How to change users in kubectl? - kubernetes

In my machine I have two kubectl users, my company's account and my personal account. I can confirm that by running kubectl config view.
I'm trying to access my company's cluster but kubectl is using to my personal credentials to authenticate. Which is causing an error, as expected.
How do I change to my company's account?

Users and clusters are tied to a context and you can change users and clusters by changing the context.
kubectl config use-context my-context-name
Above command sets the current context to my-context-name.Now when kubectl is used the user and cluster tied to my-context-name context will be used.
Check the docs for more details and various other available options.


How to get all the default user groups of a kubernetes cluster

Such as system:masters、system:anonymous、system:unauthenticated.
Is there a way to have all system groups that do not contain external creation, just the system,kubectl command or a list?
I searched the Kubernetes documentation but didn't find a list or a way to get it.
There is no build-in command to list all the default user groups from the Kubernetes cluster.
However you can try to workaround in several options:
You can create your custom script (i.e. in Bash) based on kubectl get clusterrole command.
You can try install some plugins. Plugin rakkess could help you:
Have you ever wondered what access rights you have on a provided kubernetes cluster? For single resources you can use kubectl auth can-i list deployments, but maybe you are looking for a complete overview? This is what rakkess is for. It lists access rights for the current user and all server resources, similar to kubectl auth can-i --list.
See also more information about:
kubelet authentication / authorization
anonymous requests

How to easily switch gcloud / kubectl credentials

At work we use Kubernetes hosted in GCP. I also have a side project hosted in my personal GCP account using Google App Engine (deploy using gcloud app deploy).
Often when I try to run a command such as kubectl logs -f service-name, I get an error like "Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "WORK_NAMESPACE": Required "container.pods.list" permission." and then I have to fight with kubectl for hours trying to get it to work.
Can somebody please break it down for a slow person like me, how gcloud and kubectl work together, and how I can easily switch accounts so I can use gcloud commands for my personal projects and kubectl commands for my work projects? I'm happy to nuke my whole config and start from scratch if that's what it takes. I've found various kubectl and gcloud documentation but it doesn't make much sense or talks in circles.
Edit: this is on Linux.
Had the same problem and doing all of the:
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth list
gcloud config set account
gcloud projects list
didn't help. I knew gcloud switched fine as I was able to list other resources with it directly.
But it seems kubectl can't pick those changes up automatically, as kubectl/gcloud integration relies on the pre-generated key, which has a 1h expiration(not sure if it's a default but it's what it is on my machine right now).
So, on top of setting right user/project/account with gcloud, you should re-generate the creds:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <my-cluster> --zone <clusters-zone>
I'm in the same boat as you - apps deployed in GKE for work and personal projects deployed in my personal GCP account.
gcloud stores a list of logged in accounts that you can switch between to communicate with associated projects. Take a look at these commands:
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth list
gcloud config set account
gcloud projects list
To work with a specific project under one of your accounts you need to set that configuration via gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
kubectl has a list of "contexts" on your local machine in ~/.kube/config. Your current context is the cluster you want to run commands against - similar to the active account/project in gcloud.
Unlike gcloud these are cluster specific and store info on cluster endpoint, default namespaces, the current context, etc. You can have contexts from GCP, AWS, on-prem...anywhere you have a cluster. We have different clusters for dev, qa, and prod (thus different contexts) and switch between them a ton. Take a look at the [kubectx project][1] for an easier way to switch between contexts and namespaces.
kubectl will use the keys from whatever GCP account you are logged in with against the cluster that is set as your current context. i.e., from your error above, if your active account for gcloud is your personal but try to list pods from a cluster at work you will get an error. You either need to set the active account/project for gcloud to your work email or change the kubectl context to a cluster that is hosted in your personal GCP account/project.
For me updating the ~/.kube/config and setting the expiry to a date in past fixes it
Use gcloud config configurations to manage your separate profiles with Google Cloud Platform.
Add an explicit configuration argument to the cmd-args of your kubeconfig's user to prevent gcloud from producing an access token for an unrelated profile.
- user:
cmd-args: config --configuration=work config-helper --format=json
Can somebody please break it down for a slow person like me, how gcloud and kubectl work together, and how I can easily switch accounts so I can use gcloud commands for my personal projects and kubectl commands for my work projects?
Sure! By following Google's suggested instructions that lead to running gcloud container clusters get-credentials ... when configuring a kubernetes cluster, you will end up with a section of your kubeconfig that contains information on what kubectl should do to acquire an access token when communicating with a cluster that is configured with a given user. That will look something like this:
- name: gke_project-name_cluster-zone_cluster-name
access-token: &Redacted
cmd-args: config config-helper --format=json
cmd-path: /path/to/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud
expiry: "2022-12-25T01:02:03Z"
expiry-key: '{.credential.token_expiry}'
token-key: '{.credential.access_token}'
name: gcp
Basically, this tells kubectl to run gcloud config config-helper --format=json when it needs a new token, and to parse the access_token using the json-path .credential.access_token in the response from that command. This is the crux in understanding how kubectl communicates with gcloud.
Like you, I use google cloud both personally and at work. The issue is that this user configuration block does not take into account the fact that it shouldn't use the currently active gcloud account when generating a credential. Even if you don't use kubernetes in either one of your two projects, extensions in vscode for example might try to run a kubectl command when you're working on something in a different project. If this were to happen after your current token is expired, gcloud config config-helper might get invoked to generate a token using a personal account.
To prevent this from happening, I suggest using gcloud config configuations. Configurations are global configuration profiles that you can quickly switch between. For example, I have two configurations that look like:
> gcloud config configurations list
work False work-project us-west1-a us-west1
personal True personal-project northamerica-northeast1-a northamerica-northeast1
With configurations you can alter your kubeconfig to specify which configuration to always use when creating an access token for a given kubernetes user by altering the kubeconfig user's auth-provider.config.cmd-args to include one of your gcloud configurations. With a value like config --configuration=work config-helper --format=json, whenever kubectl needs a new access token, it will use the account from your work configuration regardless of which account is currently active with the gcloud tool.

