Can I access and change a file on ftp server using flutter WEB? - flutter

I already read this article about working with ftp:
but this simply doesn't seem to work on flutter Web because of using package.
Is there any way or library to access and write files to ftp server?


How to save Flutter web file_picker selections to host directory

There are numerous examples online for using file_picker and uploading to Firestore, SQL etc; but it appears there are none for uploading right to the webhost directory where index.html is being served (i.e ./uploads).
As I am using flutter web in a corporate environment my options for spinning up remote storage options are nearly nil. I merely want my flutter web app to allow users to upload to our own environment (I host my web build off Sharepoint and it works perfect).
The solution for posting to web found here ( is very close to what I need except for the http.MultipartRequest part as I don't have a server API listening for POST requests. What other options do I have for merely writing uploads to a directory like ./upload? Thanks in advance.

how to connect and deploy a flutter app to "real server" base on .netcore+iis+sqlserver

I have a project to make a website and application, and i did it by .net core and sql server and deploy it on iis and finally real server and special domain. Also i did my flutter app and tested it by url on local host ('') to get connect with my database and it answered currectly,
But now i have a problem with my url to connect real server and create data on sql on server side(i can not find any special pattern to write url with domain-server-port and ...).
i dont know how to do it ,for example Should i add my fluttr app by iis or just change (new type of)url to get connection with my website backend ??
all of the sources learn about localhost.
could some one answer me about it or introduce appropriate source to guide??
One way to do that is to serve the flutter app as static files, you can achieve that by copying the output of flutter build web to the wwwroot folder of the ASP.Net core project should look something like this :
And then you need to serve it by adding the static files middleware in your request pipeline in your Startup.cs Configure method using the app.UseStaticFiles();
You should then access your flutter web application following the URL :

Mobile DApp connecting to Wallet

I've been trying to create simple mobile app prototype (in Flutter) which would allow you to connect to a Wallet and obtains your address(es). I cannot get the connection working, all the clients I could find are written in JS so my initial approach was to get it working using webview. However none of the libraries worked for me:
WalletConnect - the generated wc: link is not recognized (universal links don't seem to work)
Metamask - doesn't inject the provider into the webview browser (I'm serving the scripts locally)
Web3Modal - requires secure server to run
I'm about to try to get local HTTPS server working in the app just to try the Web3Modal but I kind of have a feeling that I'm approaching this wrong.
Any suggestions appreciated.
There is now walletconnect_dart package which supports WC protocol for Flutter. I have created walletconnect_qrcode_modal_dart package which uses walletconnect_dart to emulate functionality of #walletconnect/qrcode-modal npm package.

How to upload a file to pythonanywhere using react native?

I am trying to build an app through react-native wherein I need to upload a JSON file to my account folder hosted on pythonanywhere.
Can you please tell me how can I upload a JSON file to the pythonanywhere folder through react-native?
The web framework that you're using will have documentation about how to create a view that can accept filee uploads. Then you can use the fetch API in your javascript to send the file to it.

How to copy odoo website files to different web server?

Good Evening,,
Odoo Site Builder is very useful tool for building a dynamic, responsive, beautiful and easy website, so i want to use Odoo as a website builder for building websites and copy it to another web servers.
Where is the directory of Odoo v8 website files?
Thx for the help.
Install odoo on the device that you want to copy your data in.
then copy all files in Odoo\server\openerp\addons to the other computer.