how to generate allure test report in eclipse - eclipse

I created some automation scripts using "selenide", "testng", "maven", "eclipse".
I tried to add allure test results. I followed allure-testng-maven instructions and updated pom.xml.
For running test from eclipse I'm doing rightclick on pom.xml + "run as" + " Maven test". This is executing all the testng tests and generated allure xml files in "./target/allure-results" folder.
My doubt is how to see the allure report from eclipse.
Below is my pom.xml file.
<!-- language: lang-xml -->
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!--Needed only to show reports locally. Run jetty:run and
open localhost:8080 to show the report-->
Any help is appreciated.

You have to run maven goal 'site' to generate a report. Just right click on your project -> Run as -> Maven build... And then type 'site' as goal and run. Alternatively you can type the goals 'clean test site', which exectutes all tests and then generates the report in one maven run. The report should be located under target/site by default.


SEVERE: Servlet [Jersey Web Application] in web application [/demorest] threw load() exception

I'm trying to run on tomcat 10.0 and these are the version I'm using
modelVersion 4.0.0
groupId com.telusko
artifactId demorest
packaging war
version 1.19.1
name demorest Jersey Webapp
I'm still getting the above issue and my Html page is showing HTTP status 404 along with The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
Below is my web.xml code
<name>demorest Jersey Webapp</name>
<!-- Run the application using "mvn embedded-glassfish:run" -->
<!-- -->

Trouble adding camel-http4 to Maven Camel project in Eclipse

I'm trying to add http4 to my Camel project. According to the documentation it looks like I only need to add these two Maven dependencies using the Camel version. But I get an error from Eclipse:
But Eclipse give an error: "Missing artifact org.apache.camel:camel-http4:jar:3.11.1"
I don't see the dependency in the list. I tried using Maven > Update Project. I also tried closing and re-opening the project. I also tried adding these to another project and got the same thing. I'm not sure what I have wrong here.
Here is my pom
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>A Camel Spring Boot Route</name>
<!-- Spring Boot BOM -->
<!-- Camel BOM -->
<!-- Spring Boot -->
<!-- Camel -->
<!-- Test -->
<!-- Additions -->
<!-- For receiving JMS messages from Artemis -->
<!-- Calling HTTP (REST) -->
<!-- Model Object Traslation -->
I tried re-indexing the local repository, and a few other Eclipse tricks to try causing things to refresh, but they don't seem to help. I also tried using camel-http. That finds the jar, but not for the starter.
<!-- This one works -->
<!-- But this one still give the missing artifact error -->
camel-http4 was renamed in Camel 3.x, you can find this in the migration guide.
The reason is that older http-clients than 4.x were dropped for Camel 3.x, so camel-http4 is now the only one and therefore simply camel-http.
What was referenced in Camel 2.x as
has changed in Camel 3.x to
Notice the "springboot" in the groupId and simply "http" in the artifactId.

How to run a Maven project containing junit test class in windows command line?

I am new to MAVEN and Junit .I am trying to run a maven project that has junit test and cucumber Feature files in command line.
It shows "Build Success" but it also shows "nothing to Compile". Its a web automation code using Selenium with cucumber feature file.Could somebody please help me to Run this in command line of windows.Here is the POM file.(Project is not having Main class.)
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- <retryCount>${retryCount}</retryCount> -->
<!-- <accountBrowser>${myaccountBrowser}</accountBrowser>
I would suggest remove plugin of maven-surefire-plugin and add scope as test in junit and cucumber-junit dependency as mentioned below
Now locate root directory of project in command line and try below command to run
mvn test

What is misconfigured with my maven project? Not picking up dependencies or class structure

There appears to be something misconfigured with my project that's causing maven to miss the dependencies in my base pom.xml. When I try to build a module with intellij's build options, or build my project with mvn clean package, I get an error that 'object apache is not a member of package org'. My pom file has the following:
I have confirmed that the spark-sql_2.11 (my version) jar exists in my local .m2 repository, and that my settings are configured to import maven projects automatically.
When I remove references to org.apache._ the jar builds successfully with both mvn clean package and intellij's build module menu option, however the two jars do not function the same. The jar created from building the module through intellij (/out/artifacts/[project]_jar/[project].jar) works fine with spark-submit, however using the jar created from mvn clean package (/target/[project]-test-SNAPSHOT.jar) throws an error 'No main class set in jar' despite the fact that it appears there is, 'jar tvf ' shows this class, and MANIFEST.MF has it correctly listed as the main class.
It almost seems like there's a disconnect between my scala class and the maven project, but I can't understand where. Any tips on how to diagnose why this isn't working would be greatly appreciated, and I can absolutely provide additional details if necessary. Thanks in advance!
Edit: adding full contents of pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath />
This parent pom holds all the necessary version
and configuration information for all submodules.
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- Core Spark BOM -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- Top level dependencies -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- Test dependencies -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<ignoredClassPatterns combine.self="append">
<ignoredResourcePatterns combine.self="append">
<!-- mercury internal file (should provide link to code that proves its ok to have more than one on the classpath) -->
You should add the spark-core and spark-sql dependencies in your child pom or in current pom, if not add it as below
Take a look at Difference between dependencies and dependency management
For the main class not found
Add the maven-assembly-plugin plugin to the child pom as
You can add maven assembly jar to build a fat jar. Add the below plugin and update the name of your main class.

What dependencies need to be added for jasperreport 5.0.1?

I upgraded jasper report version from 4.5.0 to 5.1.0. When i install my plugin it throws error like some dependency missing. I would like to configure JasperReports 5.1.0 with Maven.
Execution default of goal org.codehaus.mojo:jasperreports-maven-plugin:1.0-beta-2:compile-reports failed: Plugin org.codehaus.mojo:jasperreports-maven-plugin:1.0-beta-2 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failure to find com.lowagie:itext:jar:2.1.7.js2
I am having two queries.
1) I want to know what are all the dependency that I have to add in pom to use jasper report 5.1.0.
2) I am using below plugin to compile my jrxml files to jasper files. I see that issue in this plugin. What could be the issue in this plugin. Should I have to add any mirror ?
My complete pom is, There may be extra dependencies other that jasper report, I am using it for my internal purpose.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<!-- itext -->
<!-- define where is your jrxml file -->
<!-- define where is the jasper file will be generated -->
<!-- Note this must be repeated here to pick up correct xml validation -->
For anyone having similar issues when using the JasperReports 5.x maven dependencies:
The jasper guys run a public maven repository where they publish bug fixes to their third party dependencies. These fixed versions are not always present in the public maven repo. So when you have problems with dependencies try to add the repository
For me, the solution was adding
This way it was not looking for the .js2 version and could resolve the dependency.