SEVERE: Servlet [Jersey Web Application] in web application [/demorest] threw load() exception - eclipse

I'm trying to run on tomcat 10.0 and these are the version I'm using
modelVersion 4.0.0
groupId com.telusko
artifactId demorest
packaging war
version 1.19.1
name demorest Jersey Webapp
I'm still getting the above issue and my Html page is showing HTTP status 404 along with The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
Below is my web.xml code
<name>demorest Jersey Webapp</name>
<!-- Run the application using "mvn embedded-glassfish:run" -->
<!-- -->


Trouble adding camel-http4 to Maven Camel project in Eclipse

I'm trying to add http4 to my Camel project. According to the documentation it looks like I only need to add these two Maven dependencies using the Camel version. But I get an error from Eclipse:
But Eclipse give an error: "Missing artifact org.apache.camel:camel-http4:jar:3.11.1"
I don't see the dependency in the list. I tried using Maven > Update Project. I also tried closing and re-opening the project. I also tried adding these to another project and got the same thing. I'm not sure what I have wrong here.
Here is my pom
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>A Camel Spring Boot Route</name>
<!-- Spring Boot BOM -->
<!-- Camel BOM -->
<!-- Spring Boot -->
<!-- Camel -->
<!-- Test -->
<!-- Additions -->
<!-- For receiving JMS messages from Artemis -->
<!-- Calling HTTP (REST) -->
<!-- Model Object Traslation -->
I tried re-indexing the local repository, and a few other Eclipse tricks to try causing things to refresh, but they don't seem to help. I also tried using camel-http. That finds the jar, but not for the starter.
<!-- This one works -->
<!-- But this one still give the missing artifact error -->
camel-http4 was renamed in Camel 3.x, you can find this in the migration guide.
The reason is that older http-clients than 4.x were dropped for Camel 3.x, so camel-http4 is now the only one and therefore simply camel-http.
What was referenced in Camel 2.x as
has changed in Camel 3.x to
Notice the "springboot" in the groupId and simply "http" in the artifactId.

how to generate allure test report in eclipse

I created some automation scripts using "selenide", "testng", "maven", "eclipse".
I tried to add allure test results. I followed allure-testng-maven instructions and updated pom.xml.
For running test from eclipse I'm doing rightclick on pom.xml + "run as" + " Maven test". This is executing all the testng tests and generated allure xml files in "./target/allure-results" folder.
My doubt is how to see the allure report from eclipse.
Below is my pom.xml file.
<!-- language: lang-xml -->
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!--Needed only to show reports locally. Run jetty:run and
open localhost:8080 to show the report-->
Any help is appreciated.
You have to run maven goal 'site' to generate a report. Just right click on your project -> Run as -> Maven build... And then type 'site' as goal and run. Alternatively you can type the goals 'clean test site', which exectutes all tests and then generates the report in one maven run. The report should be located under target/site by default.

IncompatibleClassChangeError When Deploying JAX-RS Application to Tomcat

When I am running my web project from Eclipse on Tomcat 8 with JDK 8 everything works flawlessly, but once I build this project and deploy the WAR to Tomcat 8 on the server I get the following error:
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: com.sun.jersey.json.impl.provider.entity.JSONRootElementProvider and com.sun.jersey.json.impl.provider.entity.JSONRootElementProvider$Wadl disagree on InnerClasses attribute
I've tried everything, but it's still not working.
Here is my pom.xml file:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Here is the list of all JAR files in the project:
Looks like it's a problem with dependency versions
The above should match the same version as all your other Jersey dependencies. So just change it to 1.19.

Jersey 2 - minimal pom.xml for example bookstore, getting 404

I am trying to run this example
bookstore-webapp in Eclipse with Tomcat. There is no problem to run it, but when I want to build it from scratch with my pom.xml (no parent org.glassfish.jersey.examples) it returns allways 404. Maybe I am blind but I can't find in documentation what is the minimal pom.xml to run it.
My pom.xml is now
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
I have finaly this working pom.xml.
Note: One of my mistakes for this example was that I did't see, that in folder webapp are folders same like packages with .jsp files.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

Class files are not generated in pom.xml

I am using the below pom.xml for my application
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Prime Repo</name>
<!-- PrimeFaces -->
<!-- JSF -->
<!-- EL -->
But I am unable to generate the class files inside the target directory. Except class files I got everything. My Project Structure is, Projectname>src>com>...source files. I am following the same structure for my other application and I am getting the class files in that. But dont know where I am missing. Even the both pom.xml are similar
Your java source files need to go to src/main/java by maven convention (not src)