How can I parameterize a BigQuery table in Dataprep? - google-cloud-dataprep

I'm used to use Dataprep to recipe json and csv files from Cloud Storage, but today I tried to ingest a table from BigQuery and could not parametrize.
Is it possible to do that?
Here are some screenshots to illustrate my question:
The prefix that I need
The standard does not work
From Cloud Storage works

In order to ingest a table from BigQuery, you can directly create a Dataset with SQL. I am not sure on what you would like to achieve with the 'Search' input, but it does not accept regular expressions. So, the '*' would not be needed, and just writing 'event_', the interface will filter the matching entries.


Why Temporary GCS bucket is needed to write a dataframe to BigQuery: pyspark

Recently I face an issue while writing the dataframe data into BigQuery using pyspark. Here it was:
pyspark.sql.utils.IllegalArgumentException: u'Temporary or persistent GCS bucket must be informed
After research the issue I found that Temporary GCS bucket to be mentioned spark.conf.
bucket = "temp_bucket"
spark.conf.set('temporaryGcsBucket', bucket)
I think there is no concept to have a file for a table in Biquery like Hive.
I would like to know more about it, why we need to have temp-gcs-bucket to write the data into bigquery?
I was searching for the reason behind this but I couldn't.
Please clarify.
Spark BigQuery connector has two write modes(writeMethod), 1. Direct 2.Indirect while writing data into BigQuery. This is a optional parameter, default is Indirect.
You can specify indirect option like this option("writeMethod","indirect"). Its optional, and Indirect is default. This requires you to specify a temporary gcs bucket, if not you will get the error.
The need of temporary bucket is .
The connector writes the data to BigQuery by first buffering all the
data into a Cloud Storage temporary table. Then it copies all data
from into BigQuery in one operation.
Taken from the GCFS spark example docs here
In this method the data is written directly to BigQuery using the BigQuery Storage Write API
In scala you can specify like this option("writeMethod","direct"). which eliminates the need for a temporary bucket.
You can read more about the bigquery connector here

load orc format to aurora postgres DB

We have a ORC file format which are stored in s3 and we want to load the files into AWS Aurora postgres DB .
What we got from internet was :
postgres support csv, txt and other formats not ORC ..
Can any one please help us to find a solution?
This date PostgreSQL on Aurora supports ingestion of data from S3 through the COPY command only from TXT and CSV files.
Since your files are in ORC format, you could convert these tiles in either CSV or TXT and then ingest the data. You could do this very easily with Athena, by simply creating a table for your original data and running a SELECT * FROM table query. As explained in the Working with Query Results, Output Files, and Query History
page, this will automatically generate a CSV file containing the results.
This would not be optimal as you’d pay not only the transform price but also the he storage twice (as original ORC and converted CSV), but it would allow you to convert the data pretty easily.
A better way to do it would instead be to use a service like AWS Glue, that supports S3 as source and that has an Aurora connector. Using this method would give you an actual ETL and even if now you just need the E(xtract) and L(oad), would still leave the door open for any kind of transform you might need in the future.
In this AWS Blog titled How to extract, transform, and load data for analytic processing using AWS Glue (Part 2) they show the opposite flow (Aurora->S3 via Glue), but it should still give you an idea of the process.

ETL with Dataprep - Union Dataset

I'm a newcomer to GCP, and I'm learning every day and I'm loving this platform.
I'm using GCP's dataprep to join several csv files (with the same column structure), treat some data and write to a BigQuery.
I created a storage (butcket) to put all 60 csv files inside. In dataprep can I define a data set to be the union of all these files? Or do you have to create a dataset for each file?
Thank you very much for your time and attention.
If you have all your files inside a directory in GCS you can import that directory as a single dataset. The process is the same as importing single files. You have to make sure though, that the column structure is exactly the same for all the files inside the directory.
If you create a separate dataset for each file you are more flexible on the structure they have when you use the UNION page to concatenate them.
However, if your use case is just to load all the files (~60) to a single table in Bigquery without any transformation, I would suggest to just use a BigQuery load job. You can use a wildcard in the Cloud Storage URI to specify the files you want. Currently, BigQuery load jobs are free of charge, so it would be a very cost-effective solution compared to the use of Dataprep.

AWS Glue, data filtering before loading into a frame, naming s3 objects

I have 3 questions, for the following context:
I'm trying to migrate my historical from RDS postgresql to S3. I have about a billion rows of dat in my database,
Q1) Is there a way for me to tell an aws glue job what rows to load? For example i want it to load data from a certain date onwards? There is no bookmarking feature for a PostgreSQL data source,
Q2) Once my data is processed, the glue job automatically creates a name for the s3 output objects, I know i can speciofy the path in DynamicFrame write, but can I specify the object name? if so, how? I cannot find an option for this.
Q3) I tried my glue job on a sample table with 100 rows of data, and it automatically separated the output into 20 files with 5 rows in each of those files, how can I specify the batch size in a job?
Thanks in advance
This is a question I have also posted in AWS Glue forum as well, here is a link to that:
Glue supports pushdown predicates feature, however currently it works with partitioned data on s3 only. There is a feature request to support it for JDBC connections though.
It's not possible to specify name of output files. However, looks like there is an option with renaming files (note that renaming on s3 means copying file from one location into another so it's costly and not atomic operation)
You can't really control the size of output files. There is an option to control min number of files using coalesce though. Also starting from Spark 2.2 there is a possibility to set max number of records per file by setting config spark.sql.files.maxRecordsPerFile

