Not able to open task scheduler using pywinauto - scheduled-tasks

I am trying to start Task Scheduler using pywinauto, but getting error
pywinauto.application.AppStartError: Could not create the process "C:\Windows\System32 askschd.msc
Below code written in python:
from pywinauto.application import Application
app = Application(backend='uia').start('C:\Windows\System32\taskschd.msc')
If I am trying to connect with task scheduler if task scheduler is already open, then getting below error
getting pywinauto.findwindows.ElementNotFoundError: {'title': 'Task Scheduler', 'backend': 'uia', 'visible_only': False}
Below code given to connect task scheduler if already open:
from pywinauto.application import Application
app = Application(backend='uia').connect(title='Task Scheduler')
Is there something I'm doing wrong?


How to solve "ERROR: Import of Jasper report server export zip failed!"

I am getting the following error when trying to run js-import script as root user.
INFO: Jasper report server install successful!
cp: cannot stat ‘/jasper/install/distributions/jasperReports/lib/*’: No such file or directory
Using CATALINA_BASE: /opt/jasper/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.56
Using CATALINA_HOME: /opt/jasper/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.56
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/jasper/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.56/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_312
Using CLASSPATH: /opt/jasper/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.56/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/jasper/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.56/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Using CATALINA_PID: /opt/jasper/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.56/catalina_pid.txt
Existing PID file found during start.
Removing/clearing stale PID file.
Tomcat started.
Waiting on Tomcat to start - Retry 1/5 in 60s
INFO: Tomcat started Successfully!
Running the JS import script [/jasper/install/scripts/].
ERROR: Import of Jasper report server export zip failed!
ERROR: Main install failed while executing child script [installJasperReports]!
INFO: Check the [installJasperReports.log] file for more details.
INFO: Fix the issue and then run [ /jasper/install] followed by [ /jasper/install installJasperReports] to resume.
I get the below log in js-import file relevant to the above error.
Total time: 4 seconds
Executing CE version
First resource path: /opt/jasper/jasperReports/jasperreports-server-cp-8.0.0-bin/buildomatic/conf_source/ieCe
Loading configuration resources
Initialization complete
Processing started
Tenant not found with Tenant ID "organizations"
Please give a solution for this!

Github CI UITest gives flaky tests 'Unable to monitor event loop'

I am running my UI Tests on Github CI and the tests are flaky. I don't understand how I can fix it. The animations are disabled and I am running the tests on a iPhone 13 plus. A lot of tests are running green, but some are not working. Locally, I got everything working.
These are some logs:
2022-06-21T13:42:23.2627250Z t = 63.34s Tap Cell
2022-06-21T13:42:23.2707530Z t = 63.34s Wait for com.project.project to idle
2022-06-21T13:42:23.2733620Z t = 63.41s Unable to monitor event loop
2022-06-21T13:42:23.2734250Z t = 63.41s Unable to monitor animations
2022-06-21T13:42:23.2734800Z t = 63.42s Find the Cell
2022-06-21T13:42:24.1158670Z t = 64.45s Find the Cell (retry 1)
2022-06-21T13:42:24.1287900Z t = 64.45s Collecting extra data to assist test failure triage
2022-06-21T13:42:24.2022460Z /Users/runner/work/project/UITestCase.swift:665: error: -[project.UserTagTest testTapInTextView] : Failed to get matching snapshot: Lost connection to the application (pid 12676). (Underlying Error: Couldn’t communicate with a helper application. Try your operation again. If that fails, quit and relaunch the application and try again. The connection to service created from an endpoint was invalidated: failed to check-in, peer may have been unloaded: mach_error=10000003.)
It can not find the cell because of these logs:
Unable to monitor event loop
Unable to monitor animations
I know this because I sometimes get different errors than the error above, which says that the connection to the application is lost, right below the Unable to monitor... error logging.
Is there anything I can try? I don't have a reproduction project. This is the command that is executed:
xcodebuild test -project project.xcodeproj -scheme project-iosUITests -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 13 Pro,OS=15.5'
The CI runs 35 tests and 5 fails randomly with the Unable to errors. Is there any suggestion to fix this problem?

