AWS Glue, data filtering before loading into a frame, naming s3 objects - postgresql

I have 3 questions, for the following context:
I'm trying to migrate my historical from RDS postgresql to S3. I have about a billion rows of dat in my database,
Q1) Is there a way for me to tell an aws glue job what rows to load? For example i want it to load data from a certain date onwards? There is no bookmarking feature for a PostgreSQL data source,
Q2) Once my data is processed, the glue job automatically creates a name for the s3 output objects, I know i can speciofy the path in DynamicFrame write, but can I specify the object name? if so, how? I cannot find an option for this.
Q3) I tried my glue job on a sample table with 100 rows of data, and it automatically separated the output into 20 files with 5 rows in each of those files, how can I specify the batch size in a job?
Thanks in advance
This is a question I have also posted in AWS Glue forum as well, here is a link to that:

Glue supports pushdown predicates feature, however currently it works with partitioned data on s3 only. There is a feature request to support it for JDBC connections though.
It's not possible to specify name of output files. However, looks like there is an option with renaming files (note that renaming on s3 means copying file from one location into another so it's costly and not atomic operation)
You can't really control the size of output files. There is an option to control min number of files using coalesce though. Also starting from Spark 2.2 there is a possibility to set max number of records per file by setting config spark.sql.files.maxRecordsPerFile


load orc format to aurora postgres DB

We have a ORC file format which are stored in s3 and we want to load the files into AWS Aurora postgres DB .
What we got from internet was :
postgres support csv, txt and other formats not ORC ..
Can any one please help us to find a solution?
This date PostgreSQL on Aurora supports ingestion of data from S3 through the COPY command only from TXT and CSV files.
Since your files are in ORC format, you could convert these tiles in either CSV or TXT and then ingest the data. You could do this very easily with Athena, by simply creating a table for your original data and running a SELECT * FROM table query. As explained in the Working with Query Results, Output Files, and Query History
page, this will automatically generate a CSV file containing the results.
This would not be optimal as you’d pay not only the transform price but also the he storage twice (as original ORC and converted CSV), but it would allow you to convert the data pretty easily.
A better way to do it would instead be to use a service like AWS Glue, that supports S3 as source and that has an Aurora connector. Using this method would give you an actual ETL and even if now you just need the E(xtract) and L(oad), would still leave the door open for any kind of transform you might need in the future.
In this AWS Blog titled How to extract, transform, and load data for analytic processing using AWS Glue (Part 2) they show the opposite flow (Aurora->S3 via Glue), but it should still give you an idea of the process.

PySaprk- Perform Merge in Synapse using Databricks Spark

We are having a tricky situation while performing ACID operation using Databricks Spark .
We want to perform UPSERT on a Azure Synapse table over a JDBC connection using PySpark . We are aware of Spark providing only 2 mode for writing data . APPEND and OVERWRITE (only these two use full in our case) . So based these two mode we thought of below options:
We will write whole dataframe into a stage table . And we will use this stage table to perform MERGE operation( ~ UPSERT )with final Table .Stage table will be truncated / dropped after that .
We Will bring target table data into Spark also. Inside Spark We will perform MERGE using Delta lake and will generate a final Dataframe .This dataframe will be written back to Target table in OVERWRITE mode.
Considering the cons. sides..
in Option 1 , We have to use two table just to write the final data. And In,case both Stage and target tables are big , then performing MERGE operation inside Synapse is another herculean task and May take time .
in option 2 ,We have to bring the Target table into Spark in-memory. Even though network IO is not much of our concern as both Databricks and Synpse will be in same Azure AZ, It may leads to memory issue in Spark side.
Is there any other feasible options ?? Or any recommendation ??
Answer would depend on many factors not listed in your question. It's a very open ended question.
(Given the way your question is phrased I'm assuming you're using Dedicated SQL Pools and not an On-demand Synapse)
Here are some thoughts:
You'll be using spark cluster's compute in option 1 and Synapse' compute in option 2. Compare cost.
Pick the lower cost.
Read and write to/from Spark to/from Synapse using their driver uses Datalake as stage. I.e. while reading a table from Synapse into a datafrmae in Spark, driver will first make Synapse export data to Datalake (as parquet IIRC) and then read the files in Datalake to create the Dataframe. This scales nicely if you're talking about 10s or million or billions of rows. But the overhead could become a performance overhead if row counts are low (10-100s of thousands).
Test and pick the faster one.
Remember that Synapse is not like a traditional MySQL or SQL-Server. It's an MPP DB.
"performing MERGE operation inside Synapse is another herculean task and May take time" is a wrong statement. It scales just like a Spark cluster.
It may leads to memory issue in Spark side, yes and no. One one hand all data isn't going to be loaded into a single worker node. OTOH yes, you do need enough memory for each node to do it's own part.
Although Synapse can be scaled up and down dynamically, I've seen it take up to 40 minutes to complete a scale up. Databricks on the other hand is fully on-demand and you can probably get away with turning on cluster, do upsert, shutdown cluster. With Synapse you'll probably have other clients using it, so may not be able to shut it down.
So with Synapse either you'll have to live with 40-80 minutes down time for each upsert (scale up, upsert, scale down), OR
pay for high DWU flat-rate all the time, though your usage is high only when you upsert but otherwise it's pretty low.
Lastly, remember that MERGE is in preview at the time of writing this. Means no Sev-A support cases/immediate support if something breaks in your prod because you're using MERGE.
You can always use DELETE + INSERT instead. Assumes the delta you receive has all columns from target table and not just updated ones.
Did you try creating checksum to do merge upsert only for rows that have actual data change?