AWS Glue: How to handle nested JSON with varying schemas

We're hoping to use the AWS Glue Data Catalog to create a single table for JSON data residing in an S3 bucket, which we would then query and parse via Redshift Spectrum.
The JSON data is from DynamoDB Streams and is deeply nested. The first level of JSON has a consistent set of elements: Keys, NewImage, OldImage, SequenceNumber, ApproximateCreationDateTime, SizeBytes, and EventName. The only variation is that some records do not have a NewImage and some don't have an OldImage. Below this first level, though, the schema varies widely.
Ideally, we would like to use Glue to only parse this first level of JSON, and basically treat the lower levels as large STRING objects (which we would then parse as needed with Redshift Spectrum). Currently, we're loading the entire record into a single VARCHAR column in Redshift, but the records are nearing the maximum size for a data type in Redshift (maximum VARCHAR length is 65535). As a result, we'd like to perform this first level of parsing before the records hit Redshift.
What we've tried/referenced so far:
Pointing the AWS Glue Crawler to the S3 bucket results in hundreds of tables with a consistent top level schema (the attributes listed above), but varying schemas at deeper levels in the STRUCT elements. We have not found a way to create a Glue ETL Job that would read from all of these tables and load it into a single table.
Creating a table manually has not been fruitful. We tried setting each column to a STRING data type, but the job did not succeed in loading data (presumably since this would involve some conversion from STRUCTs to STRINGs). When setting columns to STRUCT, it requires a defined schema - but this is precisely what varies from one record to another, so we are not able to provide a generic STRUCT schema that works for all the records in question.
The AWS Glue Relationalize transform is intriguing, but not what we're looking for in this scenario (since we want to keep some of the JSON intact, rather than flattening it entirely). Redshift Spectrum supports scalar JSON data as of a couple weeks ago, but this does not work with the nested JSON we're dealing with. Neither of these appear to help with handling the hundreds of tables created by the Glue Crawler.
How would we use Glue (or some other method) to allow us to parse just the first level of these records - while ignoring the varying schemas below the elements at the top level - so that we can access it from Spectrum or load it physically into Redshift?
I'm new to Glue. I've spent quite a bit of time in the Glue documentation and looking through (the somewhat sparse) info on forums. I could be missing something obvious - or perhaps this is a limitation of Glue in its current form. Any recommendations are welcome.
I'm not sure you can do this with a table definition, but you can accomplish this with an ETL job by using a mapping function to cast the top level values as JSON strings. Documentation: [link]
import json
# Your mapping function
def flatten(rec):
for key in rec:
rec[key] = json.dumps(rec[key])
return rec
old_df = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
{"paths": ['s3://...']},
# Apply mapping function f to all DynamicRecords in DynamicFrame
new_df = Map.apply(frame=old_df, f=flatten)
From here you have the option of exporting to S3 (perhaps in Parquet or some other columnar format to optimize for querying) or directly into Redshift from my understanding, although I haven't tried it.
This is a limitation of Glue as of now. Have you taken a look at Glue Classifiers? It's the only piece I haven't used yet, but might suit your needs. You can define a JSON path for a field or something like that.
Other than that - Glue Jobs are the way to go. It's Spark in the background, so you can do pretty much everything. Set up a development endpoint and play around with it. I've run against various roadblocks for the last three weeks and decided to completely forgo any and all Glue functionality and only Spark, that way it's both portable and actually works.
One thing you might need to keep in mind when setting up the dev endpoint is that the IAM role must have a path of "/", so you will most probably need to create a separate role manually that has this path. The one automatically created has a path of "/service-role/".
you should add a glue classifier preferably $[*]
When you crawl the json file in s3, it will read the first line of the file.
You can create a glue job in order to load the data catalog table of this json file into the redshift.
My only problem with here is that Redshift Spectrum has problems reading json tables in the data catalog..
let me know if you have found a solution
The procedure I found useful to shallow nested json:
ApplyMapping for the first level as datasource0;
Explode struct or array objects to get rid of element level
df1 = datasource0.toDF().select(id,col1,col2,...,explode(coln).alias(coln), where explode requires from pyspark.sql.functions import explode;
Select the JSON objects that you would like to keep intact by intact_json =, itct1, itct2,..., itctm);
Transform df1 back to dynamicFrame and Relationalize the
dynamicFrame as well as drop the intact columns by dataframe.drop_fields(itct1, itct2,..., itctm);
Join relationalized table with the intact table based on 'id'
As of 12/20/2018, I was able to manually define a table with first level json fields as columns with type STRING. Then in the glue script the dynamicframe has the column as a string. From there, you can do an Unbox operation of type json on the fields. This will json parse the fields and derive the real schema. Combining Unbox with Filter allows you to loop through and process heterogeneous json schemas from the same input if you can loop through a list of schemas.
However, one word of caution, this is incredibly slow. I think that glue is downloading the source files from s3 during each iteration of the loop. I've been trying to find a way to persist the initial source data but it looks like .toDF derives the schema of the string json fields even if you specify them as glue StringType. I'll add a comment here if I can figure out a solution with better performance.