Starting 2 emulators in android - android-emulator

I was wandering if there was any easy way to start 2 emulators in android. I have looked at the developers guide but theres not enough information to help me. Please could someone explain how this is done. Thanks

To my knowledge you can't start the same emulator twice, but by creating two separate emulators you can start them both at the same time.
You create new emulators using the Android SDK manager's ("SDK Manager.exe", located in your android install directory) "Virtual Devices" tab.
You can then start them in the command prompt using
emulator -avd <avd_name>
More info here:


Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE] when attempting to run flutter app on android emulator on MacOS

I have been dealing with a very persistent error when attempting to run a flutter app on an Android Emulator (Android Virtual Device launched through Android Studio) through VS Code. Here is a screenshot of the errors:
I have attempted to wipe data & cold brew both my emulators & reopen the application folder to no avail. I am beginning to feel hopeless. If anyone can help me at all, I would really appreciate that. Thank you in advance :)
PS: here is how the emulator looks
if you wiped the emulator's data and it is still showing the error, try to increase your emulator's space,
AVD Manager
Locate the emulator you want to increase space, click the drop down
Show advanced settings
Edit the Internal storage
Restart the emulator if it's running
NOTE: Newer android studio versions do not have the Edit option inside the dropdown, it was moved next to the dropdown menu (The edit icon)
I had also faced same error on windows:
Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE] Error launching application on Android SDK built for x86.
What I done was, just wiping out the data of emulator from android studio and it worked.
here there is an option of wipe out

How can I open emulator or connect LD Player for flutter in VS Code?

I want to develop flutter apps but I don't have enough RAM in my laptop (just 4 gigs). So, after lots of extensive research on the internet, I installed and setup flutter sdk, android sdk and VS Code. But when I try to run a sample app, I can't see list of any available emulators on my VS Code bottom-left screen.
VS Code screenshot (see bottom left).
I am not getting any kind of errors when I run flutter doctor command.
Flutter doctor outputs in powershell.
There's a folder in Drive C where I've installed the Android SDK named as "emulator". There's an executable file named emulator.exe as well but opening it does nothing.
Emulator Folder screenshot.
I also have an external emulator LD Player installed on my laptop but I am not able to connect it with the code editor i.e., VS Code.
Please refer to the links to see the images as I don't have privileges to upload images. I'm a newbie here and this is my first question. Thanks in advance!
You will need to activate ADB settings in your LD Player Emulator.
First, go to settings
Then, select other settings
After that, make sure that you have activated the ADB connection by selecting Open Connection

Android Emulator Screen(API 28) is distorted and scratched

This question has already been asked here Android Studio Emulator Screen is "Scratched" and distored but there is no fix suggested there. I do not have enough reputation to add comment or reply to that question, hence asking it here again in the hope of finding solution to my problem. My issue is exactly similar:
Scratched and Distorted Android Emulator Screen
I have tried all the emulators(all come distorted and scratched), tried wiping data on them but nothing helps. My emulator's info is :
Android Emulator Info:
I am using Android Studio 3.2.1 and OS is OS X El Capitan (Version 10.11.6)
Please help me in fixing this.
Apologies that this is a suggestion instead of an answer...
Anyway, I noticed in the question you linked there was a device in use. That is, a setting in the avd's config.ini (located for me at ~/.android/avd/{{emulator name}}.avd/config.ini) for hw.device.hash2,, and hw.device.manufacturer.
Have you tried creating the emulator using avdmanager? For example:
avdmanager create avd --name myNewEmulator -k "system-images;android-28;google_apis_playstore;x86"
This will create the emulator without these device settings as long as you don't specify them in the custom hardware profile.
Lastly, you won't be able to start the emulator from Android Studio. Instead use the emulator tool located in your Android sdk folder and run:
emulator #myNewEmulator

Cannot starting android emulator

I am studying about phonegap. I run Android Virtual Device Manager, selected a device and click started. After starting android emulator finished loading.
I saw emulator-arm.exe in the task manager and it took some memory resource. But no emulator appeared. After about 10 seconds, emulator-arm.exe disappeared from task manager.
I couldn't start Android Emulator. Please help me! Thank you!
Did you use the latest version of the platform-tools and the image? Run "android" script in your android-sdk/tools folder, and update all items related with emulators. Then, run "AVD Manager" in the root folder of the SDK. Then, create a virtual machine based on a real device of your choice. Then, run and wait, emulator takes some time to appear.
Other better choice would be use Genymotion emulator, which has more speed and stability. Good luck!

how to run android emulator with TTS enabled

i hope i am not posting a duplicate question, can anyone please tell me how to enable TTS in android emulator enabled when eclipse starts it when we run the project.
is it that i have to start with SD card or sth like that?? Also for some reason when i go to my Run Configuration in eclipse i don't see any field to pass arguments for emulator.
I had this problem and solved it with the help of one blog.
First we should have SDcard.
Second download tts*.apk
open the cmd(in windows environment)
type adb instll tts*.apk (this will install tts to android emulator)
following this steps will be OK
good luck