Flutter: SDK location cannot be moved or changed - flutter

I have mistakenly installed flutter SDK on C:\ProgramFiles and whenever I go inside VS code it says Flutter SDK is installed in a protected folder and might not function. I cannot seem to uninstall the SDK nor move it to another file, it says the file is open somewhere else. I have deleted the Environment Variable of the flutter SDK and still can't do anything...

Whenever added something to Windows system PATH restart your computer. Moreover close every kind of program that could use the SDK PATH. Just install the SDK once again in default (?) path?
VS Code and and for ex. Android Studio self detect the SDK PATH.


Avdmanager not found

I am trying to run my first flutter app emulator, which is having complications at various level, I have tried too much but could not make through it, here is what I have tried.
On trying to click on Create Android Emulator in Visual studio code, the dart extension shows following:-
link to img
I don't know why it is happening as on checking, it is present:-
link to img.
I would like to point out here that I am not able to understand what I have to put in flutter --android-sdk {path}.
Also on running flutter doctor, it shows the absence of visual studio despite the fact that I have it in place(that is why I could take the first screenshot). One thing I would like to point out here is that my vscode is in C drive while my flutter-test folder(which contains everything related to flutter) is in D drive:
link to img
Please help so that I can further follow along to create an android app. Also ask if any further information is needed.
You need to know that having Android Studio Installed will solve the majority of issues caused.
Clean out all your Flutter, Dart and Android installation
Download Android Studio from official website (the latest version is Android Studio Electric Eel)
After the installation of Android Studio, open it and add the flutter and dart plugins
Now download flutter and follow the installation steps.
After adding flutter, go to Edit the system environment on your PC and add JAVA_HOME variable with C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jbr. Noticed I used jbr not jre because with Android Studio Electric Eel jbr replaced jre.
Afterward, open new terminal and run flutter doctor --android-licenses
We cleaned our installation and downloaded the latest Flutter version which has Dart downloaded automatically. Next, we Installed Android Studio Electric Eel which has Java and Android settings in-build. This way we solve 99% of the problems here: The last thing is to create an Emulator using Android Studio not VSC.
For future help, please comment below. Bye

How to install Flutter in Windows 10?

I am installing flutter in my windows 10 but when I check that is everything alright through flutter doctor command in cmd then there is some error shown in following picture.
Error image
As you can see at the bottom right corner, you don't have an internet connection and thus, it can't reach github.com, which it seemingly needs to run.
Download a fresh install of flutter sdk and follow the necessary steps from here.. https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install/windows
Be sure to register the path in the environmental variables
Be sure to install git
Be sure you are connected to the internet along the process
and it should work
Step 1: Download the Flutter SDK. We’ll have to download the Flutter SDK file in order to work with flutter. We can easily download it from the official website of Flutter.click for preview
Step 2: Set Environment variable path. After downloading Flutter SDK, extract the file and copy the path of the bin folder.
click for preview
Press WIN + R and paste the following: rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
click for preview
Now click on new and paste the path that was copied earlier and save.
click for preview
Now We have to set up the Visual Studio Code for the Flutter. We have to install two extensions in order to use flutter. The very first extension is Flutter and 2nd is Dart. Note that Dart is the programming language that is used in flutter for the application development for both and android and iOS.
Step 3: Installing Flutter in Visual Studio Code
click for preview
Step 4: Now install Dart in Visual Studio Code
click for preview
Step 5: Now we have successfully added Flutter and Dart to the Visual studio code, now let’s check if flutter is installed or not. For this we will open a new terminal in Visual Studio Code and type the following “flutter –version”, if everything is fine then it will normally show the version of the installed flutter.
click for preview

Error on VSCode: Unable to determine bundled Java version

I'm using VSCode as my IDE. (no Android Studio). When I execute flutter doctor I get the error 'Unable to determine bundled Java version'. Does this affect anything? If it does, how do I fix it? (I have tried fixing the path in environment variables.)
Even if you don't use Android Studio you need Android SDK and Java for flutter to run. Make sure both of them are added to your environment variables. Although Android Studio is not necessary for flutter, just installing it and using VSCode as your IDE makes life a lot easier as it handles a lot of setup for you.

