want to embed or reference resources. I hope, I could shed some light on the usefulness of caching and the benefits it could yield, especially on large-scale systems, as well as on the benefit of providing link-relation names for URIs, that enhance the semantical context of relations used within your API.

nosql wishlist models - Struggle between reference and embedded document

I got a question about modeling wishlists using mongodb and mongoose. The idea is I need a user beeing able to have many different wishlists which contain many wishes, each wish making a reference to a single article
I was thinking about it and because a wishlist only belong to a single user I thought using embedded document for that.
Same for the wish beeing embedded to a wishlist.
So I got something like that
var UserSchema = new Schema({
wishlists: [wishlistSchema]
var WishlistSchema = new Schema({
wishes: [wishSchema]
but my question is what to do with the article ? should I use a reference or should I copy the article's data in an embedded document.
If I use embedded document I got an update problem. When the article's price change, to update every wish referencing this article become a struggle. But to access those wishes's article is a piece of cake.
If I use reference, The update is not a problem anymore but I got a probleme when I filter the wish depending on their article criteria ( when I filter the wishes depending on a price, category etc .. ).
I think the second way is probably the best but I don't know how if it's possible to build a query to filter the wish depending on the article's field. I tried a lot of things using population but nothing works very well when you need to populate depending on a nested object field. ( for exemple getting wishes where their article respond to certain conditions ).
Is this kind of query doable ?
Sry for the loooong question and for my bad English :/ but any advice would be great !
In my experience in dealing with NoSQL database (mongo, mainly), when designing a collection, do not think of the relations. Instead, think of how you would display, page, and retrieve the documents.
I would prefer embedding and updating multiple schema when there's a change, as opposed to doing a ref, for multiple reasons.
Get would be fast and easy and filter is not a problem (like you've said)
Retrieve operations usually happen a lot more often than updates and with proper indexing, you wouldn't really have to bother about performance.
It leverages on NoSQL's schema-less nature and you'll be less prone restructuring due to requirement changes (new sorting, new filters, etc)
Paging would be a lot less of a hassle, and UI would not be restricted with it's design with paging and limit.
Joining could become expensive. Redundant data might be a hassle to update but it's always better than not being able to display a data in a particular way because your schema is normalized and joining is difficult.
I'd say that the rule of thumb is that only split them when you do not need to display them together. It is not impossible to join them back if you do, but definitely more troublesome.

MongoDB model design for meteorjs app

I'm more used to a relational database and am having a hard time thinking about how to design my database in mongoDB, and am even more unclear when taking into account some of the special considerations of database design for meteorjs, where I understand you often prefer separate collections over embedded documents/data in order to make better use of some of the benefits you get from collections.
Let's say I want to track students progress in high school. They need to complete certain required classes each school year in order to progress to the next year (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), and they can also complete some electives. I need to track when the students complete each requirement or elective. And the requirements may change slightly from year to year, but I need to remember for example that Johnny completed all of the freshman requirements as they existed two years ago.
So I have:
Grades (frosh, etc.)
Mostly, I'm trying to think about how to set up the requirements. In a relational DB, I'd have a table of requirements, with className, grade, and year, and a table of student_requirements, that tracks the students as they complete each requirement. But I'm thinking in MongoDB/meteorjs, I'd have a model for each grade/level that gets stored with a studentID and initially instantiates with false values for each requirement, like:
student: [studentID],
class: 'freshman'
year: 2014,
requirements: {
class1: false,
class2: false
and as the student completes a requirement, it updates like:
student: [studentID],
class: 'freshman'
year: 2014,
requirements: {
class1: false,
class2: [completionDateTime]
So in this way, each student will collect four Requirements documents, which are somewhat dictated by their initial instantiation values. And instead of the actual requirements for each grade/year living in the database, they would essentially live in the code itself.
Some of the actions I would like to be able to support are marking off requirements across a set of students at one time, and showing a grid of users/requirements to see who needs what.
Does this sound reasonable? Or is there a better way to approach this? I'm pretty early in this application and am hoping to avoid painting myself into a corner. Any help suggestion is appreciated. Thanks! :-)
Currently I'm thinking about my application data design too. I've read the examples in the MongoDB manual
look up MongoDB manual data model design -
and here -> MongoDB manual one to one relationship -
(sorry I can't post more than one link at the moment in an answer)
They say:
In general, use embedded data models when:
you have “contains” relationships between entities.
you have one-to-many relationships between entities. In these relationships the “many” or child documents always appear with or are viewed in the context of the “one” or parent documents.
The normalized approach uses a reference in a document, to another document. Just like in the Meteor.js book. They create a web app which shows posts, and each post has a set of comments. They use two collections, the posts and the comments. When adding a comment it's submitted together with the post_id.
So in your example you have a students collection. And each student has to fulfill requirements? And each student has his own requirements like a post has his own comments?
Then I would handle it like they did in the book. With two collections. I think that should be the normalized approach, not the embedded.
I'm a little confused myself, so maybe you can tell me, if my answer makes sense.
Maybe you can help me too? I'm trying to make a app that manages a flea market.
Users of the app create events.
The creator of the event invites users to be cashiers for that event.
Users create lists of stuff they want to sell. Max. number of lists/sellers per event. Max. number of position on a list (25/50).
Cashiers type in the positions of those lists at the event, to track what is sold.
Event creators make billings for the sold stuff of each list, to hand out the money afterwards.
I'm confused how to set up the data design. I need Events and Lists. Do I use the normalized approach, or the embedded one?
After reading I found following advice:
If you read people information 99% of the time, having 2 separate collections can be a good solution: it avoids keeping in memory data is almost never used (passport information) and when you need to have all information for a given person, it may be acceptable to do the join in the application.
Same thing if you want to display the name of people on one screen and the passport information on another screen.
But if you want to display all information for a given person, storing everything in the same collection (with embedding or with a flat structure) is likely to be the best solution

