How to migrate the pods automatically to another node in kubernetes? - kubernetes

I am a new cookie to kubernetes . I am wondering if kubernetes have automatically switch the pods to another node if that node resources are on critical.
For example if Pod A , Pod B , Pod C is running on Node A and Pod D is running on Node B. The resources of Node A used by pods would be high. In these case whether kubernetes will migrate the any of the pods running in Node A to Node B.
I have learnt about node affinity and node selector which is used to run the pods in certain nodes. It would be helpfull if kubernetes offer this feature to migrate the pods to another node automatically if resources are used highly.
Can any one know how can we achieve this in kubernetes ?

Yes, Kubernetes can migrate the pods to another node automatically if resources are used highly. The pod would be killed and a new pod would be started on another node. You would probably want to learn about Quality of Service Classes, to understand which pod would be killed first.
That said, you may want to read about Automatic Horizontal Pod Autoscaling. This may give you more control.
With Horizontal Pod Autoscaling, Kubernetes automatically scales the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment or replica set based on observed CPU utilization (or, with alpha support, on some other, application-provided metrics).

With increase of load it makes more sense to spin up a new pod rather than moving pod between different nodes to avoid distraction of currently running processes inside pod on busy node.

you can do node selector in deployment and move the node


Will pods running on a PreferNoSchedule node migrate to an untainted node?

If a single Kubernetes cluster is built and runs some number of pods, however the single node carries a PreferNoSchedule taint, it would would make sense to migrate these pods and workloads to more suitable, untainted nodes if they are added to the cluster.
Will this happen automatically in >= 1.6 or will it need to be triggered? How is it triggered?
In this scenario, there will be no action triggered towards the kube-scheduler to schedule pods even though a new worker is added to a cluster.
For the pods to be moved to a new worker, we need to trigger a new pod scheduling requirement.
Simple solution would be to scale down to 0 and scale up to the needed number of pods for each deployment.
kubectl scale --replicas=<expected_replica_num> deployment <deployment_name>
As far as I know, this doesn't happen automatically with node taints. You can trigger it using kubectl rollout restart deployment/<name>.
I was unable to find sufficient literature for this in official Kubernetes documentation. The best I could find is kubernetes-sigs/descheduler

Kubernetes StatefulSets - run pod on every worker node

What is the easiest way to run a single Pod on every available worker node as part of the StatefulSet. So, a one to one mapping.
Am I right to say every Pod will run on a different Node by default with a StatefulSet? In which case is it sufficient to add x pods to the SS where x Worker nodes exist in the cluster?
Use DaemonSet instead.
A DaemonSet ensures that all (or some) Nodes run a copy of a Pod. As nodes are added to the cluster, Pods are added to them. As nodes are removed from the cluster, those Pods are garbage collected. Deleting a DaemonSet will clean up the Pods it created.
If you really want to use statefulSet, you can take a look at features like nodeSelector or Affinity and Anti-affinity.

Kubernetes: Evenly distribute the replicas across the cluster

We can use DaemonSet object to deploy one replica on each node. How can we deploy say 2 replicas or 3 replicas per node? How can we achieve that. please let us know
There is no way to force x pods per node the way a Daemonset does. However, with some planning, you can force a fairly even pod distribution across your nodes using pod anti affinity.
Let's say we have 10 nodes. The first thing is we need to have a ReplicaSet (deployment) with 30 pods (3 per node). Next, we want to set the pod anti affinity to use preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution with a relatively high weight and match the deployment's labels. This will cause the scheduler to prefer not scheduling pods where the same pod already exists. Once there is 1 pod per node, the cycle starts over again. A node with 2 pods will be weighted lower than one with 1 pod so the next pod should try to go there.
Note this is not as precise as a DaemonSet and may run into some limitations when it comes time to scale up or down the cluster.
A more reliable way if scaling the cluster is to simply create multiple DaemonSets with different names, but identical in every other way. Since the DaemonSets will have the same labels, they can all be exposed through the same service.
By default, the kubernetes scheduler will prefer to schedule pods on different nodes.
The kubernetes scheduler will first determine all possible nodes where a pod can be deployed based on your affinity/anti-affinity/resource limits/etc.
Afterward, the scheduler will find the best node where the pod can be deployed. The scheduler will automatically schedule the pods to be on separate availability zones and on separate nodes if this is possible of course.
You can try this on your own. For example, if you have 3 nodes, try deploying 9 replicas of a pod. You will see that each node will have 2 pods running.