Implementing RBAC, the default user still retains access even after applying roleBinding

I want to implement RBAC for each user. Already have OIDC running and I can see my user credentials being saved in kube config.
But to check my rolebindings, i have to run the command as
kubectl get pods, even though I am logged in as (through gcloud init).
I am an owner account in our cloud but I was assuming the RBAC limitations should still work.
Apart from credentials, you should configure a kubectl context to associate this credentials with the cluster. And to set it as the default context:
First, list kubectl clusters with k config get-clusters
Then create a new context:
kubectl config set-context my-new-context --cluster <CLUSTER NAME> --user=""
And finally configure the new context as default:
kubectl config use-context my-new-context
I am an owner account in our cloud but I was assuming the RBAC limitations should still work.
RBAC is additive only. If you have permissions via another configured authorizer, you will still have those permissions even if you have lesser permissions via RBAC.

How do I authenticate with Kubernetes kubectl using a username and password?

I've got a username and password, how do I authenticate kubectl with them?
Which command do I run?
I've read through: and though can not find any relevant information in there for this case.
kubectl config set-credentials cluster-admin --username=admin --password=uXFGweU9l35qcif
The above does not seem to work:
kubectl get pods
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "client" cannot list pods in the namespace "default": Unknown user "client"
Kubernetes provides a number of different authentication mechanisms. Providing a username and password directly to the cluster (as opposed to using an OIDC provider) would indicate that you're using Basic authentication, which hasn't been the default option for a number of releases.
The syntax you've listed appears right, assuming that the cluster supports basic authentication.
The error you're seeing is similar to the one here which may suggest that the cluster you're using doesn't currently support the authentication method you're using.
Additional information about what Kubernetes distribution and version you're using would make it easier to provide a better answer, as there is a lot of variety in how k8s handles authentication.
You should have a group set for the authenticating user.
"Use a credential with the system:masters group, which is bound to the cluster-admin super-user role by the default bindings."

What's the CLI authentication process as of Google Container Engine/Kubernetes 1.4.5?

Which steps must one currently go through in order to authenticate against Google Container Engine/Kubernetes 1.4.5?
As I set up a third Google Cloud project today, I experienced that my previous GKE cluster setup flow no longer worked. My flow was the following:
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set compute/region europe-west1
gcloud config set compute/zone europe-west1-d
gcloud config set project myproject
gcloud container clusters get-credentials staging
# An example of a typical kubectl command to see that you've got the right cluster
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
Whereas this used to work perfectly, I was now getting permission errors while trying to query the cluster, e.g. kubectl get pods would emit the following error message: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get pods)
After googling back and forth, I realized that kubectl depends on something called Application Default Credentials. At some point I also noticed by chance that gcloud auth login emits the following:
WARNING: `gcloud auth login` no longer writes application default credentials.
If you need to use ADC, see:
gcloud auth application-default --help
So I realized eventually, that with the current gcloud/Kubernetes version I also need to call gcloud auth application-default in order to use the credentials of my current account rather than that of the previously activated project.
So, I am hoping someone can please clarify what is the actual authentication workflow for Google Container Engine/Kubernetes version 1.4.5??
You found out the right answer. kubectl's GCP authentication plugin only supports Application Default Credentials, which were recently decoupled from gcloud's standard credentials. So, in 1.4.5 you need to run gcloud auth application-default login to ensure that kubectl is using the credentials you expect.
We think that most users just expect to use the same credentials as gcloud, with ADC being useful for some service account scenarios where gcloud might not even be installed. So, there is a pull request to Kubernetes to add a "use gcloud credentials" option to the kubectl gcp authentication plugin. This should be available in kubectl 1.5.