Access TypoScript Configuration within Authentication Service - typo3

I want to do OpenID Connect 1.0 authentication for frontend users on my site.
In order to do so, I've developed an authentication service (as described in the docs). Within this service I'd like to access TypoScript configuration values to fetch the OpenID configuration (.well-known-URL, client ID and secret).
To do so, I simply inject TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagerInterface into the authentication service - but this class only wraps the real configuration manager, which in this case is an instance of TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\BackendConfigurationManager - although I am in frontend context. This also affects other places, for example is TYPO3 not able to get the correct plugin configuration (because it is not present in the backend).
I've tracked this down to TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManager::initializeConcreteConfigurationManager, where the existence of $GLOBALS['TYPO3_REQUEST'] is checked - if it does not exist, the BackendConfigurationManager is used as fallback.
So my question: How do I correctly fetch TypoScript configuration within a TYPO3 authentication service?

As already written by Chris. TypoScript is not initialized at this time and I also don't suggest to do so by yourself.
Your options are:
Use the extension configuration which is described here
Use the site settings which are described here
Which one you want to use depends on the usecase. The extension configuration is global and even more lowlevel as now site is used. If you need different setttings for a multi-site installation, the site settings are the prefered choice


Configure default Keycloak realms

I would like to create realms with a specific configuration. Currently I'm calling Keycloaks endpoints after realm creation to configure it. This is quite slow and doesn't feel intuitive.
Are there any alternatives for specifying how a realm is created by default?

Use two OIDC Auth flows in parallel in Quarkus

I created a Rest-API and a frontend as a self contained system with Quarkus.
The frontend is served statically.
For Authentication i use a kleycloak server and have nearly the same configuration as in this guide from quarkus.
With this config i need to authenticate for the rest-api and the frontend. Thats what i want.
If i try to load the index.html i got redirected to keycloak and back. That works perfectly.
The problem is, that the same thing happens with the rest-api. I got redirected to keycloak with a "302 found"-status code. Here I would like to have an authentication with a bearer token and no redirect. Quarkus has the following configuration for this:
That collides with the configuration for the frontend. Is there a way to use both, one for static files and one for the rest-api?
If I'm not wrong you're looking for a multi-tenant oidc setup(even though you're not designing tenants). The guide and example can be found on the official quarkus website here.
This way you'll have similar setup:
P.S you can replace restapi with more likable name.

Disable anonymous access to buildbot web application

I've deployed buildbot in cloud vms, docker, and such. I've been able to setup authentication, but could not disable anonymous access.
It so happens that, I really can't allow anonymous access since it is a private owned resource, worst of all in many logs from build steps, passwords and other sensitive information show up.
buildbot version: 0.9.8
Documentation is scarse/nonexistant on this subject.
Thanks in advance.
Buildbot itself only allows to disable access to REST API. So anonymous users will see 'empty' web interface with no builds, logs etc. Access to the web interface can be disabled only by external web server settings.
Example authz config:
c['www']['authz'] = util.Authz(
util.AnyEndpointMatcher(role='admins', defaultDeny=False),
util.AnyControlEndpointMatcher(role='admins', defaultDeny=False),
], Authorization rules
One can implement the default deny policy by putting an AnyEndpointMatcher with nonexistent role in the end of the list. Please note that this will deny all REST apis, and most of the UI do not implement proper access denied message in case of such error.

SSO with keycloak

We are considering to use the keycloak as our SSO framework.
According to the keycloak documentation for multi-tenancy support the application server should hold all the keycloak.json authentication files, the way to acquire those files is from the keycloak admin, is there a way to get them dynamically via API ? or at least to get the realm public key ? we would like to avoid to manually add this file for each realm to the application server (to avoid downtime, etc).
Another multi-tenancy related question - according to the documentation the same clients should be created for each realm, so if I have 100 realms and 10 clients, I should define the same 10 clients 100 times ? is there an alternative ?
One of our flows is backend micro-service that should be authenticated against an application (defined as keycloak client), we would like to avoid keeping user/psw on the server for security reasons, is there a way that an admin can acquire a token and place it manually on the server file system for that micro service ? is there a option to generate this token in the keycloak UI ?
Thanks in advance.
All Keycloak functionality is available via the admin REST API, so you can automate this. The realm's public key is available via http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/{realm}/
A realm for each tenant will give a tenant-specific login page. Therefore this is the way to go - 10 clients registered 100 times. See more in the chapter Client Registration of the Keycloak documentation. If you don't need specific themes, you can opt to put everything in one realm, but you will lose a lot of flexibility on that path.
If your backend micro service should appear like one (technical) user, you can issue an offline token that doesn't expire. This is the online documentation for offline tokens. Currently there is no admin functionality to retrieve an offline token for a user by an admin. You'll need to build this yourself. An admin can later revoke offline tokens using the given admin API.

how to Configure openam as Identity provider(IdP) to test SAML based SSO

I am trying to configure openam as Identity provider to test my SAML
based service provider application.
I have searched a lot and saw documentation of openam. There are lots
of thing supported by openam which probably I do not need at this
moment. I don't wish to read whole documentation which will take lot
of time reading things I do not want to test right now. I even saw
chatpet 9 "Managing SAML 2.0 SSO" at
But it requires lot of things to be configured before this.
Is there any quick start guide to test it as saml based IdP?
Not a quick, detailed is also fine. But I want OpenAm as Identity provider. SP is an application hosted on Jetty which we have developed. Also tell me what changed do I have to make on SP like what urls of application should respond with what.
There is no one-fits-all answer to your question really. Setting up SAMLv2 Federation largely depends on the actual SP implementation, some SPs can work with SAML metadata, some don't..
The simplest way to set up federation between two OpenAM instances for reference would be something like:
Create Hosted IdP wizard on node1
Create Hosted SP wizard on node2
On both nodes remove the persistent NameID-Format, so both will have transient at the top of the list
Register Remote SP wizard on node1, with URL: node2/openam/saml2/jsp/exportmetadata.jsp
Register Remote IdP wizard on node2, with URL: node1/openam/saml2/jsp/exportmetadata.jsp
On node2 in the Hosted SP setting set the transient user to "anonymous"
After all this you can test Federation by using:
/openam/spssoinit?metaAlias=/sp&idpEntityID=node1_entityid on node2
/openam/idpssoinit?metaAlias=/idp&spEntityID=node2_entityid on node1
I've used the default metaAlias values, but those should be visible on the console pages. Similarly by downloading the metadata you can see the actual entity IDs for the given entities.
Based on this, you should see now that with an OpenAM IdP you could at least test SAML support using the idpssoinit URL (if your SP supports unsolicited responses), but from the other way around it pretty much depends on your SP implementation how you need to actually trigger a SAML authentication.
This seems like a simple setup.