Randomize students in Moodle - moodle

I have a Moodle classroom of about 60 students. All the students have to give a presentation. Is it possible to randomize the students in Moodle to decide the order of presentation?

I can't think of anything in Moodle that will do that.
But you could use SQL - replace xxx with the course id and RANDOM() with the relevant random function for your database
SELECT RANDOM() AS randid, u.id AS userid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email
FROM mdl_user u
SELECT DISTINCT ue.userid, e.courseid
FROM mdl_user_enrolments ue
JOIN mdl_enrol e ON e.id = ue.enrolid
) ue ON ue.userid = u.id
JOIN mdl_course c ON c.id = ue.courseid
WHERE c.id = xxx
AND u.deleted = 0
AND u.suspended = 0


Trying to . convert a value to a name during output

the values returned in column a.user_id are id numbers. I would like to return them as a name or initials e.g. 1 = Chris O or C.ONeill
I have tried CASE function but did not know where to put it
sb.start_time::date AS shift_date,
i.title AS industry,
wl.name AS venue_name,
MIN(cs.start_time::date) AS first_completed_shift,
i.title AS industry,
w.interviewed_on AS induction_date,
d.issue_date AS edbs_issue_date,
d.created_at AS date_dbs_added,
a.user_id --IS IT POSSIBLE TO GET THESE AS VALUES,e.g. a.user_id '1' = 'Chris O or C.ONeill' USING USER NAMES INSTEAD OF USER ID?
FROM shift_bookings sb
JOIN jobs j ON sb.job_id = j.id
JOIN listings l ON j.listing_id = l.id
JOIN work_locations wl ON l.venue_id = wl.id
JOIN workers w ON sb.worker_id = w.id
JOIN completed_shifts cs ON w.id = cs.worker_id
JOIN documents d ON w.id = d.documentable_id
JOIN audits a ON d.id = a.auditable_id
JOIN industries i ON j.industry_id = i.id
WHERE sb.shift_id IN (253106)
AND d.document_type_id = 33
AND a.auditable_type = 'Document'
a.user_id output will be something else I can set

how to get courses created by particular user in moodle 3

Currently I'm working on moodle-3 plug-in development,and I have a user Id who is a course creator and i want to get all courses created by that user,is their any function, I can use or if you can help me with names of tables where I can fetch this data.I tried table called standard log where I can get all events is that only way to do it.
Not sure if this will work but you could try searching for courses that have the coursecreator role assigned.
SELECT r.shortname, u.username, c.fullname AS coursename
FROM mdl_role r
JOIN mdl_role_assignments ra ON ra.roleid = r.id
JOIN mdl_context ctx ON ctx.id = ra.contextid AND ctx.contextlevel = 50
JOIN mdl_course c ON c.id = ctx.instanceid
JOIN mdl_user u ON u.id = ra.userid
WHERE r.shortname = 'coursecreator'

Postgres: Getting a total related count based on a condition from a related table

My sql-fu is not strong, and I'm sure I'm missing something simple in trying to get this working. I have a fairly standard group of tables:
I want to get a total count of purchased carts for each user, if that user has purchased a particular product. That is: if at least one of their purchased carts has a product with a particular permalink, I'd like a count of the total number of purchased carts, regardless of their contents.
The definition a purchased cart is when carts.purchased_at is not null.
count(c2.*) as purchased_carts
from users u
inner join carts c on u.id = c.user_id
inner join line_items li on c.id = li.cart_id
inner join products p on p.id = li.product_id
left join carts c2 on u.id = c2.user_id
c.purchased_at is not NULL
c2.purchased_at is not NULL
p.permalink = 'product-name'
group by 1
order by 2 desc
The numbers that are coming up for purchased_carts are strangely high, possibly related to the total number of line items multiplied by the number of carts? Maybe? I'm pretty stumped at the result. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This ought to help:
select u.id,
from users u join
carts c on c.user_id = u.id
where c.purchased_at is not NULL and
exists (
select null
from carts c2
join line_items l on l.cart_id = c2.id
join products p on p.id = l.product_id
where c2.user_id = u.id and
c2.purchased_at is not NULL
p.permalink = 'product-name')
group by u.id
order by count(*) desc;
The exists predicate is a semi-join.
bool_or is what you need
count(distinct c.id) as purchased_carts
users u
inner join
carts c on u.id = c.user_id
inner join
line_items li on c.id = li.cart_id
inner join
products p on p.id = li.product_id
where c.purchased_at is not NULL
group by u.id
having bool_or (p.permalink = 'product-name')
order by 2 desc

MOODLE - i need a query that returns latest enrolment date in course

this query is not returning correct latest_enrolment date. whenever i enrol a user in course, it doesnot updates enrolment date in database.. can anyone help?
SELECT TRIM(c.id) course_id,TRIM(c.fullname) course_fullname,FROM_UNIXTIME(u.timecreated) as registration ,FROM_UNIXTIME( ra.timemodified ) latest_enrolment_date,COUNT( * ) AS enrol_count
FROM mdl_user u
INNER JOIN mdl_role_assignments ra ON ra.userid = u.id
INNER JOIN mdl_context ct ON ct.id = ra.contextid
INNER JOIN mdl_course c ON c.id = ct.instanceid
INNER JOIN mdl_role r ON r.id = ra.roleid
INNER JOIN mdl_course_categories cc ON cc.id = c.category
WHERE r.id =5 GROUP BY c.id
Something like this
SELECT MAX(ue.timecreated) AS latest_enrolment_date
FROM mdl_enrol e
JOIN mdl_user_enrolments ue ON ue.enrolid = e.id
WHERE e.courseid = xx

Grades of each quiz in Moodle

I'm trying to get grades of each question, I have a query but it only return final grade of whole exam, but i want grade of each question, how to get it?
Here is query that i have:
SELECT mdl_grade_items.id AS ItemID,
mdl_course.shortname AS CourseShortname,
mdl_grade_items.itemname AS ItemName,
mdl_grade_items.grademax AS ItemGradeMax,
mdl_grade_items.aggregationcoef AS ItemAggregation,
mdl_grade_grades.finalgrade AS FinalGrade,
mdl_user.username AS StudentID,
FROM mdl_grade_items
INNER JOIN mdl_grade_grades
ON mdl_grade_items.id = mdl_grade_grades.itemid
INNER JOIN mdl_role_assignments
ON mdl_grade_grades.userid = mdl_role_assignments.userid
AND mdl_grade_items.courseid = mdl_role_assignments.mdlcourseid
INNER JOIN mdl_course
ON mdl_course.id = mdl_grade_items.courseid
INNER JOIN mdl_user
ON mdl_user.id = mdl_role_assignments.userid
Ok, i found it
SELECT mqa.id,meqi.grade * (select fraction from mdl_question_attempt_steps where
questionattemptid = mqas.questionattemptid and state like 'mangr%' order by id desc limit
1 ) finalgrade,me.course , mqas.userid,u.firstname, u.lastname, mqa.questionsummary,
mqa.responsesummary , meqi.grade
FROM mdl_question_attempts mqa
left JOIN mdl_question_attempt_steps mqas ON mqa.id = mqas.questionattemptid
left JOIN mdl_user u ON mqas.userid = u.id
left JOIN mdl_examm_question_instances meqi ON meqi.question = mqa.questionid
left JOIN mdl_examm me ON meqi.examm = me.id
WHERE me.course= $courseID and userid = $userID