How do you get the drawer to slide in after clicking a menu item in Aurelia UI - aurelia-ui-framework

On the demo page when you click on a menu item in the drawer it closes.
In the code I could't find a trigger event attached to it.

use the close-on-click attribute.
<ui-drawer close-on-click>


I am trying to make side menu in ionic app. But links of side menu not clicking

I am trying to make a side menu bar in my app. the side menu is showing. but I can't click those links. When I inspect the page and select an item, it is selected tag.
Assuming that you have used this example. This example does not implement click events, to add them:
In React, use onClick() handler.
In Angular, use ng-click or bind event (click)
This should be added to every "ion-item" tag in above example.

How can I prevent a SpeedDialAction that opens dialog from refocusing the SpeedDial when the dialog is closed?

I have a SpeedDialAction (#material-ui/lab#4.0.0-alpha.56) that opens a file dialog. If you choose one or more files it opens a material-ui modal dialog. It's using react-dropzone, but I don't know if that's relevant here. At the beginning of the action click handler I set the open state on the SpeedDial to false, and it closes. When you:
cancel the file dialog
cancel the material-ui dialog
submit from the material-ui dialog
...afterwards the SpeedDial component's onOpen callback is called, and passed 'focus' as the reason. I'm not sure why this is happening or really which component is driving this behavior. Is there an easy way to suppress this?
The answer is in the docs: the disableRestoreFocus prop on Modal, which is inherited by Dialog.

How to disable the back button on a pushed page?

In my page i use this:
Automatically generated back button
but a back button will automatically be added to the pushed view, how to use default bar?
If you do not want the Back button to be shown as an option you could simply hide it on the page in which you are navigating to.
<ion-navbar hideBackButton="true"></ion-navbar>
More info on Ionic NavBar here.
If you don't want to have the back button then you can set it as a root page using "setRoot()" instead of push() like this,
just try this it work great for me it will be automatically deactivate back button and show Menu toggle

GWT DialogBox : How can I do other actions during dialog was opened?

I would like to create GWT chat application. So I used GWT DialogBox for chatting. For easy to chat , I don't want to see glass style of dialog. I setted setGlassEnabled(false); . Now I can't see glass but I got a problem. I can't select any text , can't click on any links or buttons of widgets these are not in dialog.
For instance, after I opened my chat dialog, I can't click on any of my header links.
Make sure your dialog is not set to modal.

How to create a drawer in iphone?

i just want to know how to create a dropdown menu when a button is clicked, just shown in the image.![image][1]
When I click "Default Language" button it should show a list of options to select from. And when this list appears, the other buttons (or rows) below the "Default Language" button should move down so that they are not covered by the popped list.
Regards Nipin.
Try this sample code from Apple. It basically uses a table view and gestures to open up and close different sections of a cell.