Airflow : Job <job-id> was killed before it finished (likely due to running out of memory)

I have a linear DAG with two tasks - first task's truthy/falsy value decide if second task would be executed. I am using ShortCircuitOperator for first task so that if needed second task can be bypassed. Following is my DAG code :-
DAG_VERSION = "1.0.0"
with DAG(
) as dag:
dag.doc_md = "Sample DAG"
TASK_1 = ShortCircuitOperator(
TASK_2 = PythonOperator(
TASK_1 >> TASK_2
However, when I try to run the DAG, then I get following in log for first task when it returns truthy value :-
task_1 logs
Marking task as SUCCESS. dag_id=sample_dag, task_id=task_1, execution_date=20220606T060000, start_date=20220606T070012, end_date=20220606T070014
[2022-06-06, 07:00:17 UTC] State of this instance has been externally set to success. Terminating instance.
[2022-06-06, 07:00:17 UTC] Sending Signals.SIGTERM to GPID 18
[2022-06-06, 07:01:17 UTC] process psutil.Process(pid=18, name='airflow task runner: sample_dag task_1 scheduled__2022-06-06T06:00:00+00:00 7037', status='sleeping', started='07:00:12') did not respond to SIGTERM. Trying SIGKILL
[2022-06-06, 07:01:17 UTC] Process psutil.Process(pid=18, name='airflow task runner: sample_dag task_1 scheduled__2022-06-06T06:00:00+00:00 7037', status='terminated', exitcode=<Negsignal.SIGKILL: -9>, started='07:00:12') (18) terminated with exit code Negsignal.SIGKILL
[2022-06-06, 07:01:17 UTC] Job 7037 was killed before it finished (likely due to running out of memory)
I am using return value of first task in second task. When I try to log xcom value of first task inside second task then I get None, which cause second task to fail. This is my code for access xcom value for first task inside second task :-
def test_script_2(**context: models.xcom) -> List[str]:
task_instance = context["task_instance"]
return_value = task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids="task_1")
print("logging return value of first task ", return_value)
I am running Airflow 2.2.2 with kubernetes executor.
Is None xcom value due to out of memory issue in first task ? I tried by adding fixed value in first task, but again None was returned in second task with following log :-
task_2 logs
Marking task as SUCCESS. dag_id=sample_dag, task_id=task_2, execution_date=20220606T095611, start_date=20220606T095637, end_date=20220606T095638
[2022-06-06, 09:56:42 UTC] State of this instance has been externally set to success. Terminating instance.
[2022-06-06, 09:56:42 UTC] Sending Signals.SIGTERM to GPID 18
[2022-06-06, 09:57:42 UTC] process psutil.Process(pid=18, name='airflow task runner: sample_dag task_2 manual__2022-06-06T09:56:11.804005+00:00 7051', status='sleeping', started='09:56:37') did not respond to SIGTERM. Trying SIGKILL
[2022-06-06, 09:57:42 UTC] Process psutil.Process(pid=18, name='airflow task runner: sample_dag task_2 manual__2022-06-06T09:56:11.804005+00:00 7051', status='terminated', exitcode=<Negsignal.SIGKILL: -9>, started='09:56:37') (18) terminated with exit code Negsignal.SIGKILL
[2022-06-06, 09:57:42 UTC] Job 7051 was killed before it finished (likely due to running out of memory)
I am unable to find issue in the code. Would appreciate any hint on where I am going wrong and how to get xcom value of first task

Periodic Task not running using Celery

I have setup Celery to run a periodic task every 10 seconds that sends a post request to my Django Rest API Framework.
When I run the Celery worker it picks up the task correctly:
. FutureForex.celery.debug_task
. arbitrager.tasks.arb_data_post_request
When I run the beat nothing more gets logged and the POST request is not executed:
[2021-12-10 16:51:24,696: INFO/MainProcess] beat: Starting...
My contains the following:
from celery import Celery
from celery.schedules import crontab
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
import requests
app = Celery()
logger = get_task_logger(__name__)
def setup_periodic_tasks(sender, **kwargs):
# Calls arb_data_post_request every 10 seconds.
sender.add_periodic_task(10.0, arb_data_post_request.s(), name='arb_data_post_request')
def arb_data_post_request():
Post request to the Django framework to pull the exchnage data and save to the database
request ='')
I believe Celery is installed and setup correctly, as it finds the task. I can provide any settings if required though.
Any ideas as to why it doesn't kick off the task according to the scheduled 10 seconds would be appreciated.

Cannot create an object of class SVM in Scheduler task

I have a TYPO3 extension providing a scheduler task (extension scheduler 6.2.0).
In this task I have following strage problem:
private $svm;
$this->svm = new \SVM();
When this line is executed during task execution (started from cron job) program hangs up and does nothing. No exception, no error. It is just waiting for something.
If this line is executed within extension - an object is created.
If I start scheduler task manually in TYPO3 back-end - an object is also created.
It looks like during CLI execution class SVM is unknown. But then there should be an error...
If the class SVMis unknown, an error would occur and nothing would wait. I propose that you debug that and check, e.g. with class_exists($this->svm) if this class exists.
Without knowing more it is hard to help more.