Showing timer with WebSockets - mongodb

I have an application (Laravel + MongoDB running on Nginx) where I pull some data from the database and render it on the screen. The application focusses on multiple real life objects. Once an object is turned on (is_on equals to true in the database), the timer on the screen needs to start ticking. Once the object is turned off (is_on equals to false in the database) the clock stops ticking and resets to 0. The format of the clock is HH:MM:SS. So it shows how long the real life object is turned on.
My problem is that I don't really now how to save/implement such timer. When the user request the page, I pull the necessary data from the database. If I also save the timer in the database, you have to make a query every second which is very bad practice.
I remembered something about WebSockets and tried to look into them. I actually managed to build a basic Hello World chat application, but don't really know how to implement this in my project. There is no place for it in the database (because of the queries), so I don't really know where to save that timer on the server. I'm also doubting if WebSockets are the way to go.
So are WebSockets the way to go and if it is, can you guys point me in the right direction on how to implement this? If not, can you advise me what I should do?
Thanks in advance!

From your question:
I understand that the objects you print in the screen are modified by
users in the application, and your aim is to live forward those
modifications to other active client instances of your application.
In that case, as you mention, I would point you to websockets. They are a great way to feed information directly to the client, so the client receives the update signals and modify the interface, with no need of user action.
In order to implement the logic to notify the client, I recommend using a push approach, but this is really depending on what kind of clients you'd like to notify, since the push world is still a bit tricky.
Further readings for this websocket based push implementation:
Question about Push Flags:
Difference between push and urgent flags in TCP
If your client runs in browser or mobile this question is nice to read:
How to send push notification to web browser?
Also html5 websockets:
As a sidenote:
A nice architecture for client-server live communication is based on node.js together with library offering good performance and not really complex implementation if you know what you do.


How to synchronize a 1v1 realtime action online mini game?

What I'm trying to make
Hi, game development newbie here. The game I am trying to make is fairly simple. It's almost exactly like the old FC game "Ballon Fight" except that I'm trying to make it online where players can go through a match making to find opponents.
What I Read
I have read some articles, and found most of them lead to two approaches:
Put all game logic on the client, and the client sends player inputs to server on every frame update. The server acts like a dispatcher which only makes sure player A's input is received by both client A and B. My understanding is that if we see the client in this case as a pure function, and if the two players' inputs are received by each other, the game should produce same results on both clients. Thus synchronization is achieved.
Put all game logic on the server, and let the server do the calculations and send back results to both clients. In this case, clients only worry about displaying.
My Fears
Solution 1 sounded like a simpler one to me, but immediately I realized when network problem is put into account, it becomes incredibly complicated. Losing player A's connection for a few seconds means all the input is lost in that period. What I can guess is, to counter that, the server has to detect whether player A is lagged out and accumulate input from player B until player A is back then feed all the accumulated input to player A's client. Player A's client then need to do a fast forward to catch up. This sounds like there's huge amount of infra work on both client side and server side.
Solution 2 on the other hand looks very daunting to me, since for now I have only written some games on the client side.
My questions
in order to make a simple online game like this, what is the most beginner friendly way to synchronize game state?
if I were to use solution 1 stated above, is there any framework that provides such infra so that I don't have to handle network issues all by myself?
In advance, thank you game dev gurus.

Unity - trading card game architecture

I'm trying to develop a TCG(trading card game) in Unity(I'm Unity newbie) and currently stuck on the architecture of the project and the card effects in particular. Coming from web development background for me all the logic and card effects should be on the server but going through some tutorials for Unity I think the logic should be on the client and I should use a simple room-based server to notify for player actions. Is that correct?
To summarize - where the game logic should be(e.g. card effects, rounds etc)? On the client or on the server?
I actually worked on one of the major TCG's out now for iOS/droid, so this is coming from experience. You definitely want all game logic and rules to be on the server. Do not trust your client to be the source of truth for any game outcomes etc. People will be able to hack that by tampering with the data sent back to the server. They don't have to decompile the game to do that, it can be done merely by sniffing the net traffic.
That said, you may end up with some duplicated logic on both client and server, only so that you can enforce game rules and display the outcomes without always hitting the server. However, your server is always the source of truth and the client is just there to accept input and display outcomes.
The general flow was the client would send a message requesting a new game to the server. The server would respond with the cards for each side and the opening move for the first player. Then the client would simply parse each move and display the outcome. On the cards objects we had methods for many of the actions, such as DrainHealth() and BuffAttack(). When called, these methods would trigger things like particle effects and sound fx attached to the card script.
Yeah the effects should be on the client, I assume your game will be turn based right? You might want to take a look at photon then:
They have a loot of good tutorials about their API and it's well documented :)
Hope that helps you,
good luck

How do I implement chess with backbone.js with a RESTful api?

