Merging two binary min-heaps - merge

I have two binary min-heaps, where each one stores different keys. The trees are also complete binary trees. I want to merge these two into one binary min-heap of size exactly 2n. Preferably in O(long) time and O(1) space.


High seek time due to multi-step traversal in FAT tables

In a FAT-based file system design, the 'seek' involves traversing the links present in the
FAT table, like in a linked list. It moves the current pointer within the file (pointed to by the file descriptor) forward by a distance of, say 'O' offset bytes. For very large values of O, this can be quite inefficient due to a multi-step traversal within the FAT table. Could we somehow augment the FAT table structure to improve the performance of seek operations. Is there already some methods dealing with this? Also, how are offset sizes greater than the file size handled to avoid end-of-file errors?

Scala - TrieMap vs Vector

I read that TrieMap in scala is based on has array mapped trie, whike Vector reads bit mapped vector trie.
Are both darastructures backed by the same idea of a hash trie or is there a difference between these?
There are some similarities, but fundamentally they are different data structures:
There is no hashing involved in Vector. The index directly describes the path into the tree. And of course, the occupied indices of a vector are consecutive.
Disregarding all the trickery with the display pointers in the production implementation of scala.collection.immutable.Vector, every branch node in a vector except for the last one at a level has the same number of children (32 in case of the scala Vector). That allows indexing using simple bit manipulation. The downside is that splicing elements in the middle of a vector is expensive.
In a HashTrieMap, the hash code is the path into the tree. That means that the occupied indices are not consecutive, but evenly distributed. This requires a different encoding of the tree branch nodes.
In a HashTrieMap, a branch node has up to 32 children (But if you have a very bad hash code distribution it is entirely possible to have a branch node with only one child). There is an Int bitmap to encode which child corresponds to which position, which means that looking up values in a HashTrieMap requires frequent calls to Integer.bitCount, which fortunately is a CPU intrinsic on modern CPUs.
Here is a fun project that allows you to look at the internals of scala data structures such as Vector and HashMap:
The images in this answer were generated using this project.

In preprocessing data with high cardinality, do you hash first or one-hot-encode first?

Hashing reduces dimensionality while one-hot-encoding essentially blows up the feature space by transforming multi-categorical variables into many binary variables. So it seems like they have opposite effects. My questions are:
What is the benefit of doing both on the same dataset? I read something about capturing interactions but not in detail - can somebody elaborate on this?
Which one comes first and why?
Binary one-hot-encoding is needed for feeding categorical data to linear models and SVMs with the standard kernels.
For example, you might have a feature which is a day of a week. Then you create a one-hot-encoding for each of them.
1000000 Sunday
0100000 Monday
0010000 Tuesday
0000001 Saturday
Feature-hashing is mostly used to allow for significant storage compression for parameter vectors: one hashes the high dimensional input vectors into a lower dimensional feature space. Now the parameter vector of a resulting classifier can therefore live in the lower-dimensional space instead of in the original input space. This can be used as a method of dimension reduction thus usually you expect to trade a bit of decreasing of performance with significant storage benefit.
The example in wikipedia is a good one. Suppose your have three documents:
John likes to watch movies.
Mary likes movies too.
John also likes football.
Using a bag-of-words model, you first create below document to words model. (each row is a document, each entry in the matrix indicates whether a word appears in the document).
The problem with this process is that such dictionaries take up a large amount of storage space, and grow in size as the training set grows.
Instead of maintaining a dictionary, a feature vectorizer that uses the hashing trick can build a vector of a pre-defined length by applying a hash function h to the features (e.g., words) in the items under consideration, then using the hash values directly as feature indices and updating the resulting vector at those indices.
Suppose you generate below hashed features with 3 buckets. (you apply k different hash functions to the original features and count how many times the hashed value hit a bucket).
bucket1 bucket2 bucket3
doc1: 3 2 0
doc2: 2 2 0
doc3: 1 0 2
Now you successfully transformed the features in 9-dimensions to 3-dimensions.
A more interesting application of feature hashing is to do personalization. The original paper of feature hashing contains a nice example.
Imagine you want to design a spam filter but customized to each user. The naive way of doing this is to train a separate classifier for each user, which are unfeasible regarding either training (to train and update the personalized model) or serving (to hold all classifiers in memory). A smart way is illustrated below:
Each token is duplicated and one copy is individualized by concatenating each word with a unique user id. (See USER123_NEU and USER123_Votre).
The bag of words model now holds the common keywords and also use-specific keywords.
All words are then hashed into a low dimensioanl feature space where the document is trained and classified.
Now to answer your questions:
Yes. one-hot-encoding should come first since it is transforming a categorical feature to binary feature to make it consumable by linear models.
You can apply both on the same dataset for sure as long as there is benefit to use the compressed feature-space. Note if you can tolerate the original feature dimension, feature-hashing is not required. For example, in a common digit recognition problem, e.g., MINST, the image is represented by 28x28 binary pixels. The input dimension is only 784. For sure feature hashing won't have any benefit in this case.