ETL with Dataprep - Union Dataset

I'm a newcomer to GCP, and I'm learning every day and I'm loving this platform.
I'm using GCP's dataprep to join several csv files (with the same column structure), treat some data and write to a BigQuery.
I created a storage (butcket) to put all 60 csv files inside. In dataprep can I define a data set to be the union of all these files? Or do you have to create a dataset for each file?
Thank you very much for your time and attention.
If you have all your files inside a directory in GCS you can import that directory as a single dataset. The process is the same as importing single files. You have to make sure though, that the column structure is exactly the same for all the files inside the directory.
If you create a separate dataset for each file you are more flexible on the structure they have when you use the UNION page to concatenate them.
However, if your use case is just to load all the files (~60) to a single table in Bigquery without any transformation, I would suggest to just use a BigQuery load job. You can use a wildcard in the Cloud Storage URI to specify the files you want. Currently, BigQuery load jobs are free of charge, so it would be a very cost-effective solution compared to the use of Dataprep.

AWS Glue Scala Upsert

I am trying to Upsert data into an existing S3 bucket from another using AWS Glue in Scala. Is there a standard way to use this? One of the methods that I found was to use SQL's MERGE method. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using that?
You can't really implement 'SQL MERGE' method in s3 since it's not possible to update existing data objects.
A workaround is to load existing rows in a Glue job, merge it with incoming dataset, drop obsolete records and overwrite all objects on s3. If you have a lot of data it would be more efficient to partition it by some columns and then override those partitions that should contain new data only.
If you goal is preventing duplicates then you can do similar: load existing, drop those records from incoming dataset that already exist in s3 (loaded on previous step) and then write to s3 new records only.

How to push a big file data in talend?

I have created a table where I have a text input file which is 7.5 GB in size and there are 65 million records and now I want to push that data into an Amazon RedShift table.
But after processing 5.6 million records it's no longer moving.
What can be the issue? Is there any limitation with tFileOutputDelimited as the job has been running for 3 hours.
Below is the job which I have created to push data in to Redshift table.
tS3Put(copy output file to S3) ------> tRedShiftRow(createTempTable)--> tRedShiftRow(COPY to Temp)
The limitation comes from Tmap component, its not the good choice to deal with large amount of data, for your case, you have to enable the option "Store temp data" to overcome the memory consumption limitation of Tmap.
Its well described in Talend Help Center.
Looks like, tFilOutputDelimited(csv) is creating the problem. Any file can't handle after certain amount of data. Not sure thought. Try to find out a way to load only portion of the parent input file and commit it in redshift. Repeat the process till your parent input file gets completely processed.
use AWS Glue to push your file data from S3 to Redshift. AWS Glue will easily push the large data into redshift without any issue.
1: Create a connection with your Redshift
2: create a database and two tables.
a: Data-from-S3 (this will use to crawl file data from S3)
b: data-to-redshift ( add redshift connection)
3: Create a Job:
a: In Data source, select the "Data-from-S3" table
b: In Data Target, select the "data-to-redshift" table
4: Run the job.
Note: You can also automate this with lambda and SNS trigger.
You can use copy command option to load large data into aws redshift, if the copy command doesn't support txt file, then we need to have csv file. processing 65 million records will create issue. so we need to perform split and run. for that create 65 iterations and do process 1 million data a a time . To implement this use tloop and set the values inside the component. take the global variables of tloop in header and limit values of tinputdelimited component
tloop----->tinputfiledelimited---->tmap(if needed)--------> tfileoutdelimited
also enable the option "Store temp data" to handle the memory issue