How long does it take for Kubernetes to detect and delete excess nodes - kubernetes

I am running a Kubernetes cluster in AWS EKS and I set up the autoscaler. I tested the autoscaler and it worked as when the number of pods in a node exceeded 110 then new nodes were automatically added to the cluster and the pending pods entered running state.
After that, I deleted the deployment. It's been about 10 minutes and I see that all new nodes created by the autoscaler are already there and in ready state!
How long does it take for Kubernetes to delete them automatically? Does it down-scale the cluster automatically at all?

Although scaling down is a slow process the default scan interval is 10 seconds if you are using the autoscaler to scale the nodes in EKS.
You can check the status of autoscaler using configmap and its a decision.
There could be a possibility that on the new node you have some system pod running so due to that EKS is not able to scale those nodes down or PDB(PodDisruptionBudget) is set for deployments.
Pod has the annotation "": "false"
Read more about EKS scaling :


Kubernetes Statefulset problem with Cluster Autoscaler and Multi-AZ

I have a EKS cluster with cluster autoscaler setup, spanning across three availability zones. I have deployed a Redis Cluster using helm and it works fine. Basically it is a statefulset of 6 replicas with dynamic PVC.
Currently, my EKS cluster has two worker nodes, which I will name as Worker-1A and Worker-1B in AZ 1A and 1B respectively, and has no worker node on AZ 1C. I am doing some testing to make sure the Redis Cluster can always spin up and attach the volume properly. All the Redis Cluster pods are created in Worker-1B. In my testing, I kill all the pods in the Redis Cluster, and before it spins new pods up, I deploy some other deployments to use all the resources in Worker-1A and Worker-1B. Now since that the worker nodes have no resource to create new pods, the cluster autoscaler will create a worker node in AZ 1C (to balance nodes across AZ). Now the problem comes, when the Redis Cluster statefulset trying to recreate the pods, it cannot create in Worker-1B because there is no resource, and it will try to create in Worker-1C instead, and the pods will hit the following error: node(s) had volume node affinity conflict.
I know this situation might be rare but how do I fix this issue if it ever happens? I am hoping if there is an automated way to solve this instead of fixing it manually.

GKE node pool with Autoscaling does not scale down

I have a GKE cluster with two nodepools. I turned on autoscaling on one of my nodepools but it does not seem to automatically scale down.
I have enabled HPA and that works fine. It scales the pods down to 1 when I don't see traffic.
The API is currently not getting any traffic so I would expect the nodes to scale down as well.
But it still runs the maximum 5 nodes despite some nodes using less than 50% of allocatable memory/CPU.
What did I miss here? I am planning to move these pods to bigger machines but to do that I need the node autoscaling to work to control the monthly cost.
There are many reasons that can cause CA to not be downscaling successfully. If we resume how this should work normally it will be something like this:
Cluster autoscaler will periodically check (every 10 seconds) utilization of the nodes.
If the utilization factor is less than 0.5 the node will be considered as under utilization.
Then the nodes will be marked for removal and will be monitored for next 10 mins to make sure the utilization factor stays less than 0.5.
If even after 10 mins it stays under utilized then the node would be removed by cluster autoscaler.
If above is not being accomplished, then something else is preventing your nodes to be downscaling. In my experience PDBs needs to be applied to kube-system pods and I would say that could be the reason why; however, there are many reasons why this can be happening, here are reasons that can cause downscaling issues:
1. PDB is not applied to your kube-system pods. Kube-system pods prevent Cluster Autoscaler from removing nodes on which they are running. You can manually add Pod Disruption Budget(PDBs) for the kube-system pods that can be safely rescheduled elsewhere, this can be added with next command:
`kubectl create poddisruptionbudget PDB-NAME --namespace=kube-system --selector app=APP-NAME --max-unavailable 1`
2. Containers using local storage (volumes), even empty volumes. Kubernetes prevents scale down events on nodes with pods using local storage. Look for this kind of configuration that prevents Cluster Autoscaler to scale down nodes.
3. Pods annotated with true. Look for pods with this annotation that can be preventing Nodes scaledown
4. Nodes annotated with true. Look for Nodes with this annotation that can be preventing cluster Autoscale. These configurations are the ones I will suggest you check on, in order to make your cluster to be scaling down nodes that are under utilized. -----
Also you can see this page where explains the configuration to prevent the downscales, which can be what is happening to you.

Azure Kubernetes Service - can the Cluster Autoscaler get triggered even if I don't set autoscaling explicitly?

I am deploying a service to Azure Kubernetes Service.
The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler scales the number of pods, whereas the Cluster Autoscaler scales the number of nodes based on the number of pending pods. If my understanding is correct, if I don't set up autoscaling in my deployment file, the HPA won't get triggered, and only one pod will run; therefore, the CA won't get triggered either.
My question is - is there a scenario in AKS where the CA would get triggered, even without setting autoscaling in my deployment file?
My question is - is there a scenario in AKS where the CA would get triggered, even without setting autoscaling in my deployment file?
Cluster autoscaler is typically used together with the horizontal pod autoscaler. The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler increases or decreases the number of pods based on application demand, and the cluster autoscaler adjusts the number of nodes as needed to run those additional pods accordingly.
If your deployment does not have the capacity to automatically scale up or down via the HPA, NOR you don't manually increase number of pods to the level where no additional pods can run due to insufficient resource in your nodes then the CA would not be triggered therefore the answer is NO.
You might find this document from official azure docs helpful also.

