How to solve "ERROR: Import of Jasper report server export zip failed!" - jasperserver

I am getting the following error when trying to run js-import script as root user.
INFO: Jasper report server install successful!
cp: cannot stat ‘/jasper/install/distributions/jasperReports/lib/*’: No such file or directory
Using CATALINA_BASE: /opt/jasper/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.56
Using CATALINA_HOME: /opt/jasper/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.56
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/jasper/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.56/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_312
Using CLASSPATH: /opt/jasper/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.56/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/jasper/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.56/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Using CATALINA_PID: /opt/jasper/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.56/catalina_pid.txt
Existing PID file found during start.
Removing/clearing stale PID file.
Tomcat started.
Waiting on Tomcat to start - Retry 1/5 in 60s
INFO: Tomcat started Successfully!
Running the JS import script [/jasper/install/scripts/].
ERROR: Import of Jasper report server export zip failed!
ERROR: Main install failed while executing child script [installJasperReports]!
INFO: Check the [installJasperReports.log] file for more details.
INFO: Fix the issue and then run [ /jasper/install] followed by [ /jasper/install installJasperReports] to resume.
I get the below log in js-import file relevant to the above error.
Total time: 4 seconds
Executing CE version
First resource path: /opt/jasper/jasperReports/jasperreports-server-cp-8.0.0-bin/buildomatic/conf_source/ieCe
Loading configuration resources
Initialization complete
Processing started
Tenant not found with Tenant ID "organizations"
Please give a solution for this!


Issue while trying to generate allure report

I am using ubuntu 22.04 . i run my test and try to generate Allure Report. I run the following command
behave -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o Report01/ HGS_Dashboard.feature
and then run following command to view graphical representation of report:
allure serve my_allure
But i got the following message
Generating report to temp directory... my_allure does not exists Report successfully generated to /tmp/11409221114106846919/allure-report Starting web server... 2023-02-15 18:12:55.669:INFO::main: Logging initialized #1421ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog Server started at <>. Press <Ctrl+C> to exit libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null) Opening in existing browser session.
While it open the report in browser and report have no data to display see the attached screenshot.
enter image description here

AWS Elastic Beanstalk failed to install psycopg2 using requirements.txt Git Pip

I am trying to deploy an app using elasticbeanstalk with Python 3.8. I am using the following requirements.txt
When I run the command eb create, I get the following error
2022-04-05 22:03:00 INFO Created security group named: sg-00b14485064e5e8ca
2022-04-05 22:03:16 INFO Created security group named: awseb-e-ekd3bw2bvf-stack-AWSEBSecurityGroup-1O3NAVBIRRK30
2022-04-05 22:03:31 INFO Created Auto Scaling launch configuration named: awseb-e-ekd3bw2bvf-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration-HKjIVsa84E3U
2022-04-05 22:04:49 INFO Created Auto Scaling group named: awseb-e-ekd3bw2bvf-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingGroup-5FQOAWMGCR3W
2022-04-05 22:04:49 INFO Waiting for EC2 instances to launch. This may take a few minutes.
2022-04-05 22:04:49 INFO Created Auto Scaling group policy named: arn:aws:autoscaling:us-east-1:208357543212:scalingPolicy:ecfbbff0-4151-492f-a474-ba01535ad348:autoScalingGroupName/awseb-e-ekd3bw2bvf-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingGroup-5FQOAWMGCR3W:policyName/awseb-e-ekd3bw2bvf-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingScaleDownPolicy-CI2UIP6X023P
2022-04-05 22:04:49 INFO Created Auto Scaling group policy named: arn:aws:autoscaling:us-east-1:208357543212:scalingPolicy:d534189a-45e3-48f1-a206-720f202b4469:autoScalingGroupName/awseb-e-ekd3bw2bvf-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingGroup-5FQOAWMGCR3W:policyName/awseb-e-ekd3bw2bvf-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingScaleUpPolicy-1F0WVTUXXPFKF
2022-04-05 22:05:04 INFO Created CloudWatch alarm named: awseb-e-ekd3bw2bvf-stack-AWSEBCloudwatchAlarmLow-W8URMJEYBO3C
2022-04-05 22:05:04 INFO Created CloudWatch alarm named: awseb-e-ekd3bw2bvf-stack-AWSEBCloudwatchAlarmHigh-13J8QHI51MEBM
2022-04-05 22:06:09 INFO Created load balancer named: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:208357543212:loadbalancer/app/awseb-AWSEB-IXOR2Z0K0OJV/1fba4c6ff6122c55
2022-04-05 22:06:24 INFO Created Load Balancer listener named: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:208357543212:listener/app/awseb-AWSEB-IXOR2Z0K0OJV/1fba4c6ff6122c55/734b0cf960b6b8c4
2022-04-05 22:06:42 ERROR Instance deployment failed to install application dependencies. The deployment failed.
2022-04-05 22:06:42 ERROR Instance deployment failed. For details, see 'eb-engine.log'.
2022-04-05 22:06:44 ERROR [Instance: i-0368a7ba2157241f4] Command failed on instance. Return code: 1 Output: Engine execution has encountered an error..
2022-04-05 22:06:45 INFO Command execution completed on all instances. Summary: [Successful: 0, Failed: 1].
2022-04-05 22:07:48 ERROR Create environment operation is complete, but with errors. For more information, see troubleshooting documentation.
I look at the corresponding logs and I get the following error:
Collecting Werkzeug==2.0.1
Downloading Werkzeug-2.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (288 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 288.2/288.2 KB 35.6 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Collecting celery[redis]
Downloading celery-5.2.6-py3-none-any.whl (405 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 405.6/405.6 KB 54.7 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Collecting psycopg2==2.9.3
Downloading psycopg2-2.9.3.tar.gz (380 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 380.6/380.6 KB 52.2 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Preparing metadata ( started
Preparing metadata ( finished with status 'error'
2022/04/05 22:06:42.952376 [INFO] error: subprocess-exited-with-error
× python egg_info did not run successfully.
│ exit code: 1
╰─> [23 lines of output]
running egg_info
creating /tmp/pip-pip-egg-info-v0aygozt/psycopg2.egg-info
writing /tmp/pip-pip-egg-info-v0aygozt/psycopg2.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to /tmp/pip-pip-egg-info-v0aygozt/psycopg2.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing top-level names to /tmp/pip-pip-egg-info-v0aygozt/psycopg2.egg-info/top_level.txt
writing manifest file '/tmp/pip-pip-egg-info-v0aygozt/psycopg2.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
Error: pg_config executable not found.
pg_config is required to build psycopg2 from source. Please add the directory
containing pg_config to the $PATH or specify the full executable path with the
python build_ext --pg-config /path/to/pg_config build ...
or with the pg_config option in 'setup.cfg'.
If you prefer to avoid building psycopg2 from source, please install the PyPI
'psycopg2-binary' package instead.
For further information please check the 'doc/src/install.rst' file (also at
[end of output]
note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
error: metadata-generation-failed
× Encountered error while generating package metadata.
╰─> See above for output.
note: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.
hint: See above for details.
I am not quite familiar with the requirements of AWS, but I could run the app locally and without any problem. I just wonder what would be a right configuration for the requirements.txt file in order to avoid the bug.
Thanks in advance.
You have to install postgresql-devel first before you can use psycopg2. You can add the installation instructions to your ebextentions:
postgresql-devel: []
command: yum install -y postgresql-devel
I could solve the error. I have to change psycopg2 by psycopg2-binary as it was suggested by the AWS logs:
If you prefer to avoid building psycopg2 from source, please install the PyPI
'psycopg2-binary' package instead.
This issue has to be with the particular configuration of the libraries and the specific Linux machines used in AWS.

