Look up an account then average associated values excluding zeros - average

On one sheet, I have account code and in the cell next to it, I need to look up the account code on the next sheet to average the cost excluding those cells that are zero in col. b from the average calculation.
The answer for London should be: £496.33 but having tried various sumifs / countifs I cannot get it to work.

You probably need COUNTIFS which -- similar to the SUMIFS you are already using -- allows to define multiple critera and ranges.
So, if the column R contains the values, you want to build the average upon, and the column H in the respective row must equal $B$28 to be included in the sum, the respective COUNTIFS looks as follows
=SUMIFS('ESL Info'!$R:$R,'ESL Info'!H:H,$B$28)/COUNTIFS('ESL Info'!$H:$H,$B$28, 'ESL Info'!$R:$R, "<>0")
ie additionally to the value in the H-column to equal B28 it also requires the value R-column (ie the actual number you are summing up) to be different from 0
You could also add the same criteria 'ESL Info'!$R:$R, "<>0" to your SUMIFS, but that isn't necessary, because a 0 doesn't provide anything to you sum, thus it doesn't matter if it's included in the sum or not ...
And depending on the Excel version you are using, you may even have the AVERAGEIFS function available, which does exactly what you want
=AVERAGEIFS('ESL Info'!$R:$R,'ESL Info'!$H:$H;$B$28,'ESL Info'!$R:$R,"<>0")


How to divide an Aggregate and Sum function

I am working in Tableau and trying to create a formula that will return me the value of each customer that walks into a store by dividing Net Sales / Traffic. When I try to combine the two separate formulas, it gives me the following error: Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function. The two functions I created that I'm trying to divide are:
SOT = (SUM([Sales Net])-SUM([Sales Gcard Net]))/SUM([Traffic Perday]) and SOT Goal
When I look at it in Tableau, it's stating that SOT is an aggregate function. How do I work around this to be able to get
SOT / SOT Goal
Aggregate variables are values that are calculated in the view, and depend on the level of aggregation in Tableau. e.g. sum(Sales) will show different values in Tableau if it’s next to a Region dimension, or if it’s next to a Category dimension.
In order to avoid the errors you can use many solutions. My favorite is indeed LOD expressions. In your view, though I do not have required sample data and therefore, I cannot try my hands on different possibilities here, I suggest that this should work-
SOT = ({SUM([Sales Net])}-{SUM([Sales Gcard Net])})/{SUM([Traffic Perday])}
Do remember that this solution will over-ride your filters and if you are using filters you have to add all those to Context.
While trying different possibilities remember these things...
{SUM([Sales])} will sum the sales over entire data and {} i.e. curly braces wrapped around the sum function will cause to return the value as non-aggregate. In other words, this will work as LOD and if you'll add this field to view, the sum of entire sales will be shown against each row.
{FIXED [DIMENSION NAME] : sum([Sales])} will sum sales separately for each Dimension value. Fixed statement (LOD) again returns the value as non-aggregate value. if you'll add this field to view, the sum of entire sales for that dimension will be shown against each dimension.

A filter to apply only if only one item from two other filters are selected

I have two filters for WeekNumber and Employee (name). I also have a column that shows the SUM of hours the employee has worked. Let us call it SumHours.
What I want to do is to specify the employees who have overworked, which is
if the number of weekly hours is more than 38.
If the condition applies I'd like to highlight them by adding a background color to their row.
Adding the above filter to the entire table is not a problem. What I want to do is for this filter to appear only if (1) one week and (2) one employee have been selected. Because otherwise the calculated field will highlight the employee if they have overworked in average.
How can I create a condition in my calculated field so that a condition is checked in two different places? I have found the SIZE() function but then we should also select the option Compute Using... to assign it to a specific filter. But apparently one cannot do that to two filters.
If I understand your setup correctly, I think a level-of-detail calculation might do the trick. This is pseudo-code, you will need to adjust for your dimension names. With LOD, you are getting the value of the hours worked per employee and week, regardless of which dimensions you have in your rows or columns.
if {FIXED Employee, WeekNumber : sum(HoursWorked)} > 38 then "Highlight" end
Then add this calculated field on the color marks card.
More about level-of-detail calcs can be found in Tableau's online help.

How to sum data if it falls under any arbitrary number of date ranges

I need a single formula for summing numbers that fall within an arbitrary number of date ranges.
You can use multiple SUMIFS() for each date range and then sum the result of those SUMIFS()s within a single cell like this:
=SUMIFS(dataRange, datesRange,">="&startDate, D:D,"<="&endDate) +
SUMIFS(dataRange, datesRange,">="&startDate, D:D,"<="&endDate) +
SUMIFS(dataRange, datesRange,">="&startDate, D:D,"<="&endDate)
But this requires that I know exactly how many date ranges I'm going to have.
For my spreadsheet I won't know how many date ranges I will have, so it has to dynamically grab the dates ranges.
Sample Google Spreadsheet (currently editable, please feel free to use)
You can use SUMIF in conjunction with the SUMPRODUCT function that multiplies components in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those products.
This can be done as below:

Perl - determining the intersection of several numeric ranges

I would like to be able to load long list of positive integer ranges and create a new "summary" range list that is the union of the intersections of each pairs of ranges. And, I want to do this in Perl. For example:
Sample ranges: (1..30) (45..90) (15..34) (92..100)
Intersection of ranges: (15..30)
The only way I could think of was using a bunch of nested if statements to determine the starting point of sample A, sample B, sample C, etc. and figure out the overlap this way, but it's not possible to do that with hundreds of sample, each containing numerous ranges.
Any suggestions are appreciated!
The first thing you should do when you need to do some thing is take a look at CPAN to see what tools are available of if someone has solved your problem for you already.
Set::IntSpan and Set::IntRange are on the first page of results for "set" on CPAN.
What you want is the union of the intersection of each pair of ranges, so the algorithm is as follows:
Create an empty result set.
Create a set for each range.
For each set in the list,
For each later set in the list,
Find the intersection of those two sets.
Find the union of the result set and this intersection. This is the new result set.
Enumerate the elements of the result set.
I don't have code to share, but I would expand each range into hash, or use a Set module, and then use intersection operations on the sets.

Extract a specific row from a combination matrix

Suppose I have 121 elements and want to get all combinations of 4 elements taken at a time, i.e. 121c4.
Since combnk(1:121, 4) takes a lot of time, I want to go for 2% of that combination by providing:
z = 1:50:length(121c4(:, 1))
For example: 1st row, 5th row, 100th row and so on, up to 121c4, picking only those rows from a 121c4 matrix without generating the complete combination (it's consuming too much for large numbers like 625c4).
If you haven't defined an ordering on the combinations, why not just use
where p is the number of combinations you want in your set ? With this approach you may, or may not, want to replace duplicates.
If you have defined an ordering on the combinations, tell us what it is.