Kubernetes : Cluster-Autoscaler: How to verify autoscaling is working

I am working on our EKS platform, where I have installed Cluster Autoscaler. I can see it running in Kube Dashboard. Yesterday for Load Testing, I triggered 20 replicas of a heavy app we have. The cpu usage per node climbed to 100%, but cluster auto-scaler didn't trigger any additional nodes. I was watching the logs and the logs kept on rotating in main loop, but no changes.
Here are the tags I have added to ASG, worker nodes : : true : owned
I can see the pod running in Dashboard :
Also, There are no scaling policies added in ASG. Are they required for Cluster Autoscaler? How to verify cluster autoscaler is working properly? What am I missing?
Actually cluster autoscaler checks for any unschedulable pods every 10 seconds and if any pods available in unschedulable state then it will check min and max of autoscaling group. You can check this wonderful FAQ how-does-scale-up-work of autoscaler. If it is not reached max then it will request to aws autoscaling group to add one more.
Now the answer of your question is, you can check or verify autoscaling easily by noticing whether you have any unscheduled pods in your cluster or not. If there is any then autoscaler will try to add one more node which will be reflected in autoscaler log if it is not reached in max limit.
For more details you can check this FAQ. You can check also vertical pods scaler to get vertical pods scaling from here
You can tail the logs and see the events.
kubectl logs -f deployment/cluster-autoscaler -n kube-system --tail=10
It will show the scaling events.

Resizing a google cloud Kubernetes cluster to zero not working

I try to resize a kubernetes cluster to zero nodes using
gcloud container clusters resize $CLUSTER_NAME --size=0 --zone $ZONE
I get a success message but the size of the node-pool remains the same (I use only one node pool)
Is it possible to resize the cluster to zero?
Sometimes you just need to wait 10-20 minutes before autoscale operation takes effect.
In other cases, you may need to check if some conditions are met for downscaling the node.
According to autoscaler documentation:
Cluster autoscaler also measures the usage of each node against the node pool's total demand for capacity. If a node has had no new Pods scheduled on it for a set period of time, and all Pods running on that node can be scheduled onto other nodes in the pool, the autoscaler moves the Pods and deletes the node.
Note that cluster autoscaler works based on Pod resource requests, that is, how many resources your Pods have requested. Cluster autoscaler does not take into account the resources your Pods are actively using. Essentially, cluster autoscaler trusts that the Pod resource requests you've provided are accurate and schedules Pods on nodes based on that assumption.
Note: Beginning with Kubernetes version 1.7, you can specify a minimum size of zero for your node pool. This allows your node pool to scale down completely if the instances within aren't required to run your workloads. However, while a node pool can scale to a zero size, the overall cluster size does not scale down to zero nodes (as at least one node is always required to run system Pods)
Cluster autoscaler has following limitations:
- When scaling down, cluster autoscaler supports a graceful termination period for a Pod of up to 10 minutes. A Pod is always killed after a maximum of 10 minutes, even if the Pod is configured with a higher grace period.
Note: Every change you make to the cluster autoscaler causes the Kubernetes master to restart, which takes several minutes to complete.
However, there are cases mentioned in FAQ that can prevent CA from removing a node:
What types of pods can prevent CA from removing a node?
Pods with restrictive PodDisruptionBudget.
Kube-system pods that:
are not run on the node by default, *
don't have PDB or their PDB is too restrictive (since CA 0.6).
Pods that are not backed by a controller object (so not created by deployment, replica set, job, stateful set etc). *
Pods with local storage. *
Pods that cannot be moved elsewhere due to various constraints (lack of resources, non-matching node selectors or affinity, matching anti-affinity, etc)
*Unless the pod has the following annotation (supported in CA 1.0.3 or later):
"": "true"
How can I scale my cluster to just 1 node?
Prior to version 0.6, Cluster Autoscaler was not touching nodes that were running important kube-system pods like DNS, Heapster, > Dashboard etc. If these pods landed on different nodes, CA could not scale the cluster down and the user could end up with a completely empty 3 node cluster. In 0.6, we added an option to tell CA that some system pods can be moved around. If the user configures a PodDisruptionBudget for the kube-system pod, then the default strategy of not touching the node running this pod is overridden with PDB settings. So, to enable kube-system pods migration, one should set minAvailable to 0 (or <= N if there are N+1 pod replicas.) See also I have a couple of nodes with low utilization, but they are not scaled down. Why?
How can I scale a node group to 0?
From CA 0.6 for GCE/GKE and CA 0.6.1 for AWS, it is possible to scale a node group to 0 (and obviously from 0), assuming that all scale-down conditions are met.
For AWS, if you are using nodeSelector, you need to tag the ASG with a node-template key "".
For example, for a node label of foo=bar, you would tag the ASG with:
"ResourceType": "auto-scaling-group",
"ResourceId": "",
"PropagateAtLaunch": true,
"Value": "bar",
"Key": ""