Sieve of Eratosthenes (reducing space complexity)

I wanted to generate prime numbers between two given numbers ‘a’ and ‘b’ (b > a). What I did was store Boolean values in an array of size b-1 (that is for numbers 2 to b) and then I applied the sieve method.
Is there a better way, that reduces space complexity, if I don't need all prime numbers from 2 to b?
You need to store all primes which are smaller of equal than the square root of b, then for each number between a and b check whether they are divisible by any of these numbers and they don't equal these numbers. So in our case the magic number is sqrt(b)
You can use segmented sieve of Eratosthenes. The basic idea is pretty simple.
In a typical sieve, we start with a large array of Booleans, all set to the same value. These represent odd numbers, starting from 3. We look at the first and see that it's true, so we add it to the list of prime numbers. Then we mark off every multiple of that number as not prime.
Now, the problem with this is that it's not very cache friendly. As we mark off the multiples of each number, we go through the entire array. Then when we reach the end, we start over from the beginning (which is no longer in the cache) and walk through the entire array again. Each time through the array, we read the entire array from main memory again.
For a segmented sieve, we do things a bit differently. We start by by finding only the primes up to the square root of the limit we care about. Then we use those to mark off primes in the main array. The difference here is the order in which we mark off primes. Instead of marking off all the multiples of three, then all the multiples of 5, and so on, we start by marking off the multiples of three for data that will fit in the cache. Then, instead of continuing on to more data in the array, we go back and mark off the multiples of five for the data that fits in the cache. Then the multiples of 7, and so on.
Then, when we've marked off all the multiples in that cache-sized chunk of data, we move on to the next cache-sized chunk of data. We start over with marking off multiples of 3 in this chunk, then multiples of 5, and so on until we've marked off all the multiples in this chunk. We continue that pattern until we've marked off all the non-prime numbers in all the chunks, and we're done.
So, given N primes below the square root of the limit we care about, a naive sieve will read the entire array of Booleans N times. By contrast, a segmented sieve will only read each chunk of the data once. Once a chunk of data is read from main memory, all the processing on that chunk is done before any more data is read from main memory.
The exact speed-up this gives will depend on the ratio of the speed of cache to the speed of main memory, the size of the array you're using vs. the size of the cache, and so on. Nonetheless, it is generally pretty substantial--for example, on my particular machine, looking for the primes up to 100 million, the segmented sieve has a speed advantage of about 10:1.
One thing you must remember, if you're using C++. A well-known issue with std::vector<bool> is Under C++98/03, vector<bool> was required to be a specialization that stored each Boolean as a single bit with some proxy trickery to get bool-like behavior. That requirement has since been lifted, but many libraries still include it.
With a non-segmented sieve, it's generally a useful trade-off. Although it requires a little extra CPU time to compute masks and such to modify only a single bit at a time, it saves enough bandwidth to main memory to more than compensate.
With a segmented sieve, bandwidth to main memory isn't nearly as large a factor, so using a vector<char> generally seems to give better results (at least with the compilers and processors I have handy).
Getting optimal performance from a segmented sieve does require knowledge of the size of your processor's cache, but getting it precisely correct isn't usually critical--if you assume the size is smaller than it really is, you won't necessarily get optimal use of your cache, but you usually won't lose a lot either.

Learning decision trees on huge datasets

I'm trying to build a binary classification decision tree out of huge (i.e. which cannot be stored in memory) datasets using MATLAB. Essentially, what I'm doing is:
Collect all the data
Try out n decision functions on the data
Pick out the best decision function to separate the classes within the data
Split the original dataset into 2
Recurse on the splits
The data has k attributes and a classification, so it is stored as a matrix with a huge number of rows, and k+1 columns. The decision functions are boolean and act on the attributes assigning each row to the left or right subtree.
Right now I'm considering storing the data on files in chunks which can be held in memory and assigning an ID to each row so the decision to split is made by reading all the files sequentially and the future splits are identified by the ID numbers.
Does anyone know how to do this in a better fashion?
EDIT: The number of rows m is around 5e8 and k is around 500
At each split, you are breaking the dataset into smaller and smaller subsets. Start with the single data file. Open it as a stream and just process one row at a time to figure out which attribute you want to split on. Once you have your first decision function, split the original data file into 2 smaller data files that each hold one branch of the split data. Recurse. The data files should become smaller and smaller until you can load them in memory. That way, you don't have to tag rows and keep jumping around in a huge data file.