Time series from Prometheus source: how to set nulls as zero? - counter

Working in Docker Grafana 8.1.5. Using time series graph, I'm plotting a Prometheus Counter source (that has one label) as a time series (by label), and need to fill all null/missing values as zeros.
This is the query applied to the Prometheus counter source, plotting the label code:
The graph display works (just need to see the current counter value for each label variant, and the difference within the selected time range), but the new Grafana time series graph is missing an option that the Graph (old) has under Display > Stacking and null value > null value: null as zero, hence it now ends up with broken lines when null values occur.
Unfortunately, I cannot use the Graph (old) chart as I need the legend value difference, which only is available in the new time series graph.
I tried to add or on() vector(0) to the end of the query, but the condition does not get applied to the data series for each label variant, it rather adds a new data series all filled with zeros...
Thanks for any suggestions !

I had this issue as well and I was not able to use only or on() vector(0) as you mentioned because the main query was returning NaN. In my case I had a division by zero.
I could get around of it by first evaluate if the query has a value >= 0 and then use the or on() vector(0). Try something similar to:
((my_metric{code!=""}) >= 0) OR on() vector(0)

The following technique can be used for filling gaps in a single time series returned from the query q:
sum(q) or vector(0)
The q is wrapped into sum() in order to drop all the labels for a time series returned from q, so the time series can be matched with vector(0) time series according to matching rules for or operator. The query without sum(): q or on() vector(0) would return two time series on the graph instead of a single time series: one time series from q with its own set of labels and another time series with zero labels and with zero value where the q time series contains gaps.
Unfortunately Prometheus doesn't provide an easy ability to fill gaps with zeroes if q returns multiple time series with distinct labelsets. Other Prometheus-like solutions such as VictoriaMetrics (I work on it) provides default operator for this case. For example, the following MetricsQL query fills gaps with zeroes for all the time series returned from q:
q default 0


Look up an account then average associated values excluding zeros

On one sheet, I have account code and in the cell next to it, I need to look up the account code on the next sheet to average the cost excluding those cells that are zero in col. b from the average calculation.
The answer for London should be: £496.33 but having tried various sumifs / countifs I cannot get it to work.
You probably need COUNTIFS which -- similar to the SUMIFS you are already using -- allows to define multiple critera and ranges.
So, if the column R contains the values, you want to build the average upon, and the column H in the respective row must equal $B$28 to be included in the sum, the respective COUNTIFS looks as follows
=SUMIFS('ESL Info'!$R:$R,'ESL Info'!H:H,$B$28)/COUNTIFS('ESL Info'!$H:$H,$B$28, 'ESL Info'!$R:$R, "<>0")
ie additionally to the value in the H-column to equal B28 it also requires the value R-column (ie the actual number you are summing up) to be different from 0
You could also add the same criteria 'ESL Info'!$R:$R, "<>0" to your SUMIFS, but that isn't necessary, because a 0 doesn't provide anything to you sum, thus it doesn't matter if it's included in the sum or not ...
And depending on the Excel version you are using, you may even have the AVERAGEIFS function available, which does exactly what you want
=AVERAGEIFS('ESL Info'!$R:$R,'ESL Info'!$H:$H;$B$28,'ESL Info'!$R:$R,"<>0")

Function which finds temperatures for a given month from data

I'm having some issues creating a function with the following parameters:
Ndata = extperiod(data, year, month,time)
The data is a table with 3 columns, which from left to right are:
year/month/date, time, temperature
My goal is to create a function which can extract a time and a year/month, irrespective of the date and find it's corresponding temperature.
I need to avoid using for loops
I've been advised to use floor and find, where floor(YYYYMMDD/100) = YYYY*100 + MM, which I somehow want to integrate to my function.
I've previously found a way to extract all temperatures from the data for a given day, as follows:
k = find(data(:,1)==19750101);
I'm trying to incorporate this method, but I think that the hint "floor(YYYYMMDD/100)" throws me a of a little.
I have tried with find(data(:,1)==floor(YYYYMMDD/100)), where I would think that I'd be given all dates with a specific year and month. For example:
find( data(:,1) == floor(19660101/100) )
I thought this would give me all points in the column vector where the value is 196601. But it doesn't.
What could I try differently?
From your explanation, your want to get all temperature for a given month, no matter time and day.
So you want to find dates that are comprised in the range [YYYYMM ; YYYY{MM+1}[ or [YYYYMM ; {YYYY+1}01[ in the case of selecting December.
Recall that you store the complete date in your table. So you need to apply your operator floor to both sides of your query, not only on the query value, because no date is floor(YYYYMMDD/100)!
As a result, try the following:
find( floor(data(:,1)/100) == floor(19660101/100) )

How to draw time based graphs using ios-charts

I'm trying to draw a temperature graph using iso-charts where the x axis data would be set from a server timestamp but the labels would be readable text.
For instance the graph x-axis label would start at Monday 00:00 and end Tuesday 12pm but the LineChartDataSet would be a collection of temperature (y-axis) and timestamps for the x
To display the timestamp I have a custom valueFormatter set as follow (which works great)
lineChartView.xAxis.valueFormatter = timestampXAxisFormatter() //converts timestamp to Date string
My question: The LineChartDataSet seems to be indexed based which is causing some trouble: if I have 4 data points such as (9am, 10), (9:15am, 11), (12pm, 15), (1pm, 16) the 4 points are set in the chart at regular intervals (I was expecting 2 points to be on the left side of the graph and then last 2 points on the right side) - Is there a way to have a data set that is based on the x value instead of the index?
I saw ChartData has an init that takes an array of NSObjects but then it converts it to Strings...Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have!
There is no good way to solve it, as you figured out the x axis is index based.
You have two options:
insert many x values between each real x value, like between 9:00 and 9:15, you manually insert 9:01, 9:02, ..., 9:14, but don't add any entry at these values, just ignore it and continue. ios-charts will skip if no entry found and go to next. This will works fine, if you don't have a large number of values to insert. I tried ~1000 values, the performance is acceptable.
you create your own chart, using two y axis, one as x axis and one as y axis, so the distances to 0 point are calculated by value. However this requires you understand the ios-chart logic deeply. If you succeed, you are more than welcome to file a PR.

SSRS 2008 Calculated Chart X-Axis Interval

I am trying to create a chart where the interval on the X-axis will redefine itself depending on the 2 time parameters I have set up for the report; I have a #StartTime and a #StopTime. If the difference between the dates is one day, I want the graph axis to show a mark at each whole hour during that day. But any more than a day then the interval can be automatically determined by the program.
I have manually set the difference between the 2 parameters to be 1 day and set the interval and interval type to "24" and "hours", respectively, which gives me the desired results.
I have tried the following function for the interval:
=IIf(DateDiff("d",Parameters!StartTime.Value,Parameters!StopTime.Value)=1, "24", "Auto")
And I have tried the following function for the interval type:
=IIf(DateDiff("d",Parameters!StartTime.Value,Parameters!StopTime.Value)=1, "Hours", "Auto")
I created 2 random textboxes into which I inserted these functions to test if the functions are actually working, and they are. So I can't figure out why the functions won't execute properly when inserted into the interval properties fields.
Why is this not displaying the desired outcome?
Instead of using the text "Auto", use a Nothing to represent Auto.
=IIf(DateDiff("d",Parameters!StartTime.Value,Parameters!StopTime.Value)=1, 24, Nothing)
If I recall correctly, you can't change the the axis type at render, which seems like what your trying to do. Honestly I think this might be a case for cheating, make the chart twice, one for each axis type you want, and then conditionally hide them based on a similar Iif statement to the ones you have above.
Other thoughts, 24 is not the interval you want, interval is how much of the x-axis is displayed as tic marks. 1 means 1 tic for every 1 value, 2 means every other one, and 24 if it works would be showing every 24th value (haven't tried it). You want a number interval with a type of hour and an interval of 1 because you want to show every hour. You'll also have to change your x axis to:
=datepart(hour, Fields!YourDateTime.Value)
Otherwise the numbers axis type won't work. You can use similar expressions to create day over day time comparisons. Anyway, good luck!

