getting loading svg while scraping image with flutter from website? - flutter

I want to get the url of img from website with flutter. But when I use .attributes['src']for getting the image url, I get the loading svg. is there any way to get the image url not the loading svg??


Embedded Instagram Post doesn't show the image

I use the Embed-Button from Instagram and use the generated Embed-Code:
when I embed an Insta-Post on my website without image caption, it doesn't load the image.
But when I check the the inclusion for image caption it works fine:
What I'am doing wrong?

Cannot display image from URL

I'm trying to download image from url using Asynchronous downloading method that I find in Stack overflow.We can see the image is downloading from the console prints , but the image is not getting displayed in image view.
The problem is that is not an image; it is an html page, as your own test tells you right in the console. So the call to UIImage(data:) fails and returns nil. The image is at

get upload image url for css in TYPO3

I am working on create an extension. My content got a upload part to upload image in the backend. I want to get that uploaded image to use as background image in css. Are there any ways to get the upload image url and which between inline css and css file which one i should use in this situation?
My element i want to set the background image:
I would prefer to use inline styles for the background image. You can get the URL of the image with the f:uri.image view helper:
<div style="background-image:url({f:uri.image(src: '{imageField}')});">

ANDROID : Loading Image From link stored in mysql db in imageview?

I want to load image in card view with other data like title and desc.
I am uaing php to get result as json response which is working and also i am able to set data to textview and pass from one activity to other !
Only problem i am facing is in setting image in image view.
i can add image manually by making listview obj and storing link in ArrayList obj
Like obj.add(R.drawable.feature1.jpg)
How to do it dynamically from the json response i am getting ?
Sorry if i sound confusing as i am new to android and just want to make a image gallery where first i will display list of albums and after clicking one of albums all images from that albums are loaded and displayed.
{"products":[{"mid":"1","title":"Demo Video 1","link":"https:\/\/\/watch?v=PCwjNfSM-U","mediaCreatedOn":"2015-08-30 18:59:18","mediaUpdatedOn":"0000-00-00 00:00:00"},{"mid":"2","title":"Demo Video 1","link":"https:\/\/\/","mediaCreatedOn":"2015-08-30 18:59:18","mediaUpdatedOn":"0000-00-00 00:00:00"}],"success":1}
The above is the output from server side where only the youtube link is replaced by server img location.
Thank you for reading, have a nice day ahead :)
1:You can store image to database (phpMysql)
2:And you can get image from php rest service (Only image link)
3:For load image from link , you can use picasso library (android)
4:If you want image with text, you can use custom listview
Example xml for restful service.

how to show thumbnil image from youtube rss feed in iphone

I tried To Parse the response of the of the youtube RSS feed and displayed it in tableview...
I works fine except i can't fetch URL for the thumbnil image of the video from rss... It comes in description tag and inside description tag there is a whole div (html)... is there any simpler way example fetch the thumbnil image from youtube rss...
i have the same prob ,but have figured out with YOUtube API ,
make your feed url in this pattern[INSERT USERNAME]/uploads
after in the generated xml there is a media:thumnail tag where u can used to display youtube thumnails images.
without using this format u will get a descr tag with div style image thumbnail quite hard to parse as it is a html part,
better try this,i have solved this using type of feed pattern