ffmpeg in matlab on windows - matlab

Is there a way to run ffmpeg commands in matlab on windows.
I know on Linux we can use the function system('...') to run any command but how can I do it on windows?
any idea would be appreciated

The system command should work just fine on a windows machine as well. For example, I ran the following with no issues on 64-bit Windows 7:
system('ffmpeg -i C:\Users\Sam\demo.wav C:\Users\Sam\demo2.mpg')


How to get Emacs on MINGW64 (Windows 10)

I currently use MINGW64 (Git Bash) as my terminal on my Windows 10 machine. It works great, I like it, but it only has Vim installed as an editor and I prefer Emacs. I'm unfortunately having a really awful time getting it to work in my terminal.
What's weirder still is that I have Emacs working in Cygwin64; but I don't like using that as my terminal. The most logical fix is simply that it Emacs to my Path ENV, however that doesn't seem to help (perhaps I'm doing that wrong?). I just get bash: emacs: command not found. I found a command to install it, using Pacman, however the Pacman command cannot be found either (which is weird because I thought that was installed by default with MINGW64.
Would love any and all help on this.
A couple of options:
Use Cygwin and the Cygwin emacs. Consider your Cygwin environment completely separate from Windows, so set your PATH from within the .bashrc, not within Windows. Launch emacs from the bash command-line.
Use the Emacs Windows binary distribution, but point to the utilities within Cygwin (there's an emacs package to help with this). Again, launch from the bash command line to inherit the bash environment within emacs.
Use the Windows Subsystem for Linux, with a Linux installation, and stick with emacs from there. You get the best of the Linux world, and access to the Windows directories and files as well.
My goto choice for MANY years was the Emacs Windows binary in conjunction with Cygwin. Once I started using the WSL, however, it just worked a lot better, in a clean Linux environment, and I could get terminal and GUI emacs (and other apps) running using the VcXsrv X Server. WSL has a version that directly supports X Windows, but I don't care for the windowing environment it uses, so I stick with VcXsrv.

How to run / compile a lex program on commandline in Windows

I've seen a similar question here. That one works fine with Linux but don't work for windows.
For windows, use these commands:
lex file.l
gcc lex.yy.c
But make sure your PC has lex installed.
You can learn more about the installation here if needed.

How to write upgrade command in the program

Want to upgrade youtube-dl program in my program.
Going to pack youtube-dl and Java and use ProcessBuilder to launch youtube-dl.
Considered using pip but as long as read it's not proper way.
How should I upgrade youtube-dl python scripts in my program?
Here is my prototype. This is assume you can use youtube-dl command from your linux terminal.
Wanna port to Windows and MacOS.
I found very nice example code for downloading the latest version on Github.
When researching about wav waveform plotting I found this.

How to start mac installation with arguments in unattended mode?

Now I have a question for the mac os. I activated the unattended mode for the installer and tried out this on a win system. There it works fine. Now I wanted to start the installer on a mac os but didn't get it run correctly. I tried the following command:
open MyApp.app --args -q -console -varfile my.varfile
This starts always the GUI installation instead the unattended mode. Maybe the terminal command is incorrect?
Kind regards
"/bin/open" is not suitable for command line-style invocations, since the passing of arguments is not synchronous and they are not passed to the main method. Instead, call the executable directly:
MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub -q -varfile my.varfile
Btw: "-console" is not applicable for Mac OS X, only for Windows.

Compile standalone Windows .exe using MATLAB on a mac

I am currently using this code to compile a standalone .app file of a MATLAB GUI on my mac:
mcc -m eotvos.m -a ./*
This works perfectly and I have a fully-functional mac executable. Is there a way to create a windows executable on my mac? I know that code works within MATLAB on windows. Is there a way to create a .exe file on my mac?
As far as I am aware this is not possible. It is possible to cross compile between 32bit/64bit on the same OS but not between OS's. Though I cant find it explicitly in the docs at the moment. Will update if I do.