Jasper Report Server not working

I have a problem with the installation of Jasper Server v. 6.4.2 on Redhat 7.2
My Tomcat is running and my postgresql
[root# jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2]# ./ restart
Using CATALINA_BASE: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/java
Using CLASSPATH: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Using CATALINA_PID: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat/temp/
Tomcat stopped.
/opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat/scripts/ : tomcat stopped
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
/opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/postgresql/scripts/ : postgresql stopped
waiting for server to start.... done
server started
/opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/postgresql/scripts/ : postgresql started at port 5432
Using CATALINA_BASE: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/java
Using CLASSPATH: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Using CATALINA_PID: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat/temp/
Tomcat started.
/opt/jasperreports-server-cp-6.4.2/apache-tomcat/scripts/ : tomcat started
but went I try to connect to http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro I have this Message
HTTP Status 404 – Not Found
Type Status Report
Message /jasperserver-pro
Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
Apache Tomcat/8.5.20
First of all just check the whether your war file (tomcat> webapps> jasperserver-pro) is there or not.
Sometimes it does get corrupt and deleted while you are running a js-install sh script for database setup.
So while setting up jasperserver, before running js-install sh (/buildomatic/) make one directory in at /buildmomatic/install_resources with name "war" and copy your war file from tomcat> webapps> to this directory. otherwise, jasperverserver will through error (/war/jasperserver not found).

FTPD Server Issue

So I am trying to use my xampp server and for the life of me can't understand why my ProFTPD will not turn on. It only became cause for concern when I saw the word "bogon" in the application log. Can anyone translate to me what the application log means and maybe how I go about troubleshooting the problem ?
Stopping all servers...
Stopping Apache Web Server...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/scripts/ : httpd stopped
Stopping MySQL Database...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/mysql/scripts/ : mysql stopped
Starting ProFTPD...
Exit code: 8
Checking syntax of configuration file
proftpd config test fails, aborting
bogon proftpd[3948]: warning: unable to determine IP address of 'bogon'
bogon proftpd[3948]: error: no valid servers configured
bogon proftpd[3948]: Fatal: error processing configuration file '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/proftpd.conf'

Endeca baseline update is failing: SEVERE: Utility 'rmdir_dgraph-input-old' failed

Baseline update on endeca is failing. Please find the logs below:
INFO: Finished pushing content to dgraph.
INFO: [AuthoringMDEXHost] Starting shell utility 'rmdir_dgraph-input-old'.
INFO: [LiveMDEXHostA] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_local-dgraph-input'.
INFO: [LiveMDEXHostA] Starting shell utility 'rmdir_dgraph-input-old'.
SEVERE: Utility 'rmdir_dgraph-input-old' failed. Refer to utility logs in [ENDECA_CONF]/logs/shell on host LiveMDEXHostA.
Occurred while executing line 7 of valid BeanShell script:
SEVERE: Error executing valid BeanShell script.
Occurred while executing line 19 of valid BeanShell script:;
// distribute index, update Dgraphs;
// Upload the generated dimension values to Workbench
SEVERE: Caught an exception while invoking method 'run' on object 'BaselineUpdate'. Releasing locks.
Caused by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl invoke0 - null
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.AppControlException
com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.script.Script runBeanShellScript - Error executing valid BeanShell script.
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.AppControlException
com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.script.Script runBeanShellScript - Error executing valid BeanShell script.
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.EacComponentControlException
com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.Utility run - Utility 'rmdir_dgraph-input-old' failed. Refer to utility logs in [ENDECA_CONF]/logs/shell on host LiveMDEXHostA.
INFO: Released lock 'update_lock'.
Has anyone seen this type of error before? Please let me know the potential solution. Also Baseline update is taking 2 to 3 hours and then it's failing, it's annoying.
Check logs under
There should be a log named like appName.rmdir_dgraph-input-old.log
with more info about the error.
Probably a non existing folder is trying to be removed or something like that.
If this is the case just create the folder that the utility is trying to remove and execute baseline again.