Grandlew bat file not found in windows 10

I have installed flutter and android studio. Followed some resources I have added path.(In windows)
But everytime I run the first project it is giving errors
like. Grandlew bat file not found.
sometimes : exception: exit with 1
Flutter doctor is always giving licenses unknown. I tried number of solutions in the YouTube and from here..but still getting same thing..
My dreams are going to stop in the first step.
you need to install flutter and dart plugin in your android studio/VS code.
to install a plugin in Android Studio follow these steps
Launch Android Studio application
Choose File -> Settings (For Mac Preference )
Search for Flutter then for dart(But dart will be installed automatically with flutter)
I just noticed you don't have Android SDK either, for that, you should go to your android studio and on the top right corner click on the SDK icon, and then install 28/29 version of android SDK hopefully it will solve your problem
alternatively, you can download SDK from here as well

Dart SDK is not configured

I installed Flutter and set up Android Studio. Then I cloned an example of flutter on GitHub (https://github.com/flutter/flutter) and launched it in Android Studio, but it warns me "Dart SDK is not configured", this happened to my co-worker as well. But if I create a new project in Android Studio, no problem at all.
What I have done:
Installed Flutter
Installed Android Studio, along with Flutter plugin including Dart plugin
Flutter run in command line works fine, all five tests passed. (See below)
[✓] Flutter (on Mac OS X 10.13.3 17D47, locale en-US, channel dev)
• Flutter version 0.0.22 at /Users/katelyn/flutter
• Framework revision 3001b3307d (7 days ago), 2018-01-30 11:37:15 -0800
• Engine revision 8f2d72b183
• Tools Dart version 2.0.0-dev.16.0
• Engine Dart version 2.0.0-edge.7af4db0ea091dddca6b2da851e6dda8d7f9467e8
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK 27.0.3)
• Android SDK at /Users/katelyn/Library/Android/sdk
• Android NDK location not configured (optional; useful for native profiling support)
• Platform android-27, build-tools 27.0.3
• Java binary at: /Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/jre/jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java
• Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-release-915-b08)
[✓] iOS toolchain - develop for iOS devices (Xcode 9.2)
• Xcode at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
• Xcode 9.2, Build version 9C40b
• ios-deploy 1.9.2
• CocoaPods version 1.4.0
[✓] Android Studio (version 3.0)
• Android Studio at /Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents
• Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-release-915-b08)
[✓] Connected devices
• Android SDK built for x86 • emulator-5554 • android-x86 • Android 7.1.1 (API 25) (emulator)
Last week, I can run their example thru command line (in that dir),
flutter run
but now I it shows some errors with Gradle.
Launching lib/main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug
Initializing gradle... 0.7s
Resolving dependencies...
Error running Gradle:
Exit code 1 from: /Users/katelyn/AndroidStudioProjects/flutter/examples/flutter_gallery/android/gradlew app:properties:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
Build file '/Users/katelyn/AndroidStudioProjects/flutter/examples/flutter_gallery/android/app/build.gradle' line: 20
What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
Please review your Gradle project setup in the android/ folder.
I had the same problem after importing a flutter project from git. These are the steps to solve the problem.
File->Settings->Language & Framework->Flutter
Choose flutter SDK path: the first time we install flutter, we choose the location where the flutter should be installed. Choose this location.
Click OK and the android studio will refresh. Carry on if the problem is solved.
If you are still stuck with the error.
Goto this link and install Dart.
Goto the same place in settings, ..Language & Framework->Dart and chose the SDK location.
This solved the issues for me.
It usually happens with projects that were created in other machines. To fix this on Android Studio 3.1.3:
File-> Settings (ctrl+alt+s)
Languages and Frameworks -> Dart
Check "Enable Dart support for the project..."
In "Dart SDK path" click in "..." and navigate to flutter SDK directory. Under that directory you'll find "bin/cache/dart-sdk". This is the dart sdk path you should use.
Click "Apply"
Close the project and open it again (sometimes you need this step, sometimes doesn't)
