Worker node in kops cluster goes to not ready state as load increases - kubernetes

I deployed my frontend and backend application in my kops cluster on AWS ec2 with master size of t2 medium , when I increase the load on my applications, my both worker node goes to not ready state and the pods changes their state to pending state,
how can I resolve this issue my cluster is in production at moment.

You should firstly run kubectl get events -n default to see why the nodes go into NotReady.
Usually your cluster is overloaded. Try using cluster autoscaler to dynamically manage your cluster capacity. Also ensure you have proper resource requests on your Pods.


How long does it take for Kubernetes to detect and delete excess nodes

I am running a Kubernetes cluster in AWS EKS and I set up the autoscaler. I tested the autoscaler and it worked as when the number of pods in a node exceeded 110 then new nodes were automatically added to the cluster and the pending pods entered running state.
After that, I deleted the deployment. It's been about 10 minutes and I see that all new nodes created by the autoscaler are already there and in ready state!
How long does it take for Kubernetes to delete them automatically? Does it down-scale the cluster automatically at all?
Although scaling down is a slow process the default scan interval is 10 seconds if you are using the autoscaler to scale the nodes in EKS.
You can check the status of autoscaler using configmap and its a decision.
There could be a possibility that on the new node you have some system pod running so due to that EKS is not able to scale those nodes down or PDB(PodDisruptionBudget) is set for deployments.
Pod has the annotation "": "false"
Read more about EKS scaling :

Kubernetes Statefulset problem with Cluster Autoscaler and Multi-AZ

I have a EKS cluster with cluster autoscaler setup, spanning across three availability zones. I have deployed a Redis Cluster using helm and it works fine. Basically it is a statefulset of 6 replicas with dynamic PVC.
Currently, my EKS cluster has two worker nodes, which I will name as Worker-1A and Worker-1B in AZ 1A and 1B respectively, and has no worker node on AZ 1C. I am doing some testing to make sure the Redis Cluster can always spin up and attach the volume properly. All the Redis Cluster pods are created in Worker-1B. In my testing, I kill all the pods in the Redis Cluster, and before it spins new pods up, I deploy some other deployments to use all the resources in Worker-1A and Worker-1B. Now since that the worker nodes have no resource to create new pods, the cluster autoscaler will create a worker node in AZ 1C (to balance nodes across AZ). Now the problem comes, when the Redis Cluster statefulset trying to recreate the pods, it cannot create in Worker-1B because there is no resource, and it will try to create in Worker-1C instead, and the pods will hit the following error: node(s) had volume node affinity conflict.
I know this situation might be rare but how do I fix this issue if it ever happens? I am hoping if there is an automated way to solve this instead of fixing it manually.

Kubernetes node without master

Cluster consists of one master and one worker node. If the master is down and worker is restarted no workloads (deployments) are started on boot. How and if it is possible to make worker resume last state without master?
Kubernetes 1.18.3
On worker node are installed: kubelet, kubectl, kubeadm
Ideally you should have more than one(typically a odd number like 3 or 5) node serving as master and accessible from worker nodes via a LoadBalancer.
The state is stored in ETCD which is accessed by worker nodes via the API Server. So without master nodes running there is no way for workers to know the desired state.
Although it's not recommended you but can use static pod as potential solution here.Static Pods are managed directly by the kubelet daemon on a specific node, without the API server observing them.Unlike Pods that are managed by the control plane (for example, a Deployment ), instead the kubelet watches each static Pod (and restarts it if it crashes).
The caveat of using static pod is since those pods are not dependent on API Server Hence static Pods cannot be managed with kubectl or other Kubernetes API clients.

How is High Availability Master selected?

So I just started kubernetes and wanted to know if I create multiple masters then how the scheduling of pods is done and if the master goes down what happens to the worker nodes connected to it?
How is High Availability Master selected?
The etcd database underneath is where most of the high availability comes from. It uses an implementation of the raft protocol for consensus.
etcd requires a quorum of N/2 + 1 instances to be available for kubernetes to be able to write updates to the cluster. If you have less than 1/2 available, etcd will go into "read" only mode which means nothing new can be scheduled.
kube-apiserver will run on multiple nodes in active/active mode. All instances use the same etcd cluster so present the same data. The worker nodes will need some way to load balance / failover to the available apiservers. The failover requires a component outside of kubernetes, like HAProxy or a load balancer device (like AWS provides).
kube-scheduler will run on multiple master nodes and should access the local instance of kube-apiserver. The scheduler will elect a leader that locks the data it manages. The current leader information can be found in the endpoint:
kubectl -n kube-system get endpoints kube-scheduler \
-o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.control-plane\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io/leader}'
kube-controller-manager will run on multiple master nodes and should access the local instance of kube-apiserver. The controllers will elect a leader that locks the data it manages. Leader information can be found in the endpoint:
kubectl -n kube-system get endpoints kube-controller-manager \
-o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.control-plane\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io/leader}'
if the master goes down what happens to the worker nodes connected to it?
They continue running in their current state. No new pods will be scheduled and no changes to the existing state of the cluster will be pushed out. Your pods will continue to run until they fail in a way the local kubelet can't recover.

How to migrate the pods automatically to another node in kubernetes?

I am a new cookie to kubernetes . I am wondering if kubernetes have automatically switch the pods to another node if that node resources are on critical.
For example if Pod A , Pod B , Pod C is running on Node A and Pod D is running on Node B. The resources of Node A used by pods would be high. In these case whether kubernetes will migrate the any of the pods running in Node A to Node B.
I have learnt about node affinity and node selector which is used to run the pods in certain nodes. It would be helpfull if kubernetes offer this feature to migrate the pods to another node automatically if resources are used highly.
Can any one know how can we achieve this in kubernetes ?
Yes, Kubernetes can migrate the pods to another node automatically if resources are used highly. The pod would be killed and a new pod would be started on another node. You would probably want to learn about Quality of Service Classes, to understand which pod would be killed first.
That said, you may want to read about Automatic Horizontal Pod Autoscaling. This may give you more control.
With Horizontal Pod Autoscaling, Kubernetes automatically scales the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment or replica set based on observed CPU utilization (or, with alpha support, on some other, application-provided metrics).
With increase of load it makes more sense to spin up a new pod rather than moving pod between different nodes to avoid distraction of currently running processes inside pod on busy node.
you can do node selector in deployment and move the node