Android Automotive Instrument Cluster Emulator - android-source

I built an image of Automotive, and I run with emulator. The emulator starts an Instrument Cluster automatically. Where is code of logic to start the cluster in AOSP?
By the way, can I use the same way to create another display in Android emulator? Thanks

I can support with first part of question.
You can start from here:
and any file with Fragment prefix in the same folder to check particular view.


Android apps worked in usb debugging but not in android emulator (white screen)

I run "ionic cordova run android" using visual studio code.. but the apps shows white screen in the emulator.. it display properly if using USB debugging.. the device also display properly if install using the apk.. the reason why I want to use emulator because I want to debug "".. this is my emulator setting..
Emulator setting
Things that I have done is as per below
Choose ANGLE (D3D11) for OpenGL ES Renderer at the emulator advance setting
Choose Software - GLES 2.0 graphic for the Emulated Performance during create emulator
Try both R and Q for the system image during create the virtual device
Update the SDK based on the system image set at the emulator
System image selection
I compile the source code at different laptop (Laptop A) and it manage to display error at the web console using google inspect
it display "newtrustedfunctionforjit fn.bind is not a function"..
the issue is related to the chrome version 83 and the browser need an upgrade to solve the issue
The emulator is not using a browser (it using web view) hence I cannot update the google version
download new skin for newer android model into laptop A
download same skin on the laptop B (the laptop that I initially come with this post)
Below is the explanation from GitHub for angular
Explanation about the chrome issue
Below is my new System Image
Release Name S
API Level 31
ABI x86_64
Target Android 12 (Google APIs)
New System Image

How do I remove devices for running Flutter?

I tried creating a new flutter project in Visual Studio Code, but for whatever reason it now has a default device of Google Chrome every time I try to run it. I don't want to run Flutter in web environments whatsoever: is there any way I can disable this?
Run the following command to disable web completely.
flutter config --no-enable-web
Then restart your editor if necessary.
First, run your emulator from the AVD manager or connect your physical device while it's on debugging mode, if it's an android device, then choose the device you want to run from the flutter device selection option

Cannot starting android emulator

I am studying about phonegap. I run Android Virtual Device Manager, selected a device and click started. After starting android emulator finished loading.
I saw emulator-arm.exe in the task manager and it took some memory resource. But no emulator appeared. After about 10 seconds, emulator-arm.exe disappeared from task manager.
I couldn't start Android Emulator. Please help me! Thank you!
Did you use the latest version of the platform-tools and the image? Run "android" script in your android-sdk/tools folder, and update all items related with emulators. Then, run "AVD Manager" in the root folder of the SDK. Then, create a virtual machine based on a real device of your choice. Then, run and wait, emulator takes some time to appear.
Other better choice would be use Genymotion emulator, which has more speed and stability. Good luck!

why opening more than one Emulator while running?

While doing programs I normally use AVD Manager to open the emulator, but nowadays while I am running a program a new emulator is being opened automatically, it also takes a long time almost 10-15 minutes. Can somebody please help to avoid this problem?
If ou press run in eclipse and it cannot see a connected device, sometimes devices/emulators fail to connect to the adb daemon so even if they are open they are not connected it will automatically launch an android emulator to fulfil the request which will be the default emulator in the AVD list. The reason it is slow is because you are using an arm image and that emulator is just really really slow, what you will want to do is set up an AVD to use an x86 image, you might need to download this through the android sdk manager first if you haven't already and then follow the information at: to get it set up to work as fast as possible (HAXM, graphics acceleration etc)

Starting 2 emulators in android

I was wandering if there was any easy way to start 2 emulators in android. I have looked at the developers guide but theres not enough information to help me. Please could someone explain how this is done. Thanks
To my knowledge you can't start the same emulator twice, but by creating two separate emulators you can start them both at the same time.
You create new emulators using the Android SDK manager's ("SDK Manager.exe", located in your android install directory) "Virtual Devices" tab.
You can then start them in the command prompt using
emulator -avd <avd_name>
More info here: