Mobile DApp connecting to Wallet - flutter

I've been trying to create simple mobile app prototype (in Flutter) which would allow you to connect to a Wallet and obtains your address(es). I cannot get the connection working, all the clients I could find are written in JS so my initial approach was to get it working using webview. However none of the libraries worked for me:
WalletConnect - the generated wc: link is not recognized (universal links don't seem to work)
Metamask - doesn't inject the provider into the webview browser (I'm serving the scripts locally)
Web3Modal - requires secure server to run
I'm about to try to get local HTTPS server working in the app just to try the Web3Modal but I kind of have a feeling that I'm approaching this wrong.
Any suggestions appreciated.

There is now walletconnect_dart package which supports WC protocol for Flutter. I have created walletconnect_qrcode_modal_dart package which uses walletconnect_dart to emulate functionality of #walletconnect/qrcode-modal npm package.


how to connect and deploy a flutter app to "real server" base on .netcore+iis+sqlserver

I have a project to make a website and application, and i did it by .net core and sql server and deploy it on iis and finally real server and special domain. Also i did my flutter app and tested it by url on local host ('') to get connect with my database and it answered currectly,
But now i have a problem with my url to connect real server and create data on sql on server side(i can not find any special pattern to write url with domain-server-port and ...).
i dont know how to do it ,for example Should i add my fluttr app by iis or just change (new type of)url to get connection with my website backend ??
all of the sources learn about localhost.
could some one answer me about it or introduce appropriate source to guide??
One way to do that is to serve the flutter app as static files, you can achieve that by copying the output of flutter build web to the wwwroot folder of the ASP.Net core project should look something like this :
And then you need to serve it by adding the static files middleware in your request pipeline in your Startup.cs Configure method using the app.UseStaticFiles();
You should then access your flutter web application following the URL :

How to access to a local domain -which is used in a mobile app- from iPhone on testing phase?

I have been working on a NativeScript project that uses an API. The API project is on my MacBook and haven't deployed to anywhere yet. It's based on Laravel and I use Laravel Valet as development environment.
I can't test the mobile app on iPhone because the app can't connect to local API URL. I know Valet has "share" command, but because the API consumes another API -which has IP restrictions-, it doesn't work for me. Sharing a local domain via Valet's share command is something like a proxy as I understand, so the consumed API doesn't work on that proxy.
I also checked articles about how to share Macbook's network with iPhone, but it only shares the same network. I can't access the local API still.
Is there any other way that can resolve my issue? Maybe a Docker based solution? I am not that good at Docker, but I can give a try if it is possible with it. will happily expose your local Laravel Valet server.
Looks like there's a bit of a walk through on that here too which may help?

Use external mongodb in mobile build of Meteor

I've seen in a lot of places that in order to use an External Mongodb in Meteor applications, you should use an Environment Variable MONGO_URL. However, I'm building my application to work both as web app and mobile app (by generating an apk).
The problem is that when I start meteor as MONGO_URL='mongodb://' meteor it works well in my computer. But, it's not possible (I haven't found any way of doing so yet) to do this in mobile.
So, anyone has any idea of how I could use an external mongodb in mobile applications?
It seems to me that you are confused about how Meteor works, and more generally the client-server architecture.
Only your server has access to your database (whether on the same machine or at a third party provider), so that you keep control of exactly what your Client has access to.
By "Client", we mean what your visitor uses to access your app, whether a web app through a browser, or a mobile app through a Cordova wrapper.
So your mobile app only needs to know the URL of the server it has to connect to. That is specified by the --server option when you do your meteor build.
Then your server needs to know how to access the external MongoDB. This is your MONGO_URL environment variable. In production, you would set this variable on your server host. Each provider offers a different method to configure those environment variables, most of the time there is a graphical administration panel.
Note that the way Meteor works, you can use the same server to support both your web app and mobile app at the same time.
Finally, you can also test on mobile using meteor run android instead of just meteor (or with ios instead of Android, but you need a Mac). Of course you can still specify your MONGO_URL variable in the CLI when testing, exactly like you have done when testing on browser.
For mobile (cordova) meteor applications think of the app as just a web view with the ability to access native device features (camera, bluetooth ...). Since the application is basically a web view, the underlying mongodb associated with it is the same. If you want mobile device specific storage take a look at GroundDB
For your situation, if sounds like your mobile app is having problems connecting to your server, ultimately not allowing it to pull data from the mongoDB. Make sure that when you build the mobile application you have server specifed '--mobile-server'. Also if you are running it locally, make sure your mobile device is on the same network as your computer and any firewalls that might not allow connections are disabled.

Making a GWT app work on my mobile using phoneGap

When you create a GWT app you can run it as a web application and point your browser to the home page and it works. Now, in this case your browser is being served the Javascript from the server and thus all calls to the server from your Javascript work fine.
But, if you then take the generated Java script and rather than have it server from the server just have it saved locally how would you go about getting your server calls to work. Say your server is running on localhost how do you get this to work. What I am trying to do is take a working GWT app and extract the generated Java script and wrap this in a phoneGap enabled app but I can't get my server calls to work.
Instead of trying adhoc approach. You should be looking at options provided by MGWT and PhoneGap - Reference

Will it be possible to create a Chrome extension that uses a PPAPI plugin without a web server?

In the tutorial Google provided, they mentioned that you had to use a web server. I want my application to run without an Internet connection. Is this possible?
Yes. You have to set up a web server on your machine though. There are free ones on the Internet:
See this SO question:
stumped on jquery call inside chrome extension
...and here is more information from Google:
...and some problems you might run into: