How do I remove devices for running Flutter? - flutter

I tried creating a new flutter project in Visual Studio Code, but for whatever reason it now has a default device of Google Chrome every time I try to run it. I don't want to run Flutter in web environments whatsoever: is there any way I can disable this?

Run the following command to disable web completely.
flutter config --no-enable-web
Then restart your editor if necessary.

First, run your emulator from the AVD manager or connect your physical device while it's on debugging mode, if it's an android device, then choose the device you want to run from the flutter device selection option


Flutter app is not showing as an icon on the android emulator homescreen

I am trying to build an app. I am using flutter as the framework and VS Code as my IDE. I also have an android emulator installed via android studio. I am trying to implement authentication. If i run my app it opens in the emulator and works just fine. Now i want to test if a user stays logged in when the app is closed (not running in the background) and reopened. However if i close the app in the android emulator, the whole process stops and there is no icon of my app on the home screen with which i could restart it. I have to "run and debug" again in VS Code to restart the process. Is there any way to start the app again via the emulator phone?
I updated the emulator and the flutter package, i changed emulator devices. Did not solve the problem.
Because when your app is disconnected from debug - you can use hot restart its consider as app is kill and open again - here having a problem with flutter if you disconnect from debug your all assets will be remove from entire app. Another option - if you want to test your app then make release app and installed in physical device
You can try to run your app from VS Code itself.
Use this bottom Menu button to launch emulator:
Select your Emulator from listed / Create a new one:
Hope it helps!

How to specify which OS build I wish to do

Flutter 3.0 is amazing !!
I can make a web app, android & iOS mobile app, and a native Mac app (and more) all from the one code base.
But now my problem is :
How do I specify which OS to build-for and run-on ?
When I do flutter run or debug>run in VSCode it will build-for, and run-on, my Android device first if it plugged in, or else as a Mac app. I want to run it as Web. More generally, I want to specify which OS I want to build and run for.
Both the flutter run command line option, and the VSCode setting (preferably without messing about with launch.json, or else making that seem easy).
You can use
flutter run -d chrome
For running it on chrome
flutter run -d your_device
For mobile device
It depends on the selected device. If you select an Android Device, it will build for Android OS. If you select a browser then it will run the build on your Default Browser and the same goes for other scenarios.

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE] when attempting to run flutter app on android emulator on MacOS

I have been dealing with a very persistent error when attempting to run a flutter app on an Android Emulator (Android Virtual Device launched through Android Studio) through VS Code. Here is a screenshot of the errors:
I have attempted to wipe data & cold brew both my emulators & reopen the application folder to no avail. I am beginning to feel hopeless. If anyone can help me at all, I would really appreciate that. Thank you in advance :)
PS: here is how the emulator looks
if you wiped the emulator's data and it is still showing the error, try to increase your emulator's space,
AVD Manager
Locate the emulator you want to increase space, click the drop down
Show advanced settings
Edit the Internal storage
Restart the emulator if it's running
NOTE: Newer android studio versions do not have the Edit option inside the dropdown, it was moved next to the dropdown menu (The edit icon)
I had also faced same error on windows:
Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE] Error launching application on Android SDK built for x86.
What I done was, just wiping out the data of emulator from android studio and it worked.
here there is an option of wipe out

VSCode flutter how to launch Android Emulator instead of Chrome

All my old projects were able to launch debugging with Android Emulator. When I press F5, it will shows a list of installed Android Emulator for me to select for debugging.
But today, I have created a new project, and it launches debugging in Chrome instead.
First you'll need to check if the android platform has been initialized for the project. If you project has an android folder then it has been initialized, if you will need to create it with the following command: flutter create --platforms android .
To run the emulator, check the bottom right corner of the screen you should see the currently selected platform, if you click on the selected platform a pop up should appear allowing you to select from all supported platforms.
You can also you use quick-open (ctrl+p) and type in >flutter launch emulator, if no emulator is found it will provide you the option to create one as well.

how to run flutter app in VSCode without android studio emulator

I want to run flutter app in VS.Code without android studio emulator.
I want run my app without install android studio.
How can I do this?
If you have Gradle properly installed globally ( and the Android SDK setup on your machine, then you should not need the IDE.
Try first checking for available devices:
flutter devices
Then using the device that you find (if there are any spaces in the name that represents the device then use "" to format the command), execute the following command:
flutter run -d "Device Name With Spaces" --release
flutter run -d DeviceNameWithoutSpaces --release
The first option is You can run your application on chrome or edge if you don't want to download an emulator. Follow the following steps:
Click on the no-device option to select the device.
Now select chrome or edge
And the second option is you can connect your mobile with your PC and use your phone to run the flutter apps. Follow the following steps:
For Android:
Enable developer options and USB Debugging on your device. This varies slightly
by android version. But the short version is you tap on the device build number
7 times.
Then a “Developer Options” option comes up. After that, you can click “enable
USB Debugging.”
Then plug your phone into your computer with a USB cable. You’ll see some popup
on your phone asking if you want to allow USB debugging with that computer.
Click on “yes”.
Run Flutter just like you would if you had a simulator running.