How to force GMail show link in list - email

Several services, for example github, bitbucket and some ticket services able to send email which contain inlist link in GMail. Like that:
Inside they just put link.
How it is possible to do the same programmatically?

I think I found the right answer. The right name of this feature is Go-To Action. It’s possible to add it programmatically using microdata or JSON-LD. More details in documentation


Azure DevOps - linking to an email from a work item

In our team we simply want to link to existing e-mails. I see many explanations online on how to make an automated procedure that triggers when an e-mail comes in, but that's not what we want.
We simply want to link to an e-mail in our inbox in the work item.
Something like 'Refers to: 'e-mail'' .
Unfortunatelly, it's not supported to link work items with existing emails.
Link types:
You may add the links of emails to Description as a workaround.
In addition, you could add a custom field to support tracking data requirements you have that aren't met with the existing set of fields. Please refer to this document:

Sendgrid how get click tracking link

When I made clickTracking: true option in #sendgrid/mail API v3, this is work fine and my links modified, but when I use AMP-emails I have dynamic custom links and I can't trigger click event. I need a way, how get this modified link which triggers the click event, or I need a option how send click event data to API sendgrid. I need to manually trigger a click event.
Example of a modified link:
Twilio SendGrid developer evangelist here.
I don't know of a way to manually trigger a click event, but there are some workarounds to have dynamic custom links. According to this page in the docs on click tracking best practices if you can still include the domain, it will still work:
will not work. Instead you should format your link like this:

How to implement Gmail Smart-Compose feature in my project using Gmail API?

I wanted to use the Gmail smart compose feature in my project. I read many documents but no documents suggest anything related to the implementation of smart compose in Gmail API.
Attaching a link below about the small information about the autocomplete feature:
Unfortunately, this is not possible to do using the Gmail API.
More information:
The Gmail API using the client libraries works on a request-response basis, and these are not retrievable through a Gmail API method. In order to do this, there would need to be a request made each time the string the user is typing changes, which would use not only require a lot of network traffic, but would also make application running slow as many requests would be made.
Feature Request:
On the flip side however, Google already knows about this, and a Feature Request for this has been made on their Issue Tracker. You can view this feature request here, to which you can click the star (☆) in the top left to let Google know more people want this feature to be implemented.
Autocomplete suggestions for text-inputs
Google's Issue Tracker
An API for gmail smart-compose feature

GitHub: External link to my pull requests

I wonder if I can have some external link to share list of all my GitHub pull requests? page is nice but what if I want to show it to someone else? For instance, I want to mention it in my CV?
You can search with author:{name} and share this url. For example, to see all pull requests by GitHub user Amislav:
You can show your pull requests to anyone by adding query parameters to
This help article gives details of the various options you can filter with.
For your use, you would require the author:username parameter. Example

Insert link to email in outlook with yasoon (or native plugin)

Is it possible to modify email contents in outlook with yasoon?
I need to develop a plugin that opens html+js popup and inserts a link to email that user composes currently. Also I have to get list of recipients.
More details on what I want to archive is in this video(1.5 minutes)
if its not possible with yasoon - how can I develop such functionality in outlook 2010/2013?
Your use case is fully supported by yasoon. We do something similar for Dropbox. However a heads up, there is also a way using the new Microsoft "Outlook Apps" to support this functionality. See the "Compose scenario" section. This would also allow you to run your app on website as well. yasoon only supports the standalone Outlook desktop client.
In case you need something more than just a simple html+js view and adding a link, like accessing the calendar (read, write), creating a ribbon button or new popup dialogs, feel free to check out our GitHub repo for code samples any time!
I bielive you can develop an Outlook add-in with a form region where you can choose and enter all the custom information. And then create a hyperlink and insert it in the body. See Walkthrough: Creating Your First Application-Level Add-in for Outlook to get started.
Also you may find the Creating Outlook Form Regions section in MSDN helpful.