How to get all the default user groups of a kubernetes cluster - kubernetes

Such as system:masters、system:anonymous、system:unauthenticated.
Is there a way to have all system groups that do not contain external creation, just the system,kubectl command or a list?
I searched the Kubernetes documentation but didn't find a list or a way to get it.

There is no build-in command to list all the default user groups from the Kubernetes cluster.
However you can try to workaround in several options:
You can create your custom script (i.e. in Bash) based on kubectl get clusterrole command.
You can try install some plugins. Plugin rakkess could help you:
Have you ever wondered what access rights you have on a provided kubernetes cluster? For single resources you can use kubectl auth can-i list deployments, but maybe you are looking for a complete overview? This is what rakkess is for. It lists access rights for the current user and all server resources, similar to kubectl auth can-i --list.
See also more information about:
kubelet authentication / authorization
anonymous requests


Where do I find the function for "kubectl describe <CRD>"?

I am studying "kubectl describe" sourcecodes at
However, I still could not figure out how "kubectl decsribe [CRD]" works (as in which function/functions are called).
I am a Go newbie, so would like to get some pointers please. Thanks.
I have read describePod function and understand how it works more or less, but still could not figure out how "kubectl describe [CRD]" works.
The "kubectl describe " function can be found in the command-line interface (CLI) of Kubernetes, specifically in the "kubectl" tool. "kubectl" is used to manage and interact with a Kubernetes cluster and its resources.
enter image description here
Kubectl describe command helps to view the entire information about the kubernetes resources like Pods,deployments,services,nodes,jobs etc.
By using CRD(Custom Resource Definition) you can do CRUD operations like create, update, get and delete commands to access the resources. To use CRD we need to use the API groups.
Suppose you specify an API group as, which means you can issue the get, list, create, update, and delete commands to access the custom resources under the API group
You can use kubectl describe crd <crd_name> to get a description of the CRD.
For more information refer this official doc
Try this similar SO’s SO1 and SO2 for more information

GKE pod replica count in cluster

How can we obtain the gke pod counts running in the cluster? I found there are ways to get node count but we needed pod count as well. it will be better if we can use something with no logging needed in gcp operations.
You can do it with Kubernetes Python Client library as shown in this question, posted by Pradeep Padmanaban C, where he was looking for more effective way of doing it, but his example is actually the best what you can do to perform such operation as there is no specific method which would allow you just to count pods without retrieving their entire json manifests:
from kubernetes import client , config
v1= client.CoreV1Api()
ret_pod = v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(watch=False)
You can also use a different method, which allows to retrieve pods only from specific namespace e.g.:
In kubectl way you can do it as follows (as proposed here by RammusXu):
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --no-headers | wc -l
You can directly access the kubernetes API using a restful API call. You will need to make sure you provide the authentication token in your call by including a bearer token.
Once you are able to query the api server directly, you can use GET <master_endpoint>/api/v1/pods to list all the pods in the cluster. You can also search for specific namespaces by specifying the namespace /api/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/pods.
Keep in mind that the kubectl cli tool is just a wrapper for API calls, each kubectl command will form a RESTful API call in a similar format to the one listed above, so any interaction you have with the cluster using kubectl can also be achieved through RESTful API calls

How to change users in kubectl?

In my machine I have two kubectl users, my company's account and my personal account. I can confirm that by running kubectl config view.
I'm trying to access my company's cluster but kubectl is using to my personal credentials to authenticate. Which is causing an error, as expected.
How do I change to my company's account?
Users and clusters are tied to a context and you can change users and clusters by changing the context.
kubectl config use-context my-context-name
Above command sets the current context to my-context-name.Now when kubectl is used the user and cluster tied to my-context-name context will be used.
Check the docs for more details and various other available options.

How do I authenticate with Kubernetes kubectl using a username and password?

I've got a username and password, how do I authenticate kubectl with them?
Which command do I run?
I've read through: and though can not find any relevant information in there for this case.
kubectl config set-credentials cluster-admin --username=admin --password=uXFGweU9l35qcif
The above does not seem to work:
kubectl get pods
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "client" cannot list pods in the namespace "default": Unknown user "client"
Kubernetes provides a number of different authentication mechanisms. Providing a username and password directly to the cluster (as opposed to using an OIDC provider) would indicate that you're using Basic authentication, which hasn't been the default option for a number of releases.
The syntax you've listed appears right, assuming that the cluster supports basic authentication.
The error you're seeing is similar to the one here which may suggest that the cluster you're using doesn't currently support the authentication method you're using.
Additional information about what Kubernetes distribution and version you're using would make it easier to provide a better answer, as there is a lot of variety in how k8s handles authentication.
You should have a group set for the authenticating user.
"Use a credential with the system:masters group, which is bound to the cluster-admin super-user role by the default bindings."

Kubernetes 1.6+ RBAC: Gain access as role cluster-admin via kubectl

1.6+ sees a lot of changes revolving around RBAC and ABAC. However, what is a little quirky is not being able to access the dashboard etc. by default as previously possible.
Access will result in
User "system:anonymous" cannot proxy services in the namespace "kube-system".: "No policy matched."
Documentation at the k8s docs is plenty, but not really stating how to gain access practically, as creator of a cluster, to become cluster-admin
What is a practical way to authenticate me as cluster-admin?
By far the easiest method is to use the credentials​ from /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf (this is on your master if you used kubeadm) . Run kubectl proxy --kubeconfig=admin.conf on your client and then you can visit from your browser.
You might need to change the master address in admin.conf after you copied to you client machine.