When one player makes a move that is sent to the server. And that move is pushed by the server to the second player. As far as I know, the server pushing the move to the second player goes against being a RESTful api.
From what little I know about backbone.js it is meant really for RESTful setups. Is there a way to use backbone.js with websockets to allow the server to push data down to the clients at any time?
Is there even an idiomatic way of implementing chess with backbone.js and websockets? And if not then what would be the correct way to implement chess?
You can definitely do it. Instead of fetching your collection/model, you will just set or update/reset the json data from the websocket into the proper model or collection.
Somewhat pseudo-code example:
var board = new Backbone.Collection(); // this would probably be your own extended Collection instead.
function boardChange(jsonFromServer){
// Take the json array from server,
// and update the collection with it.
// This would trigger 'change' events in each model in the collection (if changed).
Implementing a chess app doesn't really require a Backbone architecture. As long as your server supports Asynchronous API, WebSockets, or even long-polling (anything real-time), it's possible. There's tons of APIs out there on the web already that does this (ie FireBase) as well as frameworks (ie, Meteor) comes into mind.
Also check out Socket IO if you're using Node JS for your server-side. There's tons of open source projects on GitHub that takes advantage of some of these web technologies already, Backbone in particular. Backbone with Socket IO. Backbone.ioBind also looks like a promising project with code samples that you can look at.
To make it work with Backbone, the data API just needs to notify any client-side listeners that an update has been made on the server which in turn triggers a change event on your Backbone Model.
You can even set a timer that performs a request to the server every n amount of time just to test out your code prototypes.
You could overload the Backbone.sync method to use websockets. The de-facto To-Do example ( does this to use localstorage instead of a RESTful datastore, and you could do the same for web sockets. In fact if you look around Github/Google you may be able to find someone who's already done it.

Using in Node to share terminal output from child process

I'm very new to Node.JS and asynchronous programming and have a challenging question. I want to fork a process from Node and then shoot that output back to the browser with Websockets, specifically the library. What is the best and most robust way to handle this?
The data isn't mission critical, it's just for updating the user on status. So if they leave the page, the socket can close and the child process can continue to run. It'd also be neat if there was some way to access the socket via a specific URL in Express and come back to it later (but that may be another days work).
Use the Redis Store support of
var RedisStore = require('').RedisStore;
var io = require('').listen(app);
io.set('store', new RedisStore());
The library use redis server to storage the data and the events.

Architecture sketch for iphone stock app

I am currently trying to build a (simplified) stock app (like the one built-in on the iphone). I setup a simple server with a REST-interface which my app can communicate with.
However I am struggling to find the right/best way to build this kind of (streaming data consumer) client on the iphone.
My best bet at the moment is to use a timer to regularly pull the xml payload from the server (the connection is async but the xml parsing is not therefor the interface is blocked sometimes. I am a bit shy of thread programming since I learned some lessons the hard way on other platforms).
I read about websockets but it is not clear for me if and how they are supported on the iphone.
How would you do it?
Any hint would be appreciated, Thanks.
websockets aren't going to help you -- that's a server-side technology to make a socket-like interface work over HTTP.
If you don't want to block the GUI, you need to use another thread. You are right to be scared of doing this, so share as little as possible (preferably nothing) between the two threads. Use a message passing mechanism to get information from the background thread to the UI thread.
Take a look at ActorKit:
Take a look at this question.
It talks about asynchronous vs synchronous connections. You will want to use an asynchronous call to get your data so you don't lock up your UI. You could use that in conjunction with a polling timer to get your data from the server.
You can find more info about the NSURLConnection in apple's documentation here