Difference between daemonsets and deployments

In Kelsey Hightower's Kubernetes Up and Running, he gives two commands :
kubectl get daemonSets --namespace=kube-system kube-proxy
kubectl get deployments --namespace=kube-system kube-dns
Why does one use daemonSets and the other deployments?
And what's the difference?
Kubernetes deployments manage stateless services running on your cluster (as opposed to for example StatefulSets which manage stateful services). Their purpose is to keep a set of identical pods running and upgrade them in a controlled way. For example, you define how many replicas(pods) of your app you want to run in the deployment definition and kubernetes will make that many replicas of your application spread over nodes. If you say 5 replica's over 3 nodes, then some nodes will have more than one replica of your app running.
DaemonSets manage groups of replicated Pods. However, DaemonSets attempt to adhere to a one-Pod-per-node model, either across the entire cluster or a subset of nodes. A Daemonset will not run more than one replica per node. Another advantage of using a Daemonset is that, if you add a node to the cluster, then the Daemonset will automatically spawn a pod on that node, which a deployment will not do.
DaemonSets are useful for deploying ongoing background tasks that you need to run on all or certain nodes, and which do not require user intervention. Examples of such tasks include storage daemons like ceph, log collection daemons like fluentd, and node monitoring daemons like collectd
Lets take the example you mentioned in your question: why iskube-dns a deployment andkube-proxy a daemonset?
The reason behind that is that kube-proxy is needed on every node in the cluster to run IP tables, so that every node can access every pod no matter on which node it resides. Hence, when we make kube-proxy a daemonset and another node is added to the cluster at a later time, kube-proxy is automatically spawned on that node.
Kube-dns responsibility is to discover a service IP using its name and only one replica of kube-dns is enough to resolve the service name to its IP. Hence we make kube-dns a deployment, because we don't need kube-dns on every node.

Does HorizontalPodAutoscaler make sense when there is only one Deployment on GKE (Google Container Engine) Kubernetes cluster?

I have a "homogeneous" Kubernetes setup. By this I mean that I am only running instances of a single type of pod (an http server) with a load balancer service distributing traffic to them.
By my reasoning, to get the most out of my cluster (edit: to be concrete -- getting the best average response times to http requests) I should have:
At least one pod running on every node: Not having a pod running on a node, means that I am paying for the node and not having it ready to serve a request.
At most one pod running on every node: The pods are threaded http servers so they can maximize utilization of a node, so running multiple pods on a node does not net me anything.
This means that I should have exactly one pod per node. I achieve this using a DaemonSet.
The alternative way is to configure a Deployment and apply a HorizontalPodAutoscaler to it and have Kubernetes handle the number of pods and pod to node mapping. Is there any disadvantage of my approach in comparison to this?
My evaluation is that the HorizontalPodAutoscaler is relevant mainly in heterogeneous situations, where one HorizontalPodAutoscaler can scale up a Deployment at the expense of another Deployment. But since I have only one type of pod, I would have only one Deployment and I would be scaling up that deployment at the expense of itself, which does not make sense.
HorizontalPodAutoscaler is actually a valid solution for your needs. To address your two concerns:
1. At least one pod running on every node
This isn't your real concern. The concern is underutilizing your cluster. However, you can be underutilizing your cluster even if you have a pod running on every node. Consider a three-node cluster:
Scenario A: pod running on each node, 10% CPU usage per node
Scenario B: pod running on only one node, 70% CPU usage
Even though Scenario A has a pod on each node the cluster is actually being less utilized than in Scenario B where only one node has a pod.
2. At most one pod running on every node
The Kubernetes scheduler tries to spread pods around so that you don't end up with multiple pods of the same type on a single node. Since in your case the other nodes should be empty, the scheduler should have no problems starting the pods on the other nodes. Additionally, if you have the pod request resources equivalent to the node's resources, that will prevent the scheduler from scheduling a new pod on a node that already has one.
Now, you can achieve the same effect whether you go with DaemonSet or HPA, but I personally would go with HPA since I think it fits your semantics better, and would also work much better if you eventually decide to add other types of pods to your cluster
Using a DamonSet means that the pod has to run on every node (or some subset). This is a great fit for something like a logger or a metrics collector which is per-node. But you really just want to use available cluster resources to power your pod as needed, which matches up better with the intent of HPA.
As an aside, I believe GKE supports cluster autoscaling, so you should never be paying for nodes that aren't needed.