How to receive data from an api without any user interaction - flutter

I'm trying to receive some data from an API call and do some task based on the received data.
Let's say I have my flutter app opened and in that opened state without any click or any interaction I get some data or do any function when I send something through the API.
I used Firebase FCM to do such task - When I send something through the API the firebase notification captures that data and doing the tasks I want on the flutter app.
But I want to do without Firebase. How can I do that. Any solution/suggestions would be great. Thanks!

At first, let's put Flutter aside. Your problem is to pull data from API and do a specific task OR your API should notify the app through API.
For the first problem, a simple data polling should work: when the app is opened, you just start some kind of timer and periodically pull data from the API and do something. However, this method is not perfect, it drains the battery and in general, there are better ways to achieve the same thing, for instance using sockets or push notifications (as some of the answers already state that).
For your second problem - "or do any function when I send something through the API" - you need some kind of mechanism to notify your app for it to react and process the data. This one could be handled using the same mechanism as for the first problem.
So, probably you need to use some kind of push notification service (for instance OneSignal or Pusher, or any other similar service) or web sockets (

Your question is little bit unclear. Whatever if you want to do some network call even without any interaction by user you can call network in your onInit method. This method runs at the very beginning for individual screen. Then do your task based on the response

You need stream API for this,look into socket programming

You can use webs socket or pusher for this. When web socket is connected with your server that time you received some data and you can do your task.


How to handle responses which take more then 5 seconds

For the google actions that i am developing some responses are complex and take more than 5 seconds to process.
Could someone please suggest how can this be handled.
Generally i would consider using loading dots and then replacing that message with the result but i don't see any Google Action API for it. Also is there any endpoint to which we could async send back the result later ?
PS: I am using Conversation API.
We don't really have a good way to handle this right now, but we have a couple of approaches that sorta work based on your needs.
Notifications are currently available for the Assistant on smartphones, and they're coming for speakers. In some cases, it might make sense to say that you're working on the problem and you'll send a notification when you have it, and then resume the conversation from the notification.
Another approach is to use the Media Response to play a bit of "hold music". At the end of the segment of music, your webhook will get a notice that the music has completed. If you have the result available, you can report it at that time.

Showing timer with WebSockets

I have an application (Laravel + MongoDB running on Nginx) where I pull some data from the database and render it on the screen. The application focusses on multiple real life objects. Once an object is turned on (is_on equals to true in the database), the timer on the screen needs to start ticking. Once the object is turned off (is_on equals to false in the database) the clock stops ticking and resets to 0. The format of the clock is HH:MM:SS. So it shows how long the real life object is turned on.
My problem is that I don't really now how to save/implement such timer. When the user request the page, I pull the necessary data from the database. If I also save the timer in the database, you have to make a query every second which is very bad practice.
I remembered something about WebSockets and tried to look into them. I actually managed to build a basic Hello World chat application, but don't really know how to implement this in my project. There is no place for it in the database (because of the queries), so I don't really know where to save that timer on the server. I'm also doubting if WebSockets are the way to go.
So are WebSockets the way to go and if it is, can you guys point me in the right direction on how to implement this? If not, can you advise me what I should do?
Thanks in advance!
From your question:
I understand that the objects you print in the screen are modified by
users in the application, and your aim is to live forward those
modifications to other active client instances of your application.
In that case, as you mention, I would point you to websockets. They are a great way to feed information directly to the client, so the client receives the update signals and modify the interface, with no need of user action.
In order to implement the logic to notify the client, I recommend using a push approach, but this is really depending on what kind of clients you'd like to notify, since the push world is still a bit tricky.
Further readings for this websocket based push implementation:
Question about Push Flags:
Difference between push and urgent flags in TCP
If your client runs in browser or mobile this question is nice to read:
How to send push notification to web browser?
Also html5 websockets:
As a sidenote:
A nice architecture for client-server live communication is based on node.js together with library offering good performance and not really complex implementation if you know what you do.

iOS. Best way to pull data from a server (dynamic intervals) for HTTP chat client?