Tableau 8.2 - how to get max and min from % difference values on table?

I'm facing problem in getting the max % and min % from a table containing % difference values.
Year-----A----------B---------C---------D---------Max %----Max Type----Min %----Min Type
The table above shows the % difference in sales from previous year. Thus 2012 shows no % (because there's no 2011). I used table calculation to compute the % difference, i.e. "Percent Difference From", compute using "Table (Down)" and "Previous".
The last four columns are what I'm having trouble doing. I want to get the max % and min % and also the corresponding types. I'm not trying to add the four columns to the existing table, but to get the correct results, as my ultimate goal is to display that results on the dashboard, i.e. on my dashboard, I want to display the highest % and its corresponding type; similarly the lowest % and its corresponding type. For example: on my dashboard, I want to display:
Highest % and type: 4.42% B
Lowest % and type: 4.30% A
So, I need to have the correct formulas to get the max % and min % and their types. These are what I did:
I tried to use WINDOW_MAX and WINDOW_MIN to display the max % and min % on the table but got funky wrong results.
1) I first get the formula in calculating the % difference from the "Customize" button from "Edit Table Calculation" window of SUM([Sales]): (ZN(SUM([Sales])) - LOOKUP(ZN(SUM([Sales])), -1)) / ABS(LOOKUP(ZN(SUM([Sales])), -1))
Then I created a calculated field of the above formula. I named the calculated field "Percent-Diff".
2) I created another calculated filed (named "Max % Difference") using the formula: WINDOW_MAX([Percent-Diff]). But it shows strange results. See image below. I don't know why it gives me 2.78% and 2.91% for 2012 and 2013 respectively. It should be 0% and 4.42% for 2012 and 2013 respectively. Something is not correct.
If it is just SUM([Sales]) instead of % difference, then I get the correct result of showing the max sales using the formula WINDOW_MAX(SUM([Sales])).
3) Also I don't know how to get the corresponding type. I tried using the formula: IF [Max % Difference] = [Percent-Diff] THEN ATTR([Product Type]). But it returns:
I'm not sure if the formula is correct. It looks correct on the result (i.e. "B" is correct), except that it also shows a NULL value which I don't know why. I think it's because I didn't include the ELSE part in my IF formula? But why the NULL value is shown as the first value? I want the formula to return just one value, "B". So, how to only just show "B"?
I've posted twice the problem in tableau forum, but as of now, nobody has answered my problem. I believe that my formulas are incorrect. So, if anyone here can correct the formulas to get the max % and min % from % difference values and also to get the corresponding type, then it'd be very much appreciated. Thanks a million!
It's hard to tell not knowing how your database looks like (as you didn't explicitly presented it, but I can try to infer based on the clues you left on your post). But I could reproduce something like you said using the Sample - Coffee Chain Database, and it worked out well, calculated yoy sales increase by product and then window_max of that.
What you're probably missing is the partitioning. I suggest avoiding using Table or Pane to create the partitions in more complex situations (as it will work only in that specific arrangement of fields), but rather use the dimensions to partition it.
So, your [Percent-Diff] field should be compute using [Date], and your [Max % Difference] should be compute using [Product Type]. IMPORTANT, for [Max % Difference], when you go to Edit Table Calculation, you'll have to choose the Compute using for [Percent-Diff] as well (you can choose on the top of the window)
Your formula to find which type is the max (or min) is also correct (and should only respect the partitions). Nevertheless, it is very hard to have the exact output you're expecting.
What I would do is to create 2 spreadsheets (and later combine them in a dashboard).
The 1st would be what you already got (Each product [Percent-Diff]
The second one I would change your formula (3) to just [Max % Difference] = [Percent-Diff], and use it as filter (filtering only true). I would drag both Date and Product to the sheet (you choose if you want it on columns, rows, or just detail) so I can use them to partition the table. And drag [Max % Difference] to be visualized.
That way you'll only see the product that is the max, and how much is that max.
Hope it helps