Facebook sharer underneath facebook video - facebook

I have a facebook video embedded in a fan page tab. You can click to share a message but the dialog that pops up appears underneath the video itself. I had a screenshot to show you but it won't let me post it because I don't have enough rep.
Is there a way to have the sharing message above the video? I have tried z-index in css and that didn't work. I also tried adding these tags to the embed code:
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
wmode="transparent" (in the actual embed tag)
but that didn't work either.

Try instead to use wmode="opaque" as described here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/tutorial/


Facebook share not recognizing image thumbnail

I have created an facebook share button using the url below:
http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?s=100&p[url]=http://www.elementalworks.nl/KPJH/Homepage&p[images][0]=http://www.elementalworks.nl/KPJH/images/logo.jpg&p[title]=KPJ Halsteren voor jouw schuurfeesten en trekkertrek activiteiten&p[summary]=Schuurfeesten, Trekkertrek en allerlei andere gezellige bijeenkomsten vindje bij KPJ Halsteren
In addition to this i placed the open graph image tag as follows:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.elementalworks.nl/KPJH/images/logo.jpg" />
BUT.. the facebook debugger (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug) sais that the image is'nt big enough, it has to be 200x200. The image itself is 365x250 50kb.
Strange thing is that in the small preview window below the debugger the image does show.
So why doesnt it show at the moment of sharing? You cna find the page in question here: www.elementalworks.nl/KPJH

embeding flash in page tab

Anyone have solution to display flash inside Page Tab URL, that works in the newest Chrome? Chrome blocks embedding for security reasons. Console error:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL https://www.facebook.com/pages/[CUT] from frame with URL https://[PAGE_TAB_URL]. The frame being accessed set 'document.domain' to 'facebook.com', but the frame requesting access did not. Both must set 'document.domain' to the same value to allow access.
I know, that I can display flash in canvas mode (apps.facebook.com/appname), but I want to embed it inside Page Tab.
Well I once had the same problem, I've built a facebook iframe app that would allow users to use the webcam to take a pic and the .swf responsible for using the webcam, always fired that error.
If you embed a youtube video, chrome will fire that error, but the videos still plays, in my case the .swf object just frozen and I was unable to take any pic or even change flash settings.
The solution was to add this .swf after a user action, in this case a click, just try not embedding the flash on the page, and just put a button that will add the embed code after the user clicks on it.

Facebook Application Approval

I'm developing a Facebook application.
It can be seen here:
When the user has to aprove the application, this comes to the screen:
A Facebook logo inside the canvas, and the user does not click the logo.
If you click that logo Facebook sends you to the aproval window.
Is there any way to override this view?
What you need to do is to redirect using the below script:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.top.location.href = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/permissions.request?app_id=196403870434233&display=page&next=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pilatosapp.com%2Ftangram-girbaud%2F&response_type=code&fbconnect=1&perms=publish_stream%2Cuser_about_me%2Cuser_birthday";
from frame info, address of frame is:
As you somehow frame facebook.com, it doesn't show the content instead facebook logo.
you may inspect further why permission dialog opens not at window.top

Using HTML pages in UIWebView, strange issues with relative page images but links work

So I'm creating an app which basically is a UIWebView that loads an HTML page, which should have images on it. The HTML page is loading fine (confirmed with a little text on the page), but then I have this code in it:
<img src="images/image_1.png">
Check this out:
The tag has a broken image link
But, when I tap on the link, the
image loads!
How is this happening? What kind of solution is there?
I have the images in a subfolder of resources, which I added by "Create Folder References."
Help? A note: This is on iPad, using 4.2. But that shouldn't matter, right Apple? (Also, changing it to xml <img /> type tag doesn't do anything)
The image was way too big - over 2500px wide. Resizing to 1024px fixed it. Thanks Jose Vega.
Also, Automator is a gift from the Gods when it comes to batch operations.

Use FBML to embed a custom video player / video on facebook walls?

I'm trying to get a video (flv) or an swf video player to work on Facebook walls, however no matter what I do - facebook posts the raw fbml and ignores the code. What am I doing wrong?
width="384" height="283" />
I've also tried fb:flv
<fb:flv src='http://www.domain.com/files/file.flv' width='400' height='300' title='my movie' color='#FFBB00' salign='r' img='http://www.domain.com/thumbs/large1.jpg' scale='showall'/>
You can easily do this with Open Graph meta tags. I've written a short tutorial on how to do it right here: http://ahrengot.com/tutorials/custom-video-player-on-facebook/
This method will also allow you to have HTML5 fallback for iphones, which will even work in the Facebook iPhone app - My example is set up with HTML5 fallback that shows that functionality as well.
try that one:
imgstyle="border-width:3px; border-color:white;"
width='400' height='302'>
Insure yourself of placing the label
<Fb:fbjs-bridge />
Before creating your <fb:swf />
This will serve you to create a bridge to communicate with the Flash.
Swfsrc ='http: // your domain/yourflash.swf '
Width = '550' height = '400' align ='center ' />
If these working with free Hosting the most probable thing is that Facebook prevents that your SWF is visualized.