Extend OIDCLoginProtocol in Keycloak - keycloak

I want to use the OIDC Login protocol for my client app. But the default implementation of the OIDC Login protocol doesn't meet my requirements. I want to update authenticated method of the OIDCLoginProtocol. Is there any simple way to extend OIDC Login Protocol and update only the authenticated method of OIDCLoginProtocol.java

Check Keycloak sources if there an SPI for OIDCLoginProtocol. I guess it may be true for latest versions (UPD. Yes it is at least for master branch). If so refer to Keycloak Development guides, how to implement and deploy custom Keycloak Service Provider.
Otherwise you have only a option to fork Keycloak sources, update OIDCLoginProtocol.java as you need and then build custom Keycloak distribution.


Access TypoScript Configuration within Authentication Service

I want to do OpenID Connect 1.0 authentication for frontend users on my site.
In order to do so, I've developed an authentication service (as described in the docs). Within this service I'd like to access TypoScript configuration values to fetch the OpenID configuration (.well-known-URL, client ID and secret).
To do so, I simply inject TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagerInterface into the authentication service - but this class only wraps the real configuration manager, which in this case is an instance of TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\BackendConfigurationManager - although I am in frontend context. This also affects other places, for example is TYPO3 not able to get the correct plugin configuration (because it is not present in the backend).
I've tracked this down to TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManager::initializeConcreteConfigurationManager, where the existence of $GLOBALS['TYPO3_REQUEST'] is checked - if it does not exist, the BackendConfigurationManager is used as fallback.
So my question: How do I correctly fetch TypoScript configuration within a TYPO3 authentication service?
As already written by Chris. TypoScript is not initialized at this time and I also don't suggest to do so by yourself.
Your options are:
Use the extension configuration which is described here
Use the site settings which are described here
Which one you want to use depends on the usecase. The extension configuration is global and even more lowlevel as now site is used. If you need different setttings for a multi-site installation, the site settings are the prefered choice

How to configure Keycloak for my Single Page Application with my own Login form?

I have a SPA (Vue) that communicates via REST with a Quarkus Backend. I would like to use Keycloak for Authentication/Authorization. However, I do not need the whole "Browser Flow" Keycloak feature, instead my SPA has its own Login Form to get a JWT from Keycloak (Direct Grant Flow). This token will be used to communicate with my REST Endpoints.
Frontend -> gets a JWT from Keycloak
Frontend -> gets access to protected resources with that JWT.
However I came accross this article that vehemently discourages devs from using the Direct Grant flow. So what now? Is there a way to still use my own login form with Keycloak?
Something along the lines of:
Frontend login -> Backend -> Keycloak Authentication/Authorization -> JTW
Frontend -> gets access to protected resources with that JWT.
I am slightly overwhelmed by all the different configuration possibilities in Keycloak and Quarkus. So far I managed to get a token from keycloak with a public client (direct grant), and that token is being used to access protected resources. My Quarkus backend knows the keycloak server too and communicates with it via a second client (acces type: confidential)
However, I am not sure why this works at all since the secret is commented out. Why would I need it in the first place ?
One way could be to use the authorization code flow with a custom theme for keycloak : https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/server_development/
As you are using react, you can take a look at https://github.com/InseeFrLab/keycloakify which allows you to reuse your react component with keycloak theming.
(Disclaimer: I belong to the organization maintening this library)

How to configure RedHat APIMan Authorization Policy for unprotected endpoints?

We have installed and configured RedHat APIMan for our working API and the plan is migration form current home-grown tiny gateway to APIMan. The problem is that we have some unprotected endpoints which do not need login (Not everyone role! No login required at all). We are using Keycloak OAuth plugin for roles, and Authorization Policy for API security. When Authorization policy is not added, I can allow unauthenticated requests via a boolean value in Keycloak OAuth policy, but after adding Authorization policy, there is no way to let unauthenticated requests pass!
Kamyar. Apiman developer here.
Please file a feature request for this over at https://github.com/apiman/apiman/issues.
I think what you are trying to do may not currently be possible easily because the authentication policy is expecting a successful auth of some sort before it is hit (to get the roles, etc).
We probably need a slightly more detailed explanation of your use-case, and then we can figure out whether we can support it. It seems like it should be doable without major changes if I understand correctly.
If and when we add support for the specifics of your requirement, I will endeavour to update this ticket.

Authorization on Keycloak

I would like to configure Authorization within Keycloak.
Right now I have Keycloak working with Kong and OIDC plugin.
It works well without authorization, i.e., my page is accessible only to logged users. But I could not configure authorization to control who can access the web page.
In order to test with the less configuration possible, I enabled authorization for my Client in Keycloak, set the policy enforcement mode to "Enforcing" and deleted every authorization resources, policies and permissions.
As stated by the documentation, it should not allow anything.
I tried also to evaluate my test user, and he does not have right to access anything.
However, after login I'm redirected to my 'protected' page.
Am I missing something ?
Kong's OIDC plugin implements OpenId Connect spec only, it does not work with UMA authorization. Actually it is a hude topic and I suggest you to read Authorization Services article of Keycloak documentation first.

SSO with keycloak

We are considering to use the keycloak as our SSO framework.
According to the keycloak documentation for multi-tenancy support the application server should hold all the keycloak.json authentication files, the way to acquire those files is from the keycloak admin, is there a way to get them dynamically via API ? or at least to get the realm public key ? we would like to avoid to manually add this file for each realm to the application server (to avoid downtime, etc).
Another multi-tenancy related question - according to the documentation the same clients should be created for each realm, so if I have 100 realms and 10 clients, I should define the same 10 clients 100 times ? is there an alternative ?
One of our flows is backend micro-service that should be authenticated against an application (defined as keycloak client), we would like to avoid keeping user/psw on the server for security reasons, is there a way that an admin can acquire a token and place it manually on the server file system for that micro service ? is there a option to generate this token in the keycloak UI ?
Thanks in advance.
All Keycloak functionality is available via the admin REST API, so you can automate this. The realm's public key is available via http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/{realm}/
A realm for each tenant will give a tenant-specific login page. Therefore this is the way to go - 10 clients registered 100 times. See more in the chapter Client Registration of the Keycloak documentation. If you don't need specific themes, you can opt to put everything in one realm, but you will lose a lot of flexibility on that path.
If your backend micro service should appear like one (technical) user, you can issue an offline token that doesn't expire. This is the online documentation for offline tokens. Currently there is no admin functionality to retrieve an offline token for a user by an admin. You'll need to build this yourself. An admin can later revoke offline tokens using the given admin API.