Kubernetes 1.6+ RBAC: Gain access as role cluster-admin via kubectl - kubernetes

1.6+ sees a lot of changes revolving around RBAC and ABAC. However, what is a little quirky is not being able to access the dashboard etc. by default as previously possible.
Access will result in
User "system:anonymous" cannot proxy services in the namespace "kube-system".: "No policy matched."
Documentation at the k8s docs is plenty, but not really stating how to gain access practically, as creator of a cluster, to become cluster-admin
What is a practical way to authenticate me as cluster-admin?

By far the easiest method is to use the credentials​ from /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf (this is on your master if you used kubeadm) . Run kubectl proxy --kubeconfig=admin.conf on your client and then you can visit from your browser.
You might need to change the master address in admin.conf after you copied to you client machine.


Limit/Controlled kubectl exec command

I am still bit of kubernetes newbe. But I am looking for a way to give developers controlled access to kubectl exec command . I want to give them run most of the read-only command but prevent some high risk command and also prevent interactive download/install etc. Also want to log all their action during sessions for audit purpose.
I am not seeing any straight forward way to do it using rbac. Also not seeing those options in rancher either. I am looking for some guidance and direction to achieve such capability.
I am sure some of you have achieved it some way.
Kubernetes RBAC can only validate whenever you can or cannot exec into pods, (by checking create verb on pods/exec resource), after that it switches to SPDY protocol and passes your input and returning back output from analog of docker exec on your container runtime, without actually caring about what's going in and out
With rbac you also have to specify pod name, which might be problematic if you are using Deployments, where each new revision will generate a different pod name. Since pattern matching is not implemented in rbac - you would have to change your role every time new pod name is generated.
So the answer is "No, you can' do it with rbac"
An alternative solution would be to use some kind of CI/CD (jenkins,gitlab-ci etc.) or orchestration tool (rundeck, ansible-tower etc) where you will create some kind of script, where your developers would pass arguments to a job, controlled by you, i.e.
kubectl exec deploy/foo -- /bin/bar baz "$DEV_ARGUMENT"
Which, essentially, means, that you would be responsible for managing access to that job/script, creating and maintaining serviceAccount for that script, etc.
If you are afraid of image mutability, i.e. you don't want your developers to install something in running container, but otherwise are okay with giving them shell on it (remember, they can still read any secrets/env vars/configMaps and even serviceAccount tokens that pod uses of you mount them by default), you should consider the following:
Don't run your containers as root. Try to use images, that support rootles operation, and then either specify correct non-root UID in runAsUser field in securityContext, or configure runAsNonRoot: true flag to deny containers running as root.
Better general solution would be to utilize PodSecurityPolicy (deprecated, removed in 1.25), Pod Security Admission or some 3rd party admission contoller like OPA Gatekeeper to deny containers running as root in your namespace
You can also make your pods immutable by using readOnlyRootFilesystem in security context, which will deny write operation to pod ephemeral storage (but if you mounted any volume as RW - they still will be accessible to write operations). Feasibility of this approach depends on whenever your apps use some kind of temporary files of not
Relevant links:
kubernetes RBAC role verbs to exec to pod
https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/44703#issuecomment-324826356 - issue, discussing current rbac limitations
https://erkanerol.github.io/post/how-kubectl-exec-works/ - bot links explaining how exec actually works

K8s RBAC needed when no API calls?

My pod is running with the default service account. My pod uses secrets through mounted files and config maps but this is defined in yaml and the pod does not contain kubectl or similar component.
Is there a point of using RBAC for anything if I don't call the API? The best practices state "Enable or configure RBAC rules that restrict reading data in Secrets (including via indirect means)."
Only things that call the Kubernetes API, like the kubectl command and the various Kubernetes SDK libraries, use RBAC. For your basic application, you as the user need permission to create deployments, create secrets, etc. but if you have cluster-administrator permissions you don't need anything special setup.
You could imagine an orchestrator application that wanted to farm out work by creating Kubernetes Jobs. In this case the orchestrator itself would need an RBAC setup; typically its Helm chart or other deployment YAML would contain a Role (to create Jobs), a ServiceAccount, and a RoleBinding, and set its own Deployment to run using that ServiceAccount. This isn't the "normal" case of a straightforward HTTP-based application (Deployment/Service/Ingress) with a backing database (StatefulSet/Service).
... restrict reading data in Secrets ...
If you can kubectl get secret -o yaml then the Secret values are all but there to read; they are base64 encoded but not encrypted at all. It's good practice to limit the ability to do this. This having been said, you can also create a Pod, mounting the Secret, and make the main container command be to dump out the Secret value to somewhere readable, so even then Secrets aren't that secret. It's still a good practice, but not required per se, particularly in an evaluation or test cluster.

How to get all the default user groups of a kubernetes cluster

Such as system:masters、system:anonymous、system:unauthenticated.
Is there a way to have all system groups that do not contain external creation, just the system,kubectl command or a list?
I searched the Kubernetes documentation but didn't find a list or a way to get it.
There is no build-in command to list all the default user groups from the Kubernetes cluster.
However you can try to workaround in several options:
You can create your custom script (i.e. in Bash) based on kubectl get clusterrole command.
You can try install some plugins. Plugin rakkess could help you:
Have you ever wondered what access rights you have on a provided kubernetes cluster? For single resources you can use kubectl auth can-i list deployments, but maybe you are looking for a complete overview? This is what rakkess is for. It lists access rights for the current user and all server resources, similar to kubectl auth can-i --list.
See also more information about:
kubelet authentication / authorization
anonymous requests

GOCD agent registration with kubernetes

I want register kubernetes-elastic-agents with gocd-server. In the doc https://github.com/gocd/kubernetes-elastic-agents/blob/master/install.md
I need kubernetes security token and cluster ca certificate. My Kubernetes is running. How do I create a security token? Where can I find the cluster ca cert?
There are two answers:
The first is that it's very weird that one would need to manually input those things since they live in a well-known location on disk of any Pod (that isn't excluded via the automountServiceAccountToken field) as described in Accessing the API from a Pod
The second is that if you really do need a statically provisioned token belonging to a ServiceAccount, then you can either retrieve an existing token from the Secret that is created by default for every ServiceAccount, or create a second Secret as described in Manually create a service account API token
The CA cert you requested is present in every Pod in the cluster at the location mentioned in the first link, as well as in the ~/.kube/config of anyone who wishes to access the cluster. kubectl config view -o yaml will show it to you.

How do I authenticate with Kubernetes kubectl using a username and password?

I've got a username and password, how do I authenticate kubectl with them?
Which command do I run?
I've read through: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authorization/ and https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/ though can not find any relevant information in there for this case.
kubectl config set-credentials cluster-admin --username=admin --password=uXFGweU9l35qcif
The above does not seem to work:
kubectl get pods
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "client" cannot list pods in the namespace "default": Unknown user "client"
Kubernetes provides a number of different authentication mechanisms. Providing a username and password directly to the cluster (as opposed to using an OIDC provider) would indicate that you're using Basic authentication, which hasn't been the default option for a number of releases.
The syntax you've listed appears right, assuming that the cluster supports basic authentication.
The error you're seeing is similar to the one here which may suggest that the cluster you're using doesn't currently support the authentication method you're using.
Additional information about what Kubernetes distribution and version you're using would make it easier to provide a better answer, as there is a lot of variety in how k8s handles authentication.
You should have a group set for the authenticating user.
"Use a credential with the system:masters group, which is bound to the cluster-admin super-user role by the default bindings."