Not able to set the HarmonyOS SDK location. What to do? - huawei-mobile-services

After installed DevEco studio. I have to setting up a new project but, Showing following error
Here I am not able to set the HarmonyOS SDK location, How to set sdk location?

You need to set the SDK location in the root like below:
More details can be found in


" is not yet supported by the maps plugin" - How to solve this

Im just trying to get google maps displayed on my emulator and i also used google_maps_flutter package but is not yet supported by the maps plugin is displayed instead of the map, Im not receiving any error in the console.
I have added the meta-data entry containing the API key to AndroidManifest.xml file in android/app/src/main
Click this to see the output
Please help me to solve this?
add in dependencies:
google_maps_flutter_web: ^0.3.2+2
Here maybe the issue will be with your Maps Api key, remove all the restrictions of your api key from Google Cloud Platform , just like this
Either you're trying to run your project on Windows platform (meaning you did not choose an Android Emulator or phone in the run device menu, see example below)
or, if your screenshot is from a Android device, there's something messed up with your project configuration. You can try running flutter create . in the terminal to recreate your project, or you can create a new one from the scratch (watch out for which platform you activate, see below) and then import the code.
Screenshots are from Android Studio.

While setting up DevEco I am not able to set the HarmonyOS SDK path, What is the issue?

While setting up DevEco I am not able to set the HarmonyOS SDK path, What is the issue?
You can delete the old DevEco and try reinstalling it.
For details, you could follow the this document.

Flutter: SDK location cannot be moved or changed

I have mistakenly installed flutter SDK on C:\ProgramFiles and whenever I go inside VS code it says Flutter SDK is installed in a protected folder and might not function. I cannot seem to uninstall the SDK nor move it to another file, it says the file is open somewhere else. I have deleted the Environment Variable of the flutter SDK and still can't do anything...
Whenever added something to Windows system PATH restart your computer. Moreover close every kind of program that could use the SDK PATH. Just install the SDK once again in default (?) path?
VS Code and and for ex. Android Studio self detect the SDK PATH.

Add android target to visual studio for Mac

I'm building over a non from scratch project, that a previous developer created in my office.
In a previous version of Unity - Visual Studio for Mac I generated some build for iOS, but now, with the newest version, I get this configuration:
Also, the configuration for Android is disabled.
How I can add Android as target for my project to generate an apk file?
VS Configuration.
Please refer to the following link to setup unity to make Android APK:
You will need to download: the latest version of java, and the android sdk.
You will need to set the unity path to the sdk
You will need to download and set up the android ndk.
Sounds like a lot of work but its really a lot of waiting. the Android SDK can take some time depending on which versions you wish to support and how far back you go.
Once you have followed the guide above you will be able to change your project to android in the project settings menu.
Good luck!
For mac users with unity looking to set up android:
Instructions for Mac
you should be able to select android here and then click switch platform...

Appcelerator Titanium: Android SDK doesn't load

I started developing with Titanium and now I really stuck on one part.
I downloaded the Adroid SDK and added the path to Titanium:
I can open e.g. Kitchen Sink in the iPhone Simulator without problems, but when I want to open it in Android then my screen looks like this: Screenshot
Why is down there all the time, even after 2 hours of waiting, the label "loading..." ?
some great advice given here - helped me out.
Switching to TRACE will probably show that Android SDK Platform 1.6 and API 4 is missing.
More info here
1) You can install Android SDK 1.6 (run tools/android from your Android SDK folder and download the older SDK 1.6 from the Google Repository),
and Titanium will detect Android SDK
2) As for Android SDK 2.2, adb moved to platform-tools folder, so you will have to create a link in [your-android-sdk-folder]/tools e.g. :
ln -s ../platform-tools/adb
(full instructions for non-linux here :
Finally, in the Titanium Test&Package/Run emulator window, you will have the choice between Android SDK 1.6 and 2.2
Try to open your Android_SDK_Dir/tools, run file android to create a new Android Virtual Device. After that, open your Titanium again. Maybe this will solve your issue.
Take a look at your image. Value of SDK listbox is "...loading...". This means you Titanium cannot determine which Android Virtual Device is. So, as I said, try to create new Android Virtual Device first.
having the same issue - have you found a workaround?
found out that after downloading the android sdk - there are other components to be downloaded, which is different from previous versions. Also found some implication that loading the android emulator prior to launching the app from titanium may yield better results.
check the android docs for updating the sdk via the avd manager
load the emulator first video:
Try setting the Filter from "Info" to "Trace" that may illuminate things.
Most commonly, you may not have the right platforms installed. Just install all of them if that's the case.
add a blank folder android-7 in android/platforms ..n restart titanium worked for me on ubuntu