Edit 2019-05-28 - I don't know how long this option is enabled but I have noticed that in Android Studio 3.4 it's easier to Enable Dart Support in projects that were developed in other machines.
File -> Sync Project With Gradle Files
After it builds, click in "Enable dart support" in the top of editor panel.
I had the same Dart SDK issue and I used this for my solution. To remedy the issue without having to use the terminal to test my programs each time the steps I followed are as follows.
Find flutter SDK path. I did so by typing in echo $PATH and finding the path with /flutter/bin.
Assuming your path is something like .../flutter/bin just add on /cache/dart-sdk/bin making it .../flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin.
This .../flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin is the location of your Dart SDK. Assuming you say the same Dart SDK is not configured error accompanied by something where you can configure your Dart SDK. You click the configure option and set .../flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk as your SDK. That should fix your problem. If not head over to the next step.
Open your Android Studio preferences(Command + ',') and go to Languages and Frameworks>Dart.
Under the Dart menu, you should be able to enter your Dart SDK path.
I went through these steps using IntelliJ IDEA so they should be pretty much the same. If that didn't work, sometimes making a dummy Dart project can get things working again. That fixed a similar issue for me.
In my machine, flutter was installed in
I set dart sdk path as
This solved my problem
It may help to use the doctor with -v
flutter doctor -v
for me the result was as
Flutter version 2.0.5 at /usr/local/Caskroom/flutter/2.0.5/flutter
Then the dart path can be set as
Flutter is usually installed(per illustrations) in.
For Windows Installations...
You can try running flutter doctor for installation issues.
Also run flutter upgrade to get the latest version of Flutter and Dart SDKs.
DART SDK can be found at
In case other answers didn't work for you
If you are using *nixOS or Mac
Open the terminal and type which flutter. You'll get something like /Users/mac/development/flutter/bin/flutter under that directory go to cache folder here you will find either dart-sdk or (and) dart-sdk.old folder. Copy their paths.
Open preferences by pressing ctrl+alt+s or cmd+, on mac. Under
Language & Frameworks choose Dart find Dart SDK path. Put that
path you've copied at first step to there. Click Apply.
If this didn't solve the issue you have to also set the Flutter SDK path
Under Language & Frameworks choose Flutter and find Flutter SDK path field.
Your flutter SDK path is two step above in the folder hierarchy relative to which which flutter command gave to you. Set it to the field you've found in step 1 of this header. Again click Apply & click save or ok.
Most of the options above have shown how to configure Dart in the Windows System (If you have installed Dart and Flutter Doctor is showing all good).
On MacOS this option is available under Android Studio > Preferences ('Command' + ',')
Locate Languages and Frameworks / Dart in the left pane.
Check Enable Dart Support and locate the dart SDK. It will be inside your Flutter SDK Installation Directory '/flutter-installation-directory/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk'. Entering this will auto-populate the dart version in the row beneath, pointing that the framework is picked.
Check the box Enable Dart Support for the following modules for your required project.
Click Apply. Click Ok.
As pointed above also, this should solve most of the use-cases. If error still persists, you can go File > Invalidate Caches/Restart.
I am using Win10 Pro;
If you are using Android Studio and getting this message 'Error: Dart SDK is not found in specified location',
My fix was this.
Go to File/Settings or Ctrl+Alt+S to bring up the settings window.
Go down to 'Language & Frameworks and click on Dart
Check Enable Dart support for the project 'YOUR_PROJECT_NAME'
For the Path Dart SDK path: enter the location where you are storing the flutter directory.
Drill down that directory till you see the Dart SDK directory C:\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk. You can also Check SDK update by checking the box and clicking on Check now to get the latest version.
This worked for me.
It normally happens when you are download projects from the github. normally dark sdk contains inside flutter.
you can solve this issue following these few steps
go to the setting using (Ctrl + Shift + s)