Creating new collections vs array properties

Coming from a MySQL background, I've been questioning the some of the design patterns when working with Mongo. One question I keep asking myself is when should I create a new collection vs creating a property of an array type? My current situation goes as follows:
I have a collection of Users who all have at least 1 Inbox
Each inbox has 0 or more messages
Each message can have 0 or comments
My current structure looks like this:
message:"this is my message"
comment:"this is a great message"
For simplicity I only listed 1 inbox, 1 message and 1 comment. Realistically though there could be many more.
An approach I believe that would work better is to use 4 collections:
Users - stores just the username
Inboxes - name of the inbox, along with the UID of User it belongs to
Messages - content of the message, along with the UID of inbox it belongs to
Comments - content of the comment, along with the UID of the message it belongs to.
So which one would be the better approach?
No one can help you with this question, because it is highly dependent on your application:
how many inboxes/messages/comments do you have on average
how often do you write/modify/delete these elements
how often do you read them
a lot of other things that I forgot to mention
When you are selecting one approach over another you are doing tradeofs.
If you store everything together (in one collection as your first case) you make it super easy to get all the things for a particular user. Taking apart the thing that most probably you do not need all the information at once, you at the same time makes it super hard to update some parts of the elements (try to write a query that will add a comment or remove the third comment). Even if this is easy - mongodb does not handle well growing documents because whenever you exceeds the padding factor it moves the document to another location (which is expensive) and increases the padding factor. Also keep in mind that this potentially can hit mongodb's limit on the size of the document.
It is always a good idea to read all mongodb use cases before trying to design any storage schema. Not surprisingly they have a comprehensive overview of your case as well.

How do you track record relations in NoSQL?

