VS Code not running C - visual-studio-code

I can't for the life of me get VSC to run C programs. The code in question runs correctly on Replit.
Extension installed
GCC installed
(GCC file path was added to the windows environment)
I tried uninstalling and re-installing. And...
It says I need a C extension.
Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?

You still have to configure vscode well, as said in the doc.
If C\C++ extension is installed it will be asked to configure it for debugging or building, just follow the documentation.
But it is still not running, execute your program in the terminal with the gcc command: gcc filename+extension -o filenameExe


Visual Studio Code, code command does not start new file

I'm having an issue where if I do code <filename> where the file does not already exist, it does not create a new file.
Normally, vscode would (almost) create a new file, I could write some code, and then save it and it would appear in my file manager. But this just stopped working.
I had a look through all my extensions and uninstalled all the recent extensions. I've reinstalled vscode, still no luck.
I am using windows with wsl, this affects me when running vscode both in windows and in wsl.
Did some googling around, can't find anything useful. Any advice?
I figured out what caused this in case anyone else is having the same problem.
I installed Rust in windows and that seemed to have messed up the code command.
Sorry, can't remember which version it was, I just uninstalled it on windows and noticed that it fixed it.
(p.s: Rust is great, but I have it installed in WSL so don't need it in windows.)
If you are using npm on windows, you can install touch by running npm i -g touch and creating a folder in a specific location by navigating in the location and creating by mkdir <foldername> navigating inside it and using touch <filename>. From there you can simply launch VS Code by running code . in that folder namespace
If you are using WSL (Ubuntu), it comes preinstalled and you can run mkdir <foldername> && touch <filename> && code .
Not exactly what you are looking for but it can work!

debugging rust on Eclipse Corrosion no longer works on fresh install

I change my Hard drive and so I made a fresh Eclipse Corrosion install but I kept my Rust projets. Problem is I get an error when I launch my prog in debug mode. It seems to work in run mode but I didn't test this that much.
Error is
An internal error occurred during: "Launching my_prog".
Cannot read the array length because "launchConfigEnv" is null
Important note : it seems to be link with the use of an input file (debug configuration/common/input file)
I try many things, many installs, new projects, many, many things but nothing works (and I cannot figure out what launchConfigEnv is).
Any help welcome...
Edit : I install 2019.12 Eclipse and it works fine. I will work a little with this version and try out more configuration to shrink the problem.
As a workaround, add a single environment variable to the launch configuration, as follows:
Once that is done, re-launch it and it should work.
Note that in order to get rust debugging working in Eclipse I installed MSYS2 and the following MSYS2 packages.
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb
pacman -S man
I followed some instructions in the Rust Corrosion Trouble Shooting guide to get a working GDB.
Reference: https://github.com/eclipse/corrosion/blob/master/documentation/Troubleshooting.md#debugging-on-windows
The Rust debugger command needs to be changed to rust-dbg.cmd, as follows:
However, the PATH environment wasn't working for me, so in the rust-gdb.cmd script I added this near the top:
SET PATH=%PATH%;F:\msys64\mingw64\bin;F:\Data\.cargo\bin
(Adjust as-per your installation of MSYS2 and Cargo/Rustup)
After which Eclipse was able to start a debug session and stop at a breakpoint.

How to get started with OCaml on VSC?

I started learning OCaml several days ago. I installed everything and tested a small program on Atom which worked ok.
But I don't really understand how to work on VSC. I created a file 'test.ml',but how can I run it ?
Thanks in advance
Assuming VSC is Visual Studio Code (and you're on a Unix-like system):
If you want editing support such as auto-completions, you need to install OCaml Platform extension for VS Code by following installation steps outlined here. Note that the instructions indicate that you need to also have ocaml-lsp-server installed.
If you need to run test.ml as a program, you should do in the VS Code terminal:
$ ocamlc -o test test.ml # compile 'test.ml' into an executable 'test'
$ ./test # to run the program
Note that VS Code doesn't have a ready button to run an OCaml file as an executable (not yet at least).
Newcomers to OCaml are recommended to explore language either with ocaml or utop REPL.
How to get utop: Assuming you have opam installed, you should opam install utop. Aforementioned opam is a package manager for OCaml, that can also help you manage OCaml versions and is indispensable if you want to get serious about OCaml development.
Then you'll be able to launch utop in terminal, and inside utop, you can execute test.ml with
#use "test.ml"
assuming that utop was launched from the folder containing test.ml.
You should be able to do the same with ocaml REPL that is installed along with OCaml compiler, but it's much less convenient.

Visual Studio Code Terminal bash vs. Ubuntu for Windows 10 bash

I just started with VS Code today as I have to prepare to port some of my code to Linux and I noticed that in the Terminal section there is the option of having a WSL bash, so I thought I could use this to compile my projects with gcc right there. I already installed Ubuntu for Windows 10 from the MSFT Store some time ago an installed several packages there. The thing is that the Ubuntu bash doesn't seem to share to the Linux workspace with the bash I see in VS Code, since in the latter I am lacking all those packages I already installed; it seems to be a completely different installation. Also, I noticed that the bash in the VS Code terminal uses German language while the Ubuntu App's bash is in English. (I have no idea why this is since Windows as well as VS Code is English.)
I'm quite confused about these differences, how do ubuntu.exe and bash.exe relate to each other? Can anybody shed some light on this? Obviously, it would be preferrable to to have only ONE Linux workspace in WSL so I don't have to have duplicates (of my data and also the installed packages) at different places.
To use WSL bash in VS Code integrated terminal, you need to add/change setting:
"terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\bash.exe",
Restart VS Code or integrated terminal.
If two or more WSL distro are installed, then you need to specify the path to the desired distro.
For example you can find it by running: where ubuntu, where ubuntu1604 or where ubuntu1804. And change the settings to the desired ones. For example:
"terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps\\ubuntu1604.exe",

Clion gdb not found, but working with netbeans

I've seen some other stakoverflow question like this one:
CLion Installation: Cmake compilers not found, GDB not found
But it's not quite the same problem.
My problem is that only my gdb.exe is not found by Clion. I can compile and run programs without problem, but when i need to debug the program tell me that only the debbuger is incorrect.
The problem is that my gbd.exe is present in my cygwin/bin folder
and i have it also in my PATH (system variable)
What i've done so far:
delete, shutdown and reinstall cygwin from scratch.
Install Netbeans and try to run with cygwin config (and debugger) -> everthing is working and i can debug my program. I also try to select it manualy.
So the real question is why Clion think my gdb is not present?
An how can i make it work?
Thank you for your help
Try to install GDB version 7.10.1
My settings:
Short answer: check what versions of gcc, g++ and gdb you have installed. They should be of the same major version.
Long answer:
Try to launch gdb.exe from cygwin terminal. You will probably get something like this (I'm using mingw64 from msys2 so folder will be different):
$ gdb
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/gdb.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libgcc_s_seh-1.dll:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
But you have gcc installed so you will have this DLL inside C:/msys64/mingw64/bin (in your case folder is different). The problem is that your gdb and gcc are of different major versions. I got this problem when installed mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-7.3.0-2 with mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb-8.2.1-1. That's why gdb was not able to launch and CLion was not able to check GDB version thus outputting "Not found" error.
If this is the case - remove gdb and install it again. Now with correct major version (same as gcc). Since you're using cygwin, launch cygwin setup again, search for gdb package (don't forget to change view to full) and change version to be the same as gcc. Or, alternatively, you can change gcc version to be the same as gdb (in my case this wasn't possible).