go the the Languages & Framework
go to Dart
Enable Dark support for the project
Change the dark sdk path C:\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk
I followed the following steps to solve this problem:
First, Go to: File->Settings->Language & Framework->Flutter
There under the: 'flutter SDK path', put in the location where you have installed Flutter
Mine was at: C:\src\flutter
Click Apply then OK and the android studio will refresh.
The problem will be solved.
Goto preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> Flutter
Set your flutter sdk path
for example :-
then apply your settings.
Make sure all dependencies are installed. if not
run - flutter pub get to install dependencies
In case if you getting Warning sign even after selecting the dart-sdk path in an existing project --
-- Close the Android Studio
-- Just delete the .dart_tool folder (mostly the first folder in your
-- Now Open the Android Studio and try to set the path like the techniques showed
File -> Settings -> Languages and Frameworks -> Dart
-- Now Enable the Check Box and set the dart-sdk path, now it will not show that
And Your project will sync successfully.
Thank You
For mac:
Click Android Studio on top -> Click on Preferences -> Languages & Framework
-> Select Flutter
-> Browse Flutter SDK Path you have download link ["https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/macos"]
-> Click OK
I recently faced this issue on my MAC device when I was running flutter project on Android Studio
Steps to fix this.
install dart on MAC os using brew (https://dart.dev/get-dart)
brew tap dart-lang/dart
brew install dart
brew info dart
It will give you output something like this
Please note the path to the Dart SDK:/usr/local/opt/dart/libexec
paste the Dart SDK path in Android Studio Settings
for Mac,
Click on Android Studio,
then go to Preferences...
Set your Path inside DART SDK PATH here.
After Enable this for your project(like image show),then apply
A quicker way..
Open up android studio..go the file menu....there u will find Invalidate caches/Restart..click it and respond to the pop up as Invalidate and Restart
Your android studio will get restarted.And its all done.
It really helped me.
Run this command:
$ echo "$(dirname $(which flutter))/cache/dart-sdk"
You'll get something like:
Enter that value as your Dart SDK path.
Just go to
File > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Dart
Click on check box Enable Dart Support for project 'projectName'
Paste the Dart SDK path.
This is how you get Dart SDK path, follow the given steps
copy the Dart SDK Path,
which is in Flutter SDK,
Go to location where your Flutter SDK Situated, then,
Flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk , till dart-sdk, copy the path and paste it.
OS: Ubuntu 19.04
IntelliJ: 2019.1.2RC
I have read on all the previous answer and after some time trying to get this working I found that the IntelliJ Flutter plugin does not want the path to which flutter instead it needs the base installation folder.
So the 2 steps which fixed:
Install IntelliJ Flutter plugin:
Ctrl + Shift + a (Open Actions)
Type in search 'Flutter' hit enter Install and restart IntelliJ
Configure Flutter Plugin:
Ctrl + Alt + s (Open Settings)
Type in search 'Flutter', Select option under Language & Frameworks
Open terminal which flutter output PATH_TO_FLUTTER/bin/flutter you ONLY NEED the PATH_TO_FLUTTER so remove everything from /bin...
Paste the location on the Flutter SDK path input and apply.
That will then ask you to restart IntelliJ and you should get both Flutter and Dart configured:
Good luck!
In my case Dart also installed separately for dart development with latest. So when IntelliJ suggest me to configure dart, I hit it and then it pointed to C:/tools/dart that was the case.
So, I had to go to File->Settings->Language & Framework->dart and add the SDK path to my Flutter sdk path with Dart SDK C:\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk.
Note that as others mentioned if you pointed out the Flutter SDK path, you may not be needed to setup Dart SDK path because of Flutter SDK comes with Dart SDK in it.
The reasons for this error can be either you did not install Flutter or you are using an older version of Flutter 1.21. So it is advisable to check the above things first of all. If none of the above things are the reasons for your error you can follow the below steps and it might help you.
Go to File --> Settings
Then Languages and Frameworks --> Flutter
Flutter SDK path should be empty here. The problem is in here
Copy the Flutter SDK path
