Authorization on Keycloak - keycloak

I would like to configure Authorization within Keycloak.
Right now I have Keycloak working with Kong and OIDC plugin.
It works well without authorization, i.e., my page is accessible only to logged users. But I could not configure authorization to control who can access the web page.
In order to test with the less configuration possible, I enabled authorization for my Client in Keycloak, set the policy enforcement mode to "Enforcing" and deleted every authorization resources, policies and permissions.
As stated by the documentation, it should not allow anything.
I tried also to evaluate my test user, and he does not have right to access anything.
However, after login I'm redirected to my 'protected' page.
Am I missing something ?

Kong's OIDC plugin implements OpenId Connect spec only, it does not work with UMA authorization. Actually it is a hude topic and I suggest you to read Authorization Services article of Keycloak documentation first.


Disable Keycloak user quickly when account is disabled on identity provider

When an user account is disabled on a connected IdP, how do I ensure the account is blocked as soon as possible on Keycloak? At the moment, the “disabled” user is able to continue using my SPA because Keycloak continues to refresh the access token without speaking to the external IdP.
One of the critical features required by my partners when using SSO is that they have control over their users’ access to my application. At the moment if the user was logged into my SPA, they can continue using it for about 24 hours. I would hope to cut that time down to 5 minutes, the lifetime of the access token.
The external IdP is Google. I have tried using both Keycloak’s builtin Social provider for Google as well as setting up a SAML app in Google and user-defind SAML provider in Keycloak. I’m using Keycloak v9 but can upgrade if necessary.
Is there a recipe to achieve my goal? What options do I need to set in the Keycloak client and SAML provider?
Many thanks!
The approach could be as follows. The resource server will need to do the checking with the IDP, not Keycloak.
Enable the option to Store Tokens and Read Stored Tokens in the IDP settings.
Assign users the broker/read-tokens role.
On the resource server, decide on a frequency to check whether the user has been disabled on the IDP. Be aware of each IDP's token introspection's endpoint. Each time the API is consumed:
First of course verify the access token as usual.
If it's time to verify against the IDP, call the Keycloak API with the access token to retrieve the IDP's access token.
The Keycloak endpoint is: https://{domain}/realms/{realm}/broker/{idpid}/token
Call the IDP's token introspection endpoint to validate the IDP access token.
Act accordingly if the IDP responds that the token is not valid. Respond with 401 and ensure that the Keycloak access token can't be used again. Maybe the end_session_endpoint or revocation_endpoint, not sure.
Token validation endpoints:
AuthO: https://{tenant}
MS Azure: doesn't exist, good luck with that!

How to configure Keycloak for my Single Page Application with my own Login form?

I have a SPA (Vue) that communicates via REST with a Quarkus Backend. I would like to use Keycloak for Authentication/Authorization. However, I do not need the whole "Browser Flow" Keycloak feature, instead my SPA has its own Login Form to get a JWT from Keycloak (Direct Grant Flow). This token will be used to communicate with my REST Endpoints.
Frontend -> gets a JWT from Keycloak
Frontend -> gets access to protected resources with that JWT.
However I came accross this article that vehemently discourages devs from using the Direct Grant flow. So what now? Is there a way to still use my own login form with Keycloak?
Something along the lines of:
Frontend login -> Backend -> Keycloak Authentication/Authorization -> JTW
Frontend -> gets access to protected resources with that JWT.
I am slightly overwhelmed by all the different configuration possibilities in Keycloak and Quarkus. So far I managed to get a token from keycloak with a public client (direct grant), and that token is being used to access protected resources. My Quarkus backend knows the keycloak server too and communicates with it via a second client (acces type: confidential)
However, I am not sure why this works at all since the secret is commented out. Why would I need it in the first place ?
One way could be to use the authorization code flow with a custom theme for keycloak :
As you are using react, you can take a look at which allows you to reuse your react component with keycloak theming.
(Disclaimer: I belong to the organization maintening this library)

How to configure RedHat APIMan Authorization Policy for unprotected endpoints?

We have installed and configured RedHat APIMan for our working API and the plan is migration form current home-grown tiny gateway to APIMan. The problem is that we have some unprotected endpoints which do not need login (Not everyone role! No login required at all). We are using Keycloak OAuth plugin for roles, and Authorization Policy for API security. When Authorization policy is not added, I can allow unauthenticated requests via a boolean value in Keycloak OAuth policy, but after adding Authorization policy, there is no way to let unauthenticated requests pass!
Kamyar. Apiman developer here.
Please file a feature request for this over at
I think what you are trying to do may not currently be possible easily because the authentication policy is expecting a successful auth of some sort before it is hit (to get the roles, etc).
We probably need a slightly more detailed explanation of your use-case, and then we can figure out whether we can support it. It seems like it should be doable without major changes if I understand correctly.
If and when we add support for the specifics of your requirement, I will endeavour to update this ticket.

How to get Keycloak user information via REST without admin role

I'm using keycloak as authorization server. The users send own username/password to MyWebApp and MyWebApp with grant_type: password get the token and then response token to the user. Now I want to my users be able to get their information, change their password and everything related to themselves RESTFUL. When I send a rest request to /{realm}/users/{id} to get user information, The keycloak get 403 error response. How can I get user information without admin access from keyclaok?
Note: I've seen this question, But I want to give the user edit profile too.
I think you are using Oauth with Grant type=password. If the token you mentioned is generate by Keycloak. You can request user information to Keycloak using /userinfo endpoint.
This is example of endpoint:
This is how to send the parameters:
GET /userinfo HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer Gp7b5hiURKpWzEXgMJP38EnYimgxlBC1PpS2zGXUqe
As far as i know in new versions of Keycloak, Account application (~/auth/realms/{realm}/account) will be implemented as REST backend so your users will be able to work with their profile data in RESTful way (check out keycloak blog).
If you can't wait too long for such feature, you could implement your own REST backend for user profile operations. It mean that you have to implement REST endpoint Service Provider, and integrate to that API your custom set of Keycloak Roles (Your also may to implement endpoint without checks for any roles, so only bearer authentication required). Check Keycloak development docs, also you could use Keycloak sources, especially package as implementation example.
PS. For viewing user info, consider using User Info OIDC endpoint (See Hlex answer). It also could be customized via OIDC mappers (Clients -> {client Id} -> Mappers tab)

Keycloak Applications vs Client authentication

Hi i am a bit confused as to how to secure applications through keycloak, the website shows how to secure clients. The application which i need to secure in my setup is a desktop application which uses keycloak + keycloak-gatekeeper protected endpoints.
i managed to get it working using the following library in python
however, it requires me to enter the client-secret and i am wondering if this is safe?
also, when i use the browser login instead, the browser doesnt need the client secret, but goes though gatekeeper, this tells me that i am doing something wrong here.
Use public access type client (Clients doc):
Public access type is for client-side clients that need to perform a browser login. With a client-side application there is no way to keep a secret safe. Instead it is very important to restrict access by configuring correct redirect URIs for the client.
You can change access type on clients - choose client - settings tab admin interface.
in your case, I would use Access type as confidential
and Authorization Enabled > on
and you should use the secrecy key to authorize your call to keylock when you want to interact with keycloak API
Keycloak keycloak = KeycloakBuilder.builder()
.username("foo")//the admin user