How to link Facebook Page to Instagram page using a test user? - facebook

I am currently using a test user (created the facebook devs panel), to set up a fb page, that i need to link to another Instagram Business page.
I already created a fake ig business account using this test user. The proble is that every time i go to the fb business panel to link the other ig account i get this this error.
I need this because i have to go throw the App Review in order to get the permissions that i need for my app, in order to get aproved facebook tells you to record yourself with a test user doing all the app process. But i can´t do this if the test user doesnt have a IG Business account linked to it.


How does one add "integration flow for an end user to connect their Instagram business account(s)" - FB Graph API (For IG) question

We have a simple app that summarizes the total number of mentions your instagram account gets using the IG-User/tags endpoint on the graph api (
The pre-requisite of the app is the user has their fb account linked to their IG - Business or IG - Creator account.
Unfortunately every time we've submitted it for review so far it has come back with the same comment from FB:
"Although we were able to login to your app using the Facebook Login authentication, we were unable to test the steps to connect an Instagram business account. As a result, you'll need to implement an integration flow for an end user to connect their Instagram business account(s)"
Now as I understand it there is no way I can get the user to link their IG account to FB or to a FB page using the API. The "link account" action is purely handled using the Instagram app. Or am I missing something here.
Well after 3 weeks of back and forth with multiple seemingly segmented facebook support teams I have been able to get this permission from them.
Turns out that there's an unexplained flow here:
This is verbatim from the information I received from their chat support (but is not found anywhere in the documentation)
"You have needed to provide Test Users on your App Dashboard, grant the test user the Instagram_manage_comments permission and then provide us with the login details. We would then link that to an internal Instagram Business Account."(sic)
The part where they link an internal business account to the test user happens on their end and outside the scope of the app. I confirmed this and even then I failed the review multiple times because apparently the steps to approve IG business permissions have not been standardized yet and sometimes the approver simply doesn't know what needs to be done. It's a strange state of affairs and the answer it seems is to just keep pushing.
I'm having the same problem and looking forward to see some comments to your post since the first day. But I started to think it will never come.
I believe they want a new user to start with minimum permissions (which is the email permission) and add other permission only as they are needed. This requires a mechanism in your app that guide a new user logged in with only email permission to give other permissions (e.g. taping a button that opens up user’s IG business account needs instagram_basic and manage_pages permissions. Or taping “post comment” button needs manage_comments permission.) So your app should open up a window that the user can give permissions when any of these events fires. (or when user decides to take permission(s) back)
This is what I understand from “steps to connect an Instagram business account”.
But I am not sure if my understanding is correct. I would definitely like to hear if you found any solutions.
I'm also having the same problem as you as I'm developing similar service to IGBlade ( & Social Blade (
I'm beginning the wonder if I should change my app review request so that I would inform Facebook that the permissions my app is requesting work serverside and therefore there's no need to implement an integration flow for an end user to connect their Instagram business account(s) to my app.
Any thoughts?
Here is what I have done to get the approval
Create a Facebook test user with correct permissions
Log in with this user
Create a Facebook Page
Edit settings on Facebook Page and add Instagram Business account (personal one)
Submit Facebook review with both credentials (Facebook test user + personal Instagram user).
Wait for review and do not forget to change your personal Instagram user password after the review.

Seeing Facebook page through a test user

I want to integrate a Facebook page to ServiceNow.
I created a page with my personal account and an app on to extend my access token for 60 days. I made the REST connection successfully and was able to pull the posts and comments on that page into the database of the ServiceNow table.
Subsequently, my profile was blocked for a couple of days and I was informed the app that I made was violating certain Facebook policies. But after submitting the ID, it got reactivated. Then I made some test users so that I could comment on any post of that page to check if that comes into the ITSM database.
However, when I login through a test user, I cannot see the Facebook page associated with my personal Facebook profile.
I need to know how can I see posts of my page through a test user and comment on them. Do I need to provide any specific role to the test user for the same?

Can I add a friends Facebook account as one of my test users?

I'm using the Facebook SDK, through my site, by fetching pictures. Right now I can only use my account (which is where my application is registered) to fetch and look at pictures. I tried entering one of my friends username/password and I received a error message, from Facebook, saying "your app is still in development mode, try adding a test user, etc, etc". So I then go into the developer portal page and create a new test user but it will be an empty user! Fine, but I want to test with my friend's login so that I can fetch all their pictures and not fetch an empty profile. Is this possible with the Facebook SDK?

One Facebook Account for App and Page, How?

Today I need to create a new facebook app, since I need the app_id for the social plugins.
I created a facebook "page" account for my product's website before, but I found that I can't create a new app by using the "page" account:
Create Facebook App:
I have to login with normal user account in order to create a new app, so I am very confused now... Should I re-create a new user account and then create a facebook app? But what to do with my existing "page" account then?
I just want to bind everything together, hopefully one facebook account to bind the "app" and the "page".
By the way, do users know who (account) created that App?
You cannot create a Facebook application as a Facebook page. You cannot access any other application as a Facebook page. If you try to open an application when you're acting as a FB page, you'll be ask to switch back to your regular account.
A page identity is not an account. You cannot even login to FB as a page, you must login with your user account and then switch to page mode. It's only an identity you can use to comment or post. They only introduced recently the messaging system for pages and it's still very buggy.
You don't need a new account. You can use the same account you used to create the FB page to create the FB app. Everything will be bound to your normal user account.
Since you add a question to your post: you can create the application and use your user account as owner. Or you can create the app using a company name, so your user account will not be listed in the application.

Automatic login to Website when User login to Facebook based on cookie

I'm using the Facebook Graph Toolkit and developing ASP.NET website.
I want to create and design a website that has registration that will use a Facebook account as an alternative to my website login/registration.
I am thinking of just storing the Facebook User ID who has approved the use of the FB app in order to identify the user for next time when he/she logs in to my website using his Facebook account.
Scenario here is:
Any browser, user already logged in to his Facebook account (say browser Tab no.1).
Same browser, Tab no.2, user visits my website (he has already registered to my website using his Facebook account, as I store his Facebook ID).
Upon his visit to my website home page, the top corner will display his account name (this indicates that he has logged in to my website even though he has only logged in to Facebook, but never visited my website and clicked on the Login button).
So my question is, how to achieve the scenario of step no.3?
It's quite easy but you need to do some research first. Research will better help you to understand each and every point.
Go to the Facebook Developers API Reference and do some reading.