Stop Visual Studio Code from opening files on exception - flutter

While debugging a Flutter app, Visual Studio Code opens up files where exceptions happen even if I uncheck breakpoints for "All Exceptions" and "Uncaught Exceptions" in the debug pane. I even removed all breakpoints. Is there a way to disable this?
I couldn't find anything in settings. It's super frustrating to be editing a file and all of a sudden another file pops up and now I'm inadvertently editing some Dart system library.
A few files I've seen opened by the editor are binding.dart, view.dart, clip.dart, and sha256.dart, off the top of my head.


vs code phpcs only works sometimes

Sometimes I open a php file in VS Code and no linting occurs until I open the linting console from the bottom, switch over to the terminal pane where a dialog shows up that asks me if I trust the authors of this workspace. If I say yes then linting errors are shown until I close VS Code.
Other times, I open a php file in vs code, no linting errors show so I open the linting console from the bottom and switch over to the terminal pane but nothing happens.
There is no pattern that I can see as to when the linter will work and when it will do nothing. I have never encountered a problem like this. Does anyone know anything about this problem?

Make Visual Studio Code always show errors, even after closing the file that has errors?

Right now, in Visual Studio Code, errors shows up right in the file itself, in the "Problems" pane and in the file explorer, but only when the file is opened.
This is fine, but not ideal. As soon as I close the file, the error notification is gone... and probably, the site I'm committing my work too 😅
Is there any setting to make the folder always red or marked, if any file in it shows errors? Otherwise, is there a command like "Inspect directory for errors"?

CMD-K in Visual Studio Code

I often clear the terminal on macOS with CMD-K (sort of equivalent to reset). When I use the terminal in Visual Studio Code and I press CMD-K, the banner at the bottom of the screen shows "(CMD-K) was pressed. Waiting for second key of chord..."
How can I make CMD-K pass through the editor to go to the terminal in Visual Studio Code?
I have occasionally run into this bug (VS Code on MacOS) and each time it randomly would fix itself until recently it kept persisting even through restarting my laptop. I have now found that closing all open projects seems to fix this issue for me.
Might be related to how VS Code stores your current workspace state (opened projects and file modifications). It seems maybe these state settings sometimes get corrupted somehow 🤔

Getting black screen in visual studio after Installation completed

I was getting black screen after opening Visual studio each time. I got a solution from Stack overflow i.e code --disable-gpu. It is working fine but my main issue is when I use to code in vs code. I am not getting suggestions as intellisense is not working and I am unable to install any extensions from Visual studio code.
to disable hardware acceleration permanently (without adding --disable-gpu argument) open folder "C:\Users\your_username_here\.vscode" than open file argv.json with any editor and look for
"//disable-hardware-acceleration": true, and just remove the tow slashes before disable. i think there is a similar workaround in linux
Hit Ctrl Shift P to open the command palette,
Type Developer and choose Developer: Toggle Developer Tools.
switch to the Network tab in Dev tools.
Search for extensions now
Go to properties of visual studio
change target . Add --disable-gpu
make sure to add a space before --
it will resolve your issue.

Debugging Uncaught Exceptions or All Exceptions in Visual Studio Code

You can clearly see in the picture here that you used to be able to break on all or uncaught exceptions in vscode:
On the current version of vscode and this plugin (vscode 1.1.1, chrome-debug 0.3.1) those checkboxes seem to be gone from the Breakpoints section of the debug window.
Was that feature moved, or is it not available anymore?