I am trying to make side menu in ionic app. But links of side menu not clicking - ionic-framework

I am trying to make a side menu bar in my app. the side menu is showing. but I can't click those links. When I inspect the page and select an item, it is selected tag.

Assuming that you have used this example. This example does not implement click events, to add them:
In React, use onClick() handler.
In Angular, use ng-click or bind event (click)
This should be added to every "ion-item" tag in above example.


What is best way to add buttons or links to the ExpansionPanel without triggering a collapse?

I am using material-ui's ExpansionPanel and inside the ExpansionPanelSummary I would like to add some action items (Links or Buttons) so that users can interact with nicely to drive something inside that panel. When I added a Typography and Link under, what seems to happen is that clicking on the link will also collapse the panel (and vice-versa if it is already collapsed).
Is there a way to have the summary not collapse/expand when items inside the panel's summary are clicked?

WicketTester: How to click secondary mouse button?

I want to test a wicket component which shows a context menu on click with the secondary mouse button.
With WicketTester.click(Component) I can click obviously simulate a click on a component. But how do I simulate a click with the secondary mouse button?
WicketTester does not provide means to test JavaScript!
If the context menu is being shown with Wicket Ajax call to the server to make it visible then you can do tester.executeAjaxBehavior(...).
If the menu is shown via JavaScript in the browser then WicketTester cannot check whether it is visible or not. But in that case you should be able to test selecting a menu item, i.e. sending an Ajax call with the appropriate value for the item.

How do you get the drawer to slide in after clicking a menu item in Aurelia UI

On the demo page when you click on a menu item in the drawer it closes.
In the code I could't find a trigger event attached to it.
use the close-on-click attribute.
<ui-drawer close-on-click>

How do I get html data to show in an panel when I click an item in my listbox? gwt

I am using eclipse with the google web toolkit plugin and have built a widget which has a ListBox and a horizontal SplitLayoutPanel. I want to be able to click on an item in my list box and have it display the HTML in the top pane of my split panel. I think I need to setup click handler but I am not quite sure how to go about this. Please give me a push in the right direction.
Add a ChangeHandler to the listBoxInstance. In the onChange, get the selected value using getSelectedIndex()/getValue(). Process as required.

Ajax Control Toolkit - Use client-side button to activate tab

I'm using the TabContainer/TabPanel components of the Ajax Control Toolkit.
I'd like to hide the tabs themselves and use a button elsewhere on the page to activate (bring to the front) one of the tabs without posting back to the server.
I can show and hide the tabs by grabbing their clientIDs and manually setting the visibility and display styles.
But is there a javascript function I can call to do this and perform whatever magic happens behind the scenes when I click an actual tab?
var tab = $find(“tabContainer’s ClientID”);
tab.set_activeTabIndex(1); // active the second tab panel
tab.getFirstTab().set_enabled(false); // disable the first panel