Whenever using LinkPresentation / LPLinkView and a link has og:type in the metadata, the link preview image does not show. Is there any way to get around this?
With og:type:
Without og:type
I use the Embed-Button from Instagram and use the generated Embed-Code:
when I embed an Insta-Post on my website without image caption, it doesn't load the image.
But when I check the the inclusion for image caption it works fine: codepen.io/cheshirecat/pen/eYjrYZr
What I'am doing wrong?
I want to get the url of img from website with flutter. But when I use .attributes['src']for getting the image url, I get the loading svg. is there any way to get the image url not the loading svg??
Using FANCYBOX 2, I'd like to have images and youtube embeds in the same gallery.
Having the url of the image as the href value works fine for images, but my issue is that I don't know what value to assign the video objects for them to open as iframe videos.
Found the solution…
add this class to the link element: fancybox.iframe
assign the element's href a value of: http://www.youtube.com/embed/YOUR_VIDEO_ID_HERE?autoplay=1
I have a facebook video embedded in a fan page tab. You can click to share a message but the dialog that pops up appears underneath the video itself. I had a screenshot to show you but it won't let me post it because I don't have enough rep.
Is there a way to have the sharing message above the video? I have tried z-index in css and that didn't work. I also tried adding these tags to the embed code:
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
wmode="transparent" (in the actual embed tag)
but that didn't work either.
Try instead to use wmode="opaque" as described here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/tutorial/
I tried To Parse the response of the of the youtube RSS feed and displayed it in tableview...
I works fine except i can't fetch URL for the thumbnil image of the video from rss... It comes in description tag and inside description tag there is a whole div (html)... is there any simpler way example tutorial.....to fetch the thumbnil image from youtube rss...
i have the same prob ,but have figured out with YOUtube API ,
make your feed url in this pattern
http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/base/users/[INSERT USERNAME]/uploads
after in the generated xml there is a media:thumnail tag where u can used to display youtube thumnails images.
without using this format u will get a descr tag with div style image thumbnail quite hard to parse as it is a html part,
better try this,i have solved this using type of feed pattern