I am trying to figure out the equivalent of foreign keys and indexes in NoSQL KVP or Document databases. Since there are no pivotal tables (to add keys marking a relation between two objects) I am really stumped as to how you would be able to retrieve data in a way that would be useful for normal web pages.
Say I have a user, and this user leaves many comments all over the site. The only way I can think of to keep track of that users comments is to
Embed them in the user object (which seems quite useless)
Create and maintain a user_id:comments value that contains a list of each comment's key [comment:34, comment:197, etc...] so that that I can fetch them as needed.
However, taking the second example you will soon hit a brick wall when you use it for tracking other things like a key called "active_comments" which might contain 30 million ids in it making it cost a TON to query each page just to know some recent active comments. It also would be very prone to race-conditions as many pages might try to update it at the same time.
How can I track relations like the following in a NoSQL database?
All of a user's comments
All active comments
All posts tagged with [keyword]
All students in a club - or all clubs a student is in
Or am I thinking about this incorrectly?
All the answers for how to store many-to-many associations in the "NoSQL way" reduce to the same thing: storing data redundantly.
In NoSQL, you don't design your database based on the relationships between data entities. You design your database based on the queries you will run against it. Use the same criteria you would use to denormalize a relational database: if it's more important for data to have cohesion (think of values in a comma-separated list instead of a normalized table), then do it that way.
But this inevitably optimizes for one type of query (e.g. comments by any user for a given article) at the expense of other types of queries (comments for any article by a given user). If your application has the need for both types of queries to be equally optimized, you should not denormalize. And likewise, you should not use a NoSQL solution if you need to use the data in a relational way.
There is a risk with denormalization and redundancy that redundant sets of data will get out of sync with one another. This is called an anomaly. When you use a normalized relational database, the RDBMS can prevent anomalies. In a denormalized database or in NoSQL, it becomes your responsibility to write application code to prevent anomalies.
One might think that it'd be great for a NoSQL database to do the hard work of preventing anomalies for you. There is a paradigm that can do this -- the relational paradigm.
The couchDB approach suggest to emit proper classes of stuff in map phase and summarize it in reduce.. So you could map all comments and emit 1 for the given user and later print out only ones. It would require however lots of disk storage to build persistent views of all trackable data in couchDB. btw they have also this wiki page about relationships:
Riak on the other hand has tool to build relations. It is link. You can input address of a linked (here comment) document to the 'root' document (here user document). It has one trick. If it is distributed it may be modified at one time in many locations. It will cause conflicts and as a result huge vector clock tree :/ ..not so bad, not so good.
Riak has also yet another 'mechanism'. It has 2-layer key name space, so called bucket and key. So, for student example, If we have club A, B and C and student StudentX, StudentY you could maintain following convention:
{ Key = {ClubA, StudentX}, Value = true },
{ Key = {ClubB, StudentX}, Value = true },
{ Key = {ClubA, StudentY}, Value = true }
and to read relation just list keys in given buckets. Whats wrong with that? It is damn slow. Listing buckets was never priority for riak. It is getting better and better tho. btw. you do not waste memory because this example {true} can be linked to single full profile of StudentX or Y (here conflicts are not possible).
As you see it NoSQL != NoSQL. You need to look at specific implementation and test it for yourself.
Mentioned before Column stores look like good fit for relations.. but it all depends on your A and C and P needs;) If you do not need A and you have less than Peta bytes just leave it, go ahead with MySql or Postgres.
good luck
user:userid:comments is a reasonable approach - think of it as the equivalent of a column index in SQL, with the added requirement that you cannot query on unindexed columns.
This is where you need to think about your requirements. A list with 30 million items is not unreasonable because it is slow, but because it is impractical to ever do anything with it. If your real requirement is to display some recent comments you are better off keeping a very short list that gets updated whenever a comment is added - remember that NoSQL has no normalization requirement. Race conditions are an issue with lists in a basic key value store but generally either your platform supports lists properly, you can do something with locks, or you don't actually care about failed updates.
Same as for user comments - create an index keyword:posts
More of the same - probably a list of clubs as a property of student and an index on that field to get all members of a club
You have
"user": {
"userid": "unique value",
"category": "student",
"metainfo": "yada yada yada",
"clubs": ["archery", "kendo"]
"comments": {
"commentid": "unique value",
"pageid": "unique value",
"post-time": "ISO Date",
"userid": "OP id -> THIS IS IMPORTANT"
"page": {
"pageid": "unique value",
"post-time": "ISO Date",
"op-id": "user id",
"tag": ["abc", "zxcv", "qwer"]
Well in a relational database the normal thing to do would be in a one-to-many relation is to normalize the data. That is the same thing you would do in a NoSQL database as well. Simply index the fields which you will be fetching the information with.
For example, the important indexes for you are
If you are using NosDB (A .NET based NoSQL Database with SQL support) your queries will be like
SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE userid = ‘That user’;
SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE pageid = ‘That user’;
SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE post-time > DateTime('2016, 1, 1');
SELECT * FROM Page WHERE tag = 'kendo'
Check all the supported query types from their SQL cheat sheet or documentation.
Although, it is best to use RDBMS in such cases instead of NoSQL, yet one possible solution is to maintain additional nodes or collections to manage mapping and indexes. It may have additional cost in form of extra collections/nodes and processing, but it will give an solution easy to maintain and avoid data redundancy.