How to run / compile a lex program on commandline in Windows - lex

I've seen a similar question here. That one works fine with Linux but don't work for windows.

For windows, use these commands:
lex file.l
gcc lex.yy.c
But make sure your PC has lex installed.
You can learn more about the installation here if needed.


VS Code not running C

I can't for the life of me get VSC to run C programs. The code in question runs correctly on Replit.
Extension installed
GCC installed
(GCC file path was added to the windows environment)
I tried uninstalling and re-installing. And...
It says I need a C extension.
Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?
You still have to configure vscode well, as said in the doc.
If C\C++ extension is installed it will be asked to configure it for debugging or building, just follow the documentation.
But it is still not running, execute your program in the terminal with the gcc command: gcc filename+extension -o filenameExe

Vim plugin does not recognize existing Perl support

I've been using the CoqIDE plugin for Vim on Linux machines for editing Coq files. Now I'm trying to install it on Windows 8. But when I try to source the plugin, I get
Your vim doesn't support Perl. Install it before using CoqIDE mode.
which is strange, because with :version I clearly see +perl/dyn included. Is this different from the +perl that I need?
I heard somewhere that you need to have Perl installed before Vim to get a Perl-enabled Vim, so I tried that as well. I uninstalled Vim, installed Strawberry Perl (64bit), and reinstalled Vim. Still the same problem.
If the solution involves manually compiling binaries, I would really appreciate detailed instructions as I don't have any experience with it.
+perl/dyn just specifies that Vim has been compiled with dynamic Perl support; it doesn't yet check that the Perl library can be loaded successfully. To do that, try executing a Perl command, e.g.:
:perl VIM::Msg("Hello")
This probably yields on your system:
E370: Could not load library perl510.dll
Sorry, this command is disabled: the Perl library could not be loaded.
Next, you'd then have to investigate whether a proper Perl version has been installed and the DLL is accessible (though the PATH).
Download DWIMPerl for windows. I'm running win7 64 and gvim 7.4.2. Using strawberryperl and activeperl resulted in :echo has('perl') to yield 0. By switching to DWIMPerl (and ensuring my PATH env variables are proper) :echo has('perl') now yields 1 using the standard gvim distribution. This is important for vim extensions like dbext which require proper support for perl interfaces.

ffmpeg in matlab on windows

Is there a way to run ffmpeg commands in matlab on windows.
I know on Linux we can use the function system('...') to run any command but how can I do it on windows?
any idea would be appreciated
The system command should work just fine on a windows machine as well. For example, I ran the following with no issues on 64-bit Windows 7:
system('ffmpeg -i C:\Users\Sam\demo.wav C:\Users\Sam\demo2.mpg')

best way to compile a perl script for macintosh? (os x)

I see that on stack overflow, there is discussion about compiling perl for Unix and Windows machines that don't have a perl interpreter installed.
i.e. Compiling a perl script to a .exe
I'm wondering what to do for Mac? Would I need to compile it and make it run on my own OSX system before I send it to someone else? Is perl just the wrong language for this in general?
I'm use Perl Dev Kit (PDK) for this. It's not free but with PerlApp tool I can create executables for many platforms.

Compile native Windows executable from perl source on linux

I have a perl script on a linux system that I would like to compile to generate an executable that runs natively on Windows. I would like to do this with free software, preferably Perl PAR / pp. Is this possible?
You need to run pp on a windows machine to make a windows binary. I know it works, I've done it. Any Linux specific code will need to be made at least platform-independent or windows specific, but Perl is a generally platform independent language. Using File::Spec will help.