Make Visual Studio Code always show errors, even after closing the file that has errors? - visual-studio-code

Right now, in Visual Studio Code, errors shows up right in the file itself, in the "Problems" pane and in the file explorer, but only when the file is opened.
This is fine, but not ideal. As soon as I close the file, the error notification is gone... and probably, the site I'm committing my work too 😅
Is there any setting to make the folder always red or marked, if any file in it shows errors? Otherwise, is there a command like "Inspect directory for errors"?


VSCode issue after removing GitHub- Cant access old folder directories

I tried installing GitHub on Visual Studio Code, but eventually decided to not use it. After I removed the GitHub extensions, I am no longer able to open or save files in the same manner. When I go to open a file or save one, I no longer am directed to the old folder directory from before.
A message now appears in the bottom right hand corner that says "File system provider for vscode-vfs://github/exercise-1-/Untitled-2.ipynb is not available."
I'm trying to get VSCode to return back to the way it was prior to installing GitHub. Any ideas what may be causing this?
Seems I just needed to click the icon in the bottom left with a head on it (accounts) and log out of my GitHub account. Then close Visual Studio entirely and reopen. Everything seems to be running as it did prior to the GitHub installation.

vs code phpcs only works sometimes

Sometimes I open a php file in VS Code and no linting occurs until I open the linting console from the bottom, switch over to the terminal pane where a dialog shows up that asks me if I trust the authors of this workspace. If I say yes then linting errors are shown until I close VS Code.
Other times, I open a php file in vs code, no linting errors show so I open the linting console from the bottom and switch over to the terminal pane but nothing happens.
There is no pattern that I can see as to when the linter will work and when it will do nothing. I have never encountered a problem like this. Does anyone know anything about this problem?

Stop Visual Studio Code from opening files on exception

While debugging a Flutter app, Visual Studio Code opens up files where exceptions happen even if I uncheck breakpoints for "All Exceptions" and "Uncaught Exceptions" in the debug pane. I even removed all breakpoints. Is there a way to disable this?
I couldn't find anything in settings. It's super frustrating to be editing a file and all of a sudden another file pops up and now I'm inadvertently editing some Dart system library.
A few files I've seen opened by the editor are binding.dart, view.dart, clip.dart, and sha256.dart, off the top of my head.

Visual Studio Code file search not tracking project files correctly

Visual Studio Code is showing non-existent files. For example, creating a file with the wrong name
Then correcting that name
Will often show doga.txt in the file search for days after. Clicking on that file throws an error and it disappears, only to reappear later. Reloading the window does not fix the problem. This is especially painful during git interactive rebasing.
How can I ensure VSC is always showing a correct representation of my files, directories and contents?

Why does "Open with Code" appear twice in the context menu?

When I right click a file, I see Open with Code twice. I know one of them is from the actual Visual Studio Code installation. When I uninstalled VSCode, I noticed the the number 1 in the screenshot below remained. Where is it that coming from and how do I get rid of it?
It looks like you have a lingering context menu item from a previous Visual Studio Code install. Try the following:
Open your registry editor. You can find this by searching for "regedit" in the Windows search bar.
Navigate to Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell
Look for the VSCode folder.
If you see two VSCode folders at this point, open them up and see if one is pointing to a Code.exe that no longer exists. If that's the case, simply delete the folder for the nonexistent install and your problem should be fixed.