Paste it in the empty text field
Apply and OK
Solved mine on macOS by clicking on
IntelliJ IDEA -> Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> Flutter
On the SDK Section
Set the Path to your SDK, add path to flutter sdk
see this link for windows https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/windows, for macOS https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/macos and Linux
If not download flutter from this link
Revision of earlier answer to reflect new changes:
Changes since Flutter 1.21
As of Flutter 1.21, the Flutter SDK includes the full Dart SDK.
So if you have Flutter installed, you might not need to explicitly download the Dart SDK, unless:
You don’t use Flutter.
You use a pre-1.21 version of Flutter.
You want to reduce disk space requirements
You want better separation between Dart SDK distribution channels / versions and the one bundled in the Flutter SDK.
Installing the Dart SDK
Personally, as I mostly work on a laptop, I've offloaded my main drive from all the space required by the development tools, moving everything to an external drive as described in this answer
Easy Dart SDK Install
AFAIK, Dart is only dependent on having the $SDK/bin directory available in your systems $PATH variable.
As for installing the SDK itself, both Dart and / or Flutter + Dart I find that downloading a .zip file of the channel (stable, beta or dev) you want, unzip it to a place on your hard-drive and include the path to the SDK /bin directory early in the $PATH is the way to go.
As described in the Dart Documentation
A Possible Problemo
Running commands from the command line is different from within an IDE (or other GUI app), as GUI apps usually store configuration in its own config files, while the various shells store its configuration in shell startup files using amongst other the $PATH variable to decide if it has knowledge of the given application / command. It also defines the order to look for the commands.
Unless the GUI app (IDE in this case) spawns a shell as part of its startup routine and gets the environment populated that way, these two configurations can be totally separate, and point to different tools / paths / utilities.
This would explain the scenario you mentioned:
But if I create a new project in Android Studio, no problem at all.
You can define the environment with the help of the shell's environment in Android Studio via
File -> New Projects Settings -> Settings For New Projects -> Tools -> Terminal
Here you can tell Android Studio which shell the IDE itself should take its environment from (as a path to your login shell of choice), define new variables and make sure the Shell Integration option is enabled.
Now you can have the same (or different if you wish) environments for running, say, pure Dart projects via the Command Line and for Flutter Apps running in the IDE, by picking the values you should already have defined in your shell startup file(s).
Android Studio Configuration
Note: Starting with Android Studio 4.2, the ANDROID_SDK_HOME environment variable is deprecated and has been replaced with ANDROID_PREFS_ROOT
These things are subjects for change, so always check with the Android Studio configuration guide and the
Android SDK Related part of the installation guide before setting these.
It isn't always required, but is a good way for troubleshooting.
similar to above, I got the dart sdk path from a project I created with flutter(not cloned) by going to Android Studio Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | Dart. Then similarly in the cloned project go to Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | Dart and "Enable Dart support for the project..." and enter the path you saved.
On Mac
After trying a bunch of stuff, and several times doing a fresh git clone for the flutter project .. all to no avail, finally the only thing that worked was to download the MacOS .zip file and do a fresh install that way
After installing Flutter, the best way to install Dart sdk is by creating a new project. In this window, click INSTALL SDK. This installs all necessary to work properly.
In my case it was updating flutter sdk path in android studio, preferences.
I solved it, try:
Click on open SDK settings and open Flutter and then add SDK location when your download.
In fact, it's a good habit to check your settings before you run the app.
Have you check the java SDK path ?(in fact, if you have already run another app but failed to run this, which might be download from Github or others.
then you might have to check the flutter settings and the dart settings.