I am working on a chat client. To get new messages (or post new one) I have to perform GET (or POST) request. All new messages are stored via core data. At the moment I don't know how to implement it in most optimal way.
My thoughts:
On view controller init stage create background thread which will periodically checks for new messages (if conversation is active - with short period, if not - with period about 60 secs). If there are new messages, we store them in DB and signal delegate that there are new messages to display.
Friend suggested to use performSelector afterDelay, but I don't understand how to use it in my app.
Something else?
Thanks in advance.
Don't use performSelector afterDelay. Using NSTimer is much better (as the trigger for starting the next download). Also, use NSOperationQueue to manage your background tasks. Create yourself a custom NSOperation that you can instantiate and it will complete your request process. When you create a new operation to check for new messages, check if one is already in progress (there is no point having multiple requests in progress at the same time).
Other notes:
Make sure you consider the threading with regards to the Core Data store (having the operation call back to the main thread with the results will probably be easiest as the result data will always be relatively small).
If you have lots of messages being sent and you want to show constant status (like Skype does, showing you when someone is typing) you would need to use sockets to keep the connection alive the whole time (the cost of new connections each time would be prohibitive).

asynchronous request objective c

hi i am developing a sms App for my client. so far i have put down this plan in place.
1)The app keeps polling the server with an asynchronous request so that it does not interfere with the user interface.
2) for sending sms i am currently using synchronous request , depending on the reply from server i have do various things. i am showing the spinning circle and make the user wait until i get the response from server.
my client has problem with point 2.
The client says as soon as the send sms button is clicked it has to go back to the homescreen and should be able to navigate to any screen and do all other things that the app offers. i could have used async request , but i am not sure how to handle the responses from the server when i am on different view controller other than the one request is called from.
Can somebody help me on this.
Thank You.
The classic way of handling the response of an asynchronous action is either using delegation or notifications. Do not use a singleton. This breaks modularity and decoupling of different view controllers.
Roadmap of how to handle asynchronous actions
Register for the response of the asynchronous actions. This can be setting the delegate of the requesting object e.g. NSURLConnection to the view controller, which is typically self in this context. The othe possibility is that you register for the notification which is fired by the requesting object if things have happend e.g. when a download is finished or an error occurred.
Implement the delegate methods or the notifications to update your model and/or your user interface. Be aware that updating the UI has to happen on your main thread.
Start the asynchronous action. What happens in the background is that a separate thread is spawned or an operation is dispatched using GCD. These are implementation details and do not bother you.
Wait for the answer, which will result in one of your implemented methods to be executed which you then use to update what has changed.
Difference between notifications and delegates
The two differences between delegates and notifications is that delegate is a one-to-one connection between the delegate and the delegating object. Notifications are posted application wide and can be observed by as many objects as needed creating a one-to-many connection. Think about this as a broadcast. The second main difference is that delegation can be used to transfer information back from the delegate to the delegating object. Meaning that the delegating object asks the delegate for certain information. Typical example would be the data source of an UITableView. Notifications however are a one way street. The information flows from the posting object to the observing objects. This makes sense because think about the situation where you would have more than one observer and each would give feedback to the posting objects. Which one would be the right one?
In your case you would have to look up the delegate methods of the asynchronous HTTP request object and implement them accordingly.
Maybe you can try ASIHTTpRequest , It has Sync an Async request
If you using Async request , you can do anything after you press a button to do a request .
Check this
The solution depends on the response processing.... if you are just showing user that the sms sending is failed/successful than you can do it in any general utility class that shows alert.. but for this you have to create the singletone instance of your connection class so delegate(class itself) don't die when the response comes back.......
For this we need to keep track of currentViewController ....... we can do this by creating a reference ........ id currentViewController in appDelegate(with setter/getters).......... so it could be accessible in everywhere application........
its referred object should be changed each time when user changes the viewController.... that will help us to know on which viewController user is currently working.
than when the singeltone class of connection finished its response loading we can use this currentViewController with your desired viewController.
I am not sure how you are using different view controller....... pushing it/ presenting it or adding its view.....

message queue for iOS / iPad - something like MSMQ?

I have an iPad app that works both on and offline but when I am offline there are web service calls that will need to be made once online availability is an option again.
A new client is added to the app, this needs to be sent to the web service but since we are offline we dont want to slow the user down so we let them add locally and keep going but we need to remember that that call needs to be made to the web service when we can. Same thing for placing orders and such.
Is there some sort of queue that can be setup that will fire once we have connectivity?
I don't think the overhead of a heavyweight tool like MSMQ is needed for a simple action. You can use Core Data, persist managed objects with the data needed to call the web service, and only delete each managed object after a successful post. There might or might not be a way to capture an event when connectivity starts, but you can certainly create a repeating NSTimer when the first message is queued and stop it when there are no messages in the queue.
This library handles offline persistent message queueing for situations like you describe. It says alpha from a year ago, but I have